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3rd Scrimmage for 24's team. Team "won" big. Coach continues to pitch the starter for 2 innings and everyone else one inning each. 24 pitched the third inning, 12 pitches, 2 ground balls and a pop up. SS made a nice play on a slow roller.

His line so far, 2IP, 1 hit, 2 Ks, no runs.

24 showed good control, plenty of movement but low velocity. Told him not to worry if he is getting the hitters out.
Originally posted by 2Bmom:
It's been an interesting week, but we are 6-2, 5-1 in the district. In Saturday's district contest, 2B came in to pitch in a very ugly game. Batter jacks one that bounced off the outfielder's glove and went out. During the game, one of our other players showed up both umps, one by gesturing to him after a K, the other by stomping on first base for an out after two "safe" calls when throws allegedly pulled him off the bag. He got a warning from the ump but no consequences - at least none that involved playing time.

Yesterday, we won a less ugly district game 14-8. Midway through, 2B popped out with runners on for the last out of the inning. He went to the dugout, and intended to toss his helmet on the dugout floor to grab his glove. The helmet ricocheted off the bench and made a loud noise. Coach heard it, assumed the worst, and benched him for the rest of the game. Go figure. Roll Eyes

No, I didn't say anything and I won't. I'm hoping one of the other coaches saw what happened, and maybe 2B gets an apology. But I doubt it.

Moving on! District game against out #1 rival on Friday! 2B will be setting his helmet down gently!

I loved this post 2bmom! Very honest and I love the part about you not saying anything. He has a fine Mom in his corner Smile
Full disclosure...

Freshman son came in with 2-1 lead in top 6, promptly gave up a missile for a 3B. Infield in, next batter hit solid ground ball past the third basemen. First run he's given up. Had bottom or the order and got out of the inning on pop ups and fly balls. Clearly, he didn't have a good FB and was leaving the ball up.

We scored one in the bottom of the 7th to make it 3-2. He got the first two hitters on a GB and K. Next kid darned near cost me my dental deductible with a line drive single. Got ahead of the next kid, had several foul tips to stay alive and then hit a Texas Leaguer beind SS. Leaving 1st and 2nd with two outs and Mr. Triple hitting. On the second pitch, he basically hit the same ball, but the CF was back and made the catch three steps in front of the warning track.

Basically, his worst outing of the year and his first vultured win.

Sadly, there were scouts there from a local college who came back in the 7th to gun him. He was 82/83 on the FB, which just wasn't real good tonight. First time he's ever been gunned during a
game, so its a data point.
It took a cardiologist to bring me back, but luckily we had one handy...

Tonight wasn't fun. The other appearances were a lot more fun...

My in laws just emailed some pictures which show the flaws, so we've gone over them.

I'm probably going to live, but it was close.

My favorite saying in baseball is, there is no greater pain than watching your own kid pitch.
Originally posted by lebanonbb:
First game is Tuesday and as of now I am fighting for a starting spot at LF. I am not sure I have the position, as the last 2 days we have not practice becuase of weather. He has recently switched players around alot and he has said I have improved and am doing better. We will see Tuesday.

Good for you! If you don't get that one start, keep working hard. I remember some of your other posts and you seem to maintain a great attitude too. Things tend to work out well for players like you. Smile
Cody, a soph, is competing with a Jr for the JV catcher position. His school is pretty much a "play the upper classmen" situation. He caught the first 2 innings of the first game while the Jr catcher pitched then sat the rest of that game. On saturday the varsity catcher was out of state for a college visit (game was originally scheduled for wednesday) so Jr catcher caught the varsity game and Cody caught the JV game. He played great highlighted by a crucial gunning of a runner trying to steal 2nd. At the time it was two outs, runners on 1st and 3rd and his team down by 2. They ended up winning by 1. At the plate he is 1-5 but has sent 2 deep shots to center that hung high enough for the CF to get back and catch them near the fence.

The coach was very pleased with his play.

This is his first year faced with the prospect of sitting a lot of innings but his attitude is great.

Now I do not wish any ill will toward the other catcher but I must admit that deep down in a dark moment I smiled when he, as the DH, struck out with the bases load and 2 outs and then flung his bat to the dug out.

I don't know things will play out but I'm pretty confident Cody will win the attitude battle.
Last edited by bkekcs
Now I do not wish any ill will toward the other catcher but I must admit that deep down in a dark moment I smiled when he, as the DH, struck out with the bases load and 2 outs and then flung his bat to the dug out.

I don't know if I could ever admit to something like that publicly. On the other hand, those types of thoughts may have occurred to me in the past as well Big Grin
Season started a little over a week ago.

Team is 3 - 2

Won yesterday 3 - 0 . My son (batting 4th for the first time due to injury - he is not the profile for a cleanup hitter) started with an RBI triple. Came up agiain in the 6th with an RBI single and scored on a passed ball. So he had a part in all three runs. Also contributed to two double plays as SS. Our 2nd baseman also had an outstanding play.

Two games back he stole home in an easy win, but the team got shut out badly one game back.

It's great to be back in baseball season and especially high school ball (he is a freshman).

Last week was the start of the season.

First game was a Soph game at home. 2 innings for 3 pitchers and then 1 inning for the closer. 27's 2 innings: 5 Ks, 1 BB, 2 hits, 2 Es behind him, 2 runs (unearned) and an infield pop-up for an out. The team won the game 12-3. 27 went 0-1 at the plate with 2 walks.

This past weekend was the Varsity tournament in St. George. Team went 2-2. 27 was called on to pitch in 3 innings. 1st game against a good Vegas team: walk, double-play, ground-out. Next time was against a local team. 1 on, nobody out, inherited 3-0 count on batter. Walked the hitter bunted them over, but 27 made the play on the batter. Next hitter (huge senior with D1 programs looking at him) crushed a 3-run shot that's still orbiting Earth Eek. Next hitter grounded out. Then a walk, a double, a wild pitch/passed ball (not sure how they ruled it) that scored a run, and then a K to end the inning. He pitched the next inning as well, getting a 1-2-3 inning with great defense behind him. As the home-run gentleman told him as he was rounding third, "Welcome to varsity baseball!" Cool

27 was thrilled to hang out with the older players; the older guys took him under their wings; the coaches were supportive; the varsity parents were great to us, and to 27; and we all had a great time.

My line to my wife as we drove to each game in St. George: "You know what we get to do today? We get to watch our son play baseball." Big Grin

Next Soph game is tomorrow against a "dreaded" rival!
27"sDad--Great pitchers mentality with your son after the big home run not to get rattled, shows he belongs, I am sure that will not be the last home run that kid hits this year. My son had a monster shot hit agianst him in the first inning of a game, the kid just crushed it--I asked him what he thought after that he said "I thought, that's the last run they are getting off of me"---It was-the kid who hit the homer struck out twice they only got 1 more hit off him entire game.--Pitchers mentality.
We played six games last week. Two blow-out wins against weak teams, two quality wins, and two blow-out losses to last years State Champ in the division above us...

In the quality wins, son was 4-4 with three Doubles and a Triple, 3R and one RBI in a 5-1 league win...
and, in the second, we were down 1-0 in the last inning, two out, nobody on, and 0-2 count...batter worked it to 2-2 and then singled, stole and scored on a double...then HOME RUN...#1 closed with two K's and we won 3-1...

We're now 9-2 with a league game today against the #1 team in our division. Our #1 is pitching so it should be a good test...
Week three coaches poll rankings just came out here in Ga. Team my son beat last week is now ranked #2. We are their only loss. Better news yet is that we are ranked #3 at 6-0. Pretty good considering we have not been very good in the past. Hopefully things will look bright in the future. Our three starting pitchers for varsity are a freshman(my son) and two sophmores. Difficult thing is going to be the fact that 7 out of the top 10 in AAAAA are out of our region.

1st region game is tomorrow night. My son gets the start. Hope it goes well.
24 started today's scrimmage. Second to last before the season starts. 3IP, 2ks, 1BB, 0ER, 3hits. Had a 123 first inning with a K, got hit a bit in the second and gave up 2 unearned runs. Started the 3rd with a BB and a single, but got out of a second and third situation with a pop up and a pitcher to first to home dp.

Hit his spots, left the FB up a few times, had a good CB. Velocity improving, which was his concern based on prior scrimmages.

Think he is set up for a good start to the season.
Freshman son got his first varsity AB tonight in a tournament game (doesn't count in official standings). It was our 10th game of the season and I really wasn't expecting him to do any more than pitch with the varsity.

He withstood the walk-up song on the audio system which was picked for him by the seniors, ABBA's "Dancing Queen" got a 3-1 pitch and grounded it to the shortstop, who booted it for an error. It was a high chopper with lots of top spin, but it was an E all the way.

Two more games in the tournament and looks like he'll pitch significant innings, maybe even start tomorrow. They have three pitchers who haven't worked yet and he is one of them.
[QUOTE] [I loved this post 2bmom! Very honest and I love the part about you not saying anything. He has a fine Mom in his corner Smile/QUOTE]

Thank you, ClevelandDad. Smile
I've been out of commission for a week or so getting ready to change jobs so haven't had a chance to check back. First, I got this great new job and gave my notice on a Friday. The following Monday, I totaled my car on the way to work with 2B and 2Bdad riding with me (it was the other guy's fault) Luckily I was the only one hurt - just a few stitches in my hand - then later that week 2Bdad had to go into the hospital with diverticulitis, and now Coach is picking on my boy! Frown Frown

But 2B is doing just great, and his summer coach gave me a good talking-to when I told him what happened. He totally supported the HS coach. It was like going to one of those conflict of interest seminars at work - the appearance of impropriety, blah blah. Plus he told me that it doesn't matter what the other player does - all that matters is what 2B does.

So anyway, I'm feeling like a big dummy but the team is 7-3, and 2B is still hitting over .400 and showing those smooth infield actions. Smile I start my new job on Monday with a raise and a promotion. And we have 4 games coming up in the next 6 days. Life is good. Smile
Last edited by 2Bmom
Son got his first varsity start tonight against a Texas team in the semi-final game of our spring break tournament.

Threw a one hit, complete game shut out. We won 1-0. Only run scored in the 5th on a routine fly ball to left. The OF twisted his knee and fell down and it ended up a double. Really a shame that a great game had to be decided on a play like that...

2 walks, 9 strike outs, three over the minimum. Was only 71 pitches into the 7th, but had three full counts (2 K's and a walk) to end at 94.

The absolute best news out of all of this, is that I get to enjoy the championship game tomorrow knowing there isn't a snowball's chance in you know where that my kid will have to play...
Soph son is now getting the majority of the catching innings for his JV team. They are 4-0. Unfortunatly yesterday he fouled a pitch off his left knee and it is swollen up pretty big. He isn't out of bed yet and I will be gone to work before he gets up so I won't know how it feels when he gets up.

Other than that things are great.
Wow, JMoff, that is very impressive - congratulations!

bkekcs, looks like your son has had a great start! Hopefully a little ice will take care of the knee and he'll be back in action soon.

Obviously you got all the gray clouds and bad luck out of the way, and it's clear skies from now on!

Yes, indeed! We have district away games today and Saturday, and I'll be rollin' in my shiny new black Prius. No, it doesn't have an Obama sticker (someone told me they thought those came standard), but it does have a PKY baseball sticker, a Rays license plate frame, and at this moment, the Godfather of Soul in the CD player. Get on down! Smile

Go Blue Wave!
Last edited by 2Bmom
Baseball Dad 46:
27"sDad--Great pitchers mentality with your son after the big home run not to get rattled, shows he belongs, I am sure that will not be the last home run that kid hits this year. My son had a monster shot hit agianst him in the first inning of a game, the kid just crushed it--I asked him what he thought after that he said "I thought, that's the last run they are getting off of me"---It was-the kid who hit the homer struck out twice they only got 1 more hit off him entire game.--Pitchers mentality.

Sounds like your son and 27 are from the same pitching "mold" Smile.

His earlier coaches always tried to stress mental toughness. They wanted their players to be able to shrug off errors, giving up the occasional big hits, and bad ABs, and still stay in the game.
Son played 2nd game today, is 1 for 8 at the plate, but today he made good contact 3 of the 4 times. He caught three innings, one pass ball. He then pitched the final three innings, gave up no hits, one BB, 5Ks. Someone had a radar gun, he was hitting 86, not bad for having not pitched since early last summer. Most of the other dads on other team thought he looked better as a catcher. Our team is weak on pitching, I think he could help out the team more as pitcher than catcher. Any thoughts on this?
Son started the first region game last night. Hate to say, but he did not have his best stuff. Control was off. Wound up giving up 6 runs in the first although only two were earned. Two errors by short hurt. We came back and tied the game in the bottom of the second.

After the first inning, he still did not have his best stuff, but he battled and did not give up any more runs through the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th. Came out tied 6-6. We wound up losing 10-9. Tough loss. I think we had a total of 5 errors and 6 unearned runs altogether. Not pretty. Son felt like he could have gone another inning, but coaches took him out due to pitch count.

Oh well, we'll have to get them next time. Just tough to lose the first region game. Doesn't get any easier from here.

Pop Up, sounds to me like you kid could pitch at that level. But, maybe it would hurt the team more to not have him behind the plate. Sometimes it's not a matter of where you are better, but where you would help the team the most. Hopefully he'll get more shots on the mound, 86 is nothing to sneeze at. Good luck.
bballman--Positive is he gutted it out--even wanted to go another inning shows he has what it takes. Errors are always tough for a pitcher and espically when they are struggling-Sounds like he gave a great effort.
2Bmom--FANTASTIC--must have been a great moment when he connected on that slam.

Sons first game is next wed. but they are calling for rain. Such is life
Thanks 46. It was a tough one. We talked about it afterward. He knew he didn't have his best stuff. We talked about how he is going to have to learn to overcome the errors and not let the inning get out of control. He needs to take responsibility for that. We also talked about learning to make adjustments to his delivery on the spot to bring things back in line. He wasn't upset, he's had bad outings before and he'll have them again. I just want to make sure he learns something from it and comes back a better pitcher.

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