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@Consultant posted:


Santa Rosa JC has a student enrollment of 30,000 student and is ranked academic #14 in the USA. Baseball team is annually ranked #3 in the State. The California JC's are a "farm" team to the 4 year College programs.

The JC teams will annually "redshirt" 10-15 players.

It is very difficult to play as a Freshman. A Freshman should plan his classes that are transferable.


Bob, as you know SRJC was traditionally considered a gateway to Berkeley. Though many still take that path, more importantly all CA JC students who meet preset requirements are guaranteed transfer to one of six UCs. While this is not the path we wanted for our kids, it’s a great path for many, many students and arguably results in a degree that may be as valuable or more than one from many, many four year colleges and universities.


Hello fellow forum members - here is the latest…he will be ready to throw in a game beginning next week. Over the last couple of weeks he has been going to PT and building his arm and shoulder back up along with a throwing program.  

Again want to hear thoughts on chances of getting D1 offers this late in the game. At the end of the day, he will only have 4 tournaments to pitch in. Personally, I don’t see school picking anybody up in 4 weeks if they have never seen them play before.

Someone who throws 95 and never seen before might overwhelm a coach at this late date. 87, assuming he gets back to max velocity off physical problems isn’t going to overwhelm anyone.

What could occur is over embellished talk about walk on opportunities because the coach has nothing to lose. The kid is gravy if he makes the team. Chances are there isn’t any money left for D1 22’s. When you don’t get athletic money the coach doesn’t have any skin in the game. He has nothing to lose. The player has everything to lose. He ends up at a school without baseball he might not otherwise want to attend.

Last edited by RJM
@Rockers posted:

As stated previously it is D1 or nothing. I am not wasting time at a JUCO or D2 or D3.  

Yes, I know some of those schools are awesome, but none of them are around where I live.

There is a time when all these kids will move on from playing baseball. I don’t intend to drag it out.

I know for a fact there are many good D2 schools near you and Wingate just won the D2 National Championship... but why waste time on a D2...  I guess you assume that D1 school are going to knock your door down for a LHP throwing 87-88... Not going to happen and sorry your son wont be able to see if he can even make a college team regardless of level...  So why keep playing at all?

Last edited by FriarFred
@Rockers posted:

My son is a left handed pitcher and in July was diagnosed with a developing stress fracture. This happened just before the big Perfect Game event down in Atlanta. We had 14 Division 1 schools lined up to come watch him pitch. We are still waiting for the green light from the Dr to begin working his arm out and begin to pitch. I am really worried he has lost these schools attention. Do you think he still has time to solidify an offer? By the way he is 6’1 180 throws there pitches for strikes and tops out at 87.

So going back to this original post - What makes you believe that your son is a D1 pitcher?  Topping at 87 is not going to get him to a D1?  You never expounded on the 14 schools, how much contact there was, what the contact was etc.  Did your son ever speak with the coaches from all those schools or was it a list of coaches attending a game your son was scheduled to pitch at?  Big difference...  Bottom line is you have been given plenty of good advice and you choose to discount it.  You have been dismissive to those that have tried to help and you have belittled those that have mentioned JUCO, D2 and D3 as options.  If its D1 or bust maybe check out one of the MAAC schools that has averaged about 3 wins a year for the past 5 years... But hey - Its a D1!  Good luck

@Rockers posted:

Did any of you even go to college?

Yes, most of us did - and actually graduated. Some played college baseball and managed to get good degrees along the way. Others played professionally. Non-players include business owners, executives, teachers, professors, coaches, scouts, private instructors, moms, grandfathers, and on and on. There are people from all walks of life on here that have given their time to offer you sound advice based on their own various experiences. From what I can tell you have chosen to listen to none of it. There are many pathways to success in college baseball. The easiest and most logical path often isn’t the one taken - but it takes an open mind to see those possibilities. If your son has the passion it takes to play baseball beyond HS hopefully he finds one of those paths on his own.

People - I am not looking for a top 25 baseball school. I could care less about him playing at one of those schools. They are cut throat and most players never even stay all 4 years. They over commit kids at those schools.

What is wrong with the MAAC? I had a friend play on a team in that league and got drafted in the sixth round.  By the way they don’t average three wins a season.  There is nothing wrong with the MAC either.

@Rockers posted:

People - I am not looking for a top 25 baseball school. I could care less about him playing at one of those schools. They are cut throat and most players never even stay all 4 years. They over commit kids at those schools.

What is wrong with the MAAC? I had a friend play on a team in that league and got drafted in the sixth round.  By the way they don’t average three wins a season.  There is nothing wrong with the MAC either.

Then what the hell are you looking for???

Just reading this. Wow. Few thoughts.

How is a kid with a fracture coming back to pitch in less than 2 months? Both my kids are pitchers and have gone through injuries, PT, etc. I can' imagine this isn't a rushed time table.

My 2020 is in the MAAC and my 2022 will also be in the MAAC. Generally weak division, but had 2 teams in the tourney this year and one team ranked in the top 25 via RPI all year. Maybe you were referring to a team (St. Peters) and not the division?

Being a collegiate athlete at *any* level is a boost to an almost non-existent resume coming out of college.

@nycdad posted:

Just reading this. Wow. Few thoughts.

How is a kid with a fracture coming back to pitch in less than 2 months? Both my kids are pitchers and have gone through injuries, PT, etc. I can' imagine this isn't a rushed time table.

My 2020 is in the MAAC and my 2022 will also be in the MAAC. Generally weak division, but had 2 teams in the tourney this year and one team ranked in the top 25 via RPI all year. Maybe you were referring to a team (St. Peters) and not the division?

Being a collegiate athlete at *any* level is a boost to an almost non-existent resume coming out of college.

Yes (didnt want to name the school as I only based my comment off of on-field record) - I certainly didn't mean to imply all schools in MAAC by any means.  I 100% agree with "being a collegiate athlete as *any* level is a boost to an almost non-existent resume coming out of college"

@Rockers posted:

Miami University, Notre Dame, WNC, BGSU, Florida Atlantic, Liberty, High Point, Gardner Webb, Elon, UNC-G, Lafeyette, App state, Navy, Wofford, Wingate, Winthrop

From a baseball perspective, I can help you whittle down that list. Based on your circumstances you can eliminate Miami, Notre Dame, Florida Atlantic, Liberty, High Point, Elon, UNC-G, and Navy because those programs have either filled their needs or they are too good to try and walk on. Don’t know enough about Wofford, Wingate, or Winthrop to comment on their baseball or academics. Sounds like you should target BGSU - a pretty good school with a pretty bad D1 baseball team. A program like that might welcome an uninvited walk on LHP.

When all his former close teammates are going to play D1 and I am talking most of them are going to power schools and some being drafted next year yeah it’s pretty frustrating.

He has always been the smallest, not the strongest, and now that he is finally here he gets hurt and misses all the big events and now are backs are against the wall. It sucks! All of this happened and the wrong time.

Basically he has 4 weeks left. That’s it’s. Period.  I am done.

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