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Originally posted by HowUbe:
I think the tension between the two teams is building already.

This is going to be fun to watch!

My team is respectful of the game, have friends on the other team and have been told to mind their q's and PPP's.
No bashing allowed or they sit the bench.

Originally posted by catcher09:
TPM - you can ride in my private jet anytime - landing at the Piggly Wiggly is a bit of a chalenge though - why cant people put the carts where they belong?

Yeah those grocery carts...they've been getting totally out of control for years. Ever since "Supermarket Sweep" and those souped up, turbo-charged don't believe me? Well check this out!

When the show was cancelled I heard the carts were released somewhere in Southern California and they've been mating and spreading throughout the country ever since. A lovefest...a bacchanal...they can't even stay on their wheels!

I can't imagine the difficulty and anxiety in trying to land a jet airplane amidst them...I tried to merely drive off in my car the other day and look what happened to me...a grocery cart came crashing into my rear end...and the shoppers on either side of me got the same treatment!

I had to be taken to the ER to have a small can of Van Camps Beanee Weanee weaned from my ear...

I just don't know what the solution to this problem the you happen to have a can opener?
Last edited by gotwood4sale
Wow, the "Brown and Fuzzy Hero" sent me on a mission to Japan to offer $51 million to have the chance to sign similar moose and to offer an additional $12 million per year for "MOOSE MUNCH" and so, effectively took me out of the states during this draft. I guess he has my best interest at heart since the "roids testing" surely would have revealed the truth behind the lack of hair, massive muscles, and poor temperment. Good Luck and check those free agent signings. For the right price I can be lured back.
CoachB25, you're our Dave Duncan! I wanna see a 12-6 Wainwright curve out of this staff, I wanna see corners painted, out pitches out the wazoo, I wanna see chin music, batters backed off the plate and command established. I wanna see Chris Carpenter command and Bob Gibson dominance. But mostly I wanna see Muldar in the shower.

Can you help us, Coach?

Originally posted by ClevelandDad:The teeth work fine as long as one side of the mouth is favored over the other Big Grin

Let's see...northern hemisphere...Coriolis Effect...should be your right side teeth CD.

And JT...since I don't know much about baseball and even less about playing dice I figured it would be good if I read that book you offered..."Baseball For Keyboards"...only problem is I can't get it to open...I've moistened my fingers...used a rubber bottle lid opener...even asked one of my kids to success. I'm eager to read up JT...any help?
Last edited by gotwood4sale
Just facing the day here on the west coast and after two cups of coffee I can see....I'm a Purple Pawtucket Paw...but going to need a few more cups of coffee before I can say it out loud.....proud to wear the purple Coach TPM.....will do my best.....cause I really, really want to beat that trash talking trio from the Keys....

( it! You are already going to be wearing one of my avatars this season!)

P.S.: JT..I'm talking ODAC avatars..

Go Tigers! Go Purple Pawtucket Paws!
Last edited by LadyNmom
Go ahead Orlando, take coachB, we will need subs. I am going ot try to persuade FrankF with a large bonus to come play for the PPP's. We will need subs in case of injuries.

You tell 'em Lady!

JT/Woody I hope that you have sent the HSBBW a nice holiday donation for th extra bandwidth you create. Eek
Originally posted by Orlando:
DB, how many times do I have to mention the Cardinals? Red, baby, red!

Orlando, I'm going to do my best Duncan impersonation and get these yougins in line. We played a game a couple of years ago and I had a young man that could bring the heat. BTW, he just signed with Delta State from the JUCO he was attending. He as a soph and had to throw against the top team in the St. Louis area. In that game I told him hit the fence and hit it often. Never let them know you have control. We won that game. Of course, I'll do my best to avoid any breakdowns from our starters so that they won't have any "Marquis" performances. Like a "Carpenters", I'll do my best to have them work up an appetite. Then, I'll yell, "Sup's on" and let them enjoy feasting. In no time we'll have them winning "Weaver" we want to or not.

Cleveland, OH Nov 11, 2006

Beezer signs with Purple Pawtucket Paws

In breaking news today, we’ve learned that local sandlot standout Beezer, has signed with the Purple Pawtucket Paws. Once considered a washed-up, over-weight has been, apparently the Dice Ball League scouts have seen something in him that nobody, and we mean NOBODY else has seen in him for quite some time. He’ll be taking his game to the next level under the guidance of TigerPawMom, who has put together an otherwise stellar lineup. At press time, TigerPawMom could not be reached for comment.

Beezer was available and the following to say. “It’s an honor and a privilege to be drafted by the P3 organization. I’ve been a fan of theirs for years. It will give me a chance to play with some of the elite players at the next level. The P3 organization has lined up some of the best talent across the nation and I feel lucky to be included.” When asked what his role on the team will be, Beezer responded “I’m still getting over the shock of being drafted. When my agent called to give me the news, I thought I was dreaming. I’m not sure what their expectations are but I’m just taking it one day at a time, and lord willing, I’ll get a shot.” Several high caliber players have also been added to the roster. Beezer felt that some of the acquisitions would be key to their success. “I’ve read so much about the likes of Justbaseball, ClevelandDad, itsinthegame and JerseyDad and you know they’re solid. Shoot, I think our line-up will be solid from top to bottom”. When asked if he had anything to prove, Beezer offered the following. “No, I don’t think I need to prove anything. Apparently the scouts liked what they saw and gave me a chance. I’ve seen some highlights of our players as well as those on the All State Keyboard roster and I think I can hang with ‘em”. When Beezer was asked if there was any friction between the teams, he laughed and said “I’m not going to give them any bulletin board material. They seem to have a good core of players over there. Overall, I think they’re well coached and at this point anything can happen.”
Being the sensitive kind of guy I am, and one that does not like to make waves, I would usually be very low key in a competitive time. BUT, using team colors as an indicator, I see the distinct possibility that the All State Keyboards could be considered Americas Team.

and the Purple Pawtucket Paws with their roster riddled with "high priced has-beens" and colors having a very close association to the "Mourning Fan" which is commonly displayed during periods of mourning could be described in a pc format as "not as confident".

Last edited by rz1
Originally posted by Orlando:
DB, how many times do I have to mention the Cardinals? Red, baby, red!

Opps, we didn't mean to leave anyone out, Red Face there is just so much going on here.

We need to add him in and coach B and update, O, I am leaving that one up to you!

One last call, anyone we missed? Anyone else?

Final roster has to be in soon!
Coach TPM

Put the jet in the jet hanger, you are just a "playa" now like everyone else, no special treatment on this team. No egos allowed."

I'm a team guy thats for sure, but how am I going to get my personnal valet, accupucture speacilist and (wink, wink) sports enhancement trainer to the games.

"No bashing allowed or they sit the bench."

But they started it

Does that mean no girl softball songs from the dug out as well - Im guessing you just want the team to just play ball - wow, thats a unique coaching method.

Coach O,

Thank you for calling me up from Memphis! I am proud to wear Cardinal red. Before you issue the final roster, can you ask the equipment manager to rummage through the uniform closet to see if he can find a Jersey with the # 15 in my size please? Lady N Mom is # 14. I hope you can find #15, I don't want any bad Karma from changing uni #s, not that ball players are in any way superstitous Wink Knock on Wood Big Grin

All State Keyboarders are we all TUNED up and ready to PLAY! Fingers are poised over the Keyboard waiting for the "Que" from the Commish to beging playing the "Star Spangled (Mangled by some) Banner"

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