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The PCR allows you to stay balanced and load/unload properly in a position to make last moment adjustment on the fly while maintaining core power until the right point in time. The second engine delivers the barrel to the ball with high bat speed.

Chameleon, are you saying poor posture and disconnect are positive? Or, are you saying PCR is over-emaphasized at the diminshed emphasis of something else? If so, what?
Last edited by noreast
part of the whole process of connection is loading and unloading properly to transfer the energy from core to barrel.

Someone who is disconnected has no chance of properly rotating the barrel to the ball. If, say, he has barred his front arm or had early extenstion to arms, how does he recover to position where he can make adjustment on the fly when he is already out of position?

Part of the process also is rotating the hips before the shoulders. If a hitter's rotation begins at the shoulders ("shoulders down" swing), they have no chance to properly rotate the barrel to the ball, or adjust to ball with movement. With a "shoulder down" swing, the shoulders have turned much earlier (relative to distance the ball has travelled) than someone who is properly unloading. IOW, they have commited their barrel path earlier.

I'm willing to understand if you have a counterpoint. How does PCR hurt a hitter?
Last edited by noreast
It sounds like I agree with you noreast.

My point is PCR as a hitting theory is greatly flawed.

Of course connection is needed. Of course you rotate. Of course you use an athletic posture.



When they say "tilt and turn"....with tilt over the plate with your *** out, being their explanation of will fail. No question. You can not generate the needed quickness from that position.

They also say "maintain the tilt around the corner". More nonsense. ALL good hitters come out of their athletic posture to swing. You have to.

They also say "create more tension in the rear shoulder as you internally rotate the rear arm with elbow up". This is their explanation of connection. The tension part. Ridiculous. All they do is tie hitters in knots and keep them from being athletic. You can not execute a high level swing with tension.

They also say "swing in the rotational path of the shoulders". Complete nonsense. You will now and then....but to make that the goal is impossible and hit at a high level. The fact is, the shoulders do not rotate. They laterally tilt at "go" and the hips rotate. Since the shoulders/torso are attached to the hips they will appear to rotate. They do not.

They also say "don't flare the lead knee...keep the hips closed until 'go'". More ridiculous nonsense.

Watch this clip and see if you can recognize PCR. I can't. I missed the "yep" frame by one....but look at the line of the hips at "go". It would point to an area between the first base coach and the first base dugout. Do you call that closed?

I can go on. Point is PCR as a hitting technique will keep hitters from reaching their potential. And now, (having seen the light without admitting they've seen the light) they say PCR is just a blue print or a building code...meaning that it is a set of guard rails to stay within.

Let me translate what that means. It means they don't know what they are talking about...they realize that...and are in the process of revising but they can't/won't admit it.

NO mlb video will support PCR.
Last edited by Chameleon
I'll ask you to list the misrepresentations...just like I have asked Mark H when he accuses me of the same things. Of course, he has nothing to list.

Do you?

Please list them.

P.S #1. I don't see Englishbey's name in my post.

P.S. #2: I have never been banned from Shawn Bell's site. What would be your motive to distribute such information?
Last edited by Chameleon
Richard, I won't be drawn into this debate and, as you know, I will adhear to those agreements I made when signing up on Steve's site. I would hope that all posters would appreciate that I've signed an agreement not to present copywrited materials or discuss concepts gleanned from Steve either through personal conversations or from his website. Richard, you also made the same agreements. In fact, Richard, I can remember you once ballyhooed my discussion of "hands first, hands last" and the explaination I gave when you were a loyal follower of Steve. (This is also why my participation on this portion of the site had declined although I do still function as a moderator in this forum.)

Richard, if I've mis-spoken on the post on Shawn's site where he addressed your attacks on Steve then I apologize. I've sent a pm to Shawn requesting a clarification of his post to you on that site. Having been banned on this site several times, none of which by the way were requested by me, I thought it generous to allow you to continue posting here under Chameleon. Simply put, your agenda is better served on your site. Your site must not be doing well since you don't seem to be able to get anyone to participate in your discussion there. At least that is the inference since you spend so much of your time posting on eteamz (JoeBad), Shawn's site (Teacherman), etc. My goodness, you have to have set a record for multiple personalities on the internet.

For all other posters, say you have an income based upon some commodity or gained knowledge you've worked years to obtain. Say that don't wish to share that knowledge for free. Now take a disgruntled person who attempts at ever circumstance to ruin your reputation with misrepresentations. That offender would be allowed to run amuck since in defending yourself, you have to share those concepts you've work hard at mastering. Thus is the case here.

Finally, I've defended Richard on Steve's site before. In fact, Steve essentially requested that members discuss hitting and not become involved in character assassination. Steve's a pretty good guy!
A simple list of what I've misrepresented would violate no agreements.

No credibility.

TRANSLATION: There have been no misrepresentations. That is their new buzzword. Their new deflection.

THEY call what I do "terrorist marketing".Big Grin Supposedly I've driven so many people to that business is booming.

At least that is what they say out of one side of their mouth. As they work behind the scenes through politics to shut me up. Big Grin

Funny how at least 2 mlb scouts, 1 mlb player, 3 DI college coaches, several high school coaches and several parents/players frequent my site......... They must be mad at him too. It couldn't be that the information is better.

Is their a minimum membership number needed before I can post elsewhere? Or could quality be more important to some?

You make it sound like I'm the only defector from PCR.....the list is growing. A lot of good guys (and gals) are seeing the light. Some that were very close to the inner circle.

Is "good guy" high on your list of needs when evaluting hitting theory?

I recommend video comparison and swinging a bat when making your decision on what hitting theory to follow. Pay close attention to what anyone says as compared to video of the best......REAL close attention.
Last edited by Chameleon
Richard, I'm not into the charges of terrorist anything. I've never done such.

A thought for you. You've made your site private. If you want the masses to understand your discoveries and have gone to such lengths to get your name known, this seems odd. Why not produce a DVD of your second engine as well as your other concepts. In doing so, you can make a fortune while at the same time be mentioned in the "next great and latest hitting guru" club. In all seriousness, if you believe in your position so much any hesitation with this regard would only demonstrate a lack of commitment to your beliefs. Therefore, I'll be looking forward to that DVD.

At some point then, you'd be able to promote your product on it's merits and without the need to mention any of the competition. If you've truly found the answers, the masses will follow. Just a thought and again very seriously.

Naturally, the next course would then to be to go give clinics. You've done so well on the internet you'll have no problem making your presentations in person. Something to consider. I'm all for a free market system since the cream always seems to rise to the top.

I had not gone on htat site in a while and referenced the date of the post where I felt Shawn inferred that he was removing Richard from that site. Read that post on the date provided. Also, if you noticed, I apologized to Richard if I misinterpreted that statement by Shawn. Also read that I sent a request for clarification from Shawn.
WOW! Someone who finally sees what I see! You can't look at a few frames of video to see when a player does what in his swing! You have to see "cause" and "effect" and "results"! The "PITCH" determines many aspects of a players swing. If you want to use video to determine mechanics flaws, first use it during tee work, then machine work, where there is some consistency in ball position related to the swing. PG is the only one that has made sense in this thread. It is obvious sandman and bluedog have knowledge,(as do many college Professors but can't get it out of their heads so someone else can "get it"! Both of you may be able to do it in person, but in writing it's real cloudy! I do like sandmans request for videos of your students before and after, because that's all that matters.
Originally posted by PGStaff:

Sorry, but I'm not exactly sure what you mean. Could we see some examples?

There can be many reasons why one hitter would open his hips earlier than another. Or even why the same hitter would open his hips earlier on one pitch than another.

Some of those reasons would include...

Being fooled by the pitch
The location of the pitch
Having slower hips
The type of hitter each is
The type of stride

Rotating into footplant doesn't really drive me crazy. I just prefer not rotating into footplant. What do the no stride guys do?

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