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Listen there are coaches out there that would not touch some jobs simply because of the outside stuff. I did it for 25 years and left on my own terms. People ask do I miss it? I miss the in between the lines stuff. the kids etc etc. I was licky I did not have too much of the parent thing but the more I talk to the guys who I coached against the more the subject comes up. It is what it is.
Coaching no doubt is a tough job. There will always be parents that think their son is better than he is and deserves better. If I happen to be sitting with someone who is complaining the next time I sit somewhere else.In high school I thought it would be more fair than in travel ball and to most part it appears to be. My son has always had to earn what he gets because of size and it's made him a much better player because of it. Many of the kids that at one time were better because they grew sooner are either done with baseball or he has passed them by because of the effort he had to put in to compete. Maybe that's the problem. Parents of kids that were all-stars previously, feel that they are still all-stars but don't realize the work ethic needed to keep up. Like I've seen posted here before and I will never forget it "Big kids have to prove they can't play, little kids have to prove they can". I am not a parent of a kid that doesn't get his playing time. He does. So I am not complaining about my kid nor do I speak about it with parents. When asked I will give my opinion (otherwise I keep quiet) and I have told parents what I see and they are often times not happy with my perception either. I've lost a few so called friends over the years by being honest. However, parents are probably wrong more often than not and coaches are right more often than not but no one is close to 100% right, anytime. All a kid or parent should want or hope for is a fair playing field which is what this is all about.

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