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Originally posted by Ratboy:

Should they just pick the top 32 teams in an area and put them in a "champions" bracket and leave the undesirables to play in a "consolation" bracket?

*** IMO, no. Any changes made would need to be fair, and ALL the schools must be treated with respect and regard. ***

It would be interesting if they cast a wider net and assigned 128 teams to a bracket and made the city teams travel to the suburbs and vice versa ...

*** IMO getting the city teams more in to the suburban areas is a better idea for many reason than just running a tournament. They sent Minooka down to Normal. Why not push more of the schools along the I-80 corridor down, i.e Southwest Suburban and Southwest Prairie for instance. Then you can move more of the city schools in to the suburban Regionals and Sectionals. ***

If you recall, even some of the HS coaches are disappointed in the manner in which the IHSA breaks everything up by area. See thread below:

Seeding Thread

I have to believe alternative plans have been considered. However the reality is that it probably won't change due to financial, as well as final exam considerations. If this wasn't the case, why wouldn't the process be changed?
Last edited by Tuzigoot
All the IHSA is really interested in is "running a tournament". They couldn't care less who wins. It's the Illinois High School Association not the Illinois High School Athletic Association. They also run contests for drama, speech, chess etc. I'd like to see the top 64 teams in each class play a format like the NCAA does double elimation in reagionals and best 2 of 3 for sectional and super sectional. We don't take all teams for football so why does baseball have to allow all teams in the tournament.

It could be worse. In Indiana they put you in geographic sections (same as our regionals) and then have a blind draw for pairings. It possible that the 2 best teams in the rankings could play the very first game.
Originally posted by il2008:
We don't take all teams for football so why does baseball have to allow all teams in the tournament.

Because a baseball team can play 3 games in 1 week, why exclude member schools unless you need to do it?

Dolphin Mom might be the only one with the answer to this question but ... Did they switch locations for Whitney Young and St. Rita after they released the initial bracket?
Why is it a bad idea to include all?

The tournament could be run a bit more fairly, and probably a little better all the way around.

Yes some regions are more heavily filled with strong teams, but they are REGIONals and there is nothing wrong with teams representing an area.

No doubt some of those regionals are far tougher than others, but then so are some conferences.

BTW, don't make fun of The IHSA doing all those other activities! My son never made it downstate for baseball, but he did for Editorial Cartooning!
Not making fun of the other activities just making a point that the IHSA simply wants to run a tournament as simply as they see fit, they have a lot other sports/activities to promote. They never have and never will do a truely seeded tourney top to bottom, but we can dream.

As long as others had ideas about how to do the baseball tourney I just wanted to put my 2 cents in. Other states have baseball playoffs that you have to qualify for, Texas comes to mind. On the reverse side Indiana allows all football teams into the playoffs.

Now, back to the scores.
Congradulations to Bret Maus' complete game and Andrew HS with their victory over Brother Rice today.

Congradulations to BR on a very good year, and to the players and families which we know.

A special congradulations to Kevin Kozial as the IL Gatorade HS Player of the Year. I've watched him play since he was 9, and there was no doubt that he is a special player.

Thats baseball.

Good luck to everyone.
Libertyville takes regional 6-5. Wasn't at this one, but undertand that at least three of Warren's runs were sac flies, and Warren's pitcher was left in at least one batter too long. Congrats to the Wildcats and good luck against Lake Zurich. Best of luck to everyone left standing and to everybody leaving in the fall.

On the one hand i have to give kudos to Pildes for what his team has accomplished so far . On the other i have to take our ND coaches to task for looking past Taft and taking them lightly by starting our # 4 pitcher against them for no apparent reason . Make no mistake about it ...they looked past them . It really put our team at a disadvantage . There is no reason our team should ever lose to a taft . Our players did not lose this game ....ND coaching staff lost it for them and they know it . No sour grapes ..just the reality of the situation .
Last edited by Mr. Nobody
Great job on the part of the Eagles! Rich Pildes deserves alot of credit. This is a guy that knows baseball and knows how to win! He puts his players in situations that allows good things to happen. New Trier should be taking them very seriously. This far into the playoffs the teams deserve to be there! Your win on Sat. was convincing!
Great job Rich! Slay the next opponent.

You really think you might know more than myself ? ...someone who has been around this team for the last 3 years ? I know very well who our best pitchers are ..and neither of them started this game . It was an unneccessary risk ..we would have had plenty of pitching to go up against leyden yesterday .

2004 was 2004 ...we havent made it out of the regionals the last 3 years . This latest loss was the worst of the bunch . Do you think i would state that our coaches were looking past Taft if i didnt know that to be the case ? I dont talk about things i know nothing about . They needed to treat it like a tough conference game and start one of our other guys on the mound they would have done ..but they did not do that . Most of our other parents are livid at the way our coaches approached this game .
Congrats to Rich Pildes and Taft for winning the Maine South regional. Having met him earlier this season and spending the better part of a game conversing with him I can say he is a class act and a very knowledgable baseball guy. Unfortuneatley in my opinion Taft does not stand a chance against New Trier. That statement is made having seen both the New Trier and Taft games yesterday. Too huge of a disparity in talent level. Whale of a difference. Coach Napolean actually left the Taft/Leyden game after the fourth inning and he had a pretty confident look on his face. Regardless, I have to believe he does not let his team take anyone too lightly. Best of luck to Coach Pildes and Taft.God knows I would love for them to beat the Trevians after seeing my boys suffer through some debilitating losses over at the last couple of seasons at their hands, but it is just not in the cards. Would make for a great story though.
Let me clarify something here . We had 3 pitchers who i would classify as being in our top tier of pitchers . Any one of these 3 would usually pitch in our tougher conference games. We then had another 2 or 3 guys who were in the next level . Our coach tabbed one of the guys in the lower level to pitch against taft . This pitcher never started against any of our tougher opponents. Even if we had burned up 2 of our top guys against taft , we still would have been in excellent shape and had plenty of quality pitching for the leyden game . This is why it was an unnecessary risk that ended up costing us our season . This was not a situation where we were saving a # 1 stud for the next game . ND coaches put our guys in a bad situation ...not a position to be successful against an inferior opponent . Im sure if you asked Pildes he himself would say that Taft has no business beating ND , considering the disparity in overall talent .

Norfrank is correct in his assessment of the situation .
Last edited by Mr. Nobody
St. Charles East Regional (SC North Sectional)
Wheaton North 6
Bartlett 5
8 innings

Trailing 5-0, North scores 3-2-1 in 6-7-8. O-U-C-H.

Seeds 1,3,5 and 7 left in the Sectional. The coaches didn't do too bad on the seedings.

I hear you, Mr. Nobody. Can't play tomorrow, if you don't win today. And with a week between starts, 1 and 1A should be the choices. Anything else would seem irresponsible. Sorry to hear that is what happened to our Dons. Used to Hit .300 is NDHS Class of '80. (And we were never to close to being as good as the recent teams seem to be.)
Last edited by Used to Hit 300
Originally posted by FastballDad:
Mr. Nobody...

Perhaps your idea of who #4 pitcher is and who # 2 or #3 pitcher is may be different than what the coaches thought.

Seems to me they have done pretty well over there at ND (State Champs) and just because they lost doesn't mean it was the coach's fault. How many runs did ND score?


Regionals are mid-week and Saturday. Followed by sectionals which are midweek and Saturday; followed by the Super Sectional on Monday. If the kids are healthy and eligible, there is absolutely no excuse for not pitching your 1 or 1A in regional, none! Also, if I took my Grandma to two of my sons games in which our 1 and 4 were pitching, Grandma would know the difference.

Can you put up a picture of Grandma for me Gotwood.

Last edited by Tuzigoot
The way the playoffs are set up you really only need two starting pitchers until you get to the last week of the season. Even then, you could probably get away with two. My thought is that unless you are entirely sure you can beat your first round team, assuming you did not have to play a quarterfinal game, you go with your best. In the case of ND and Taft, Pildes was going to throw his best, Rivera. ND should not have pitched their #4 against Taft, especially knowing that Rivera had the ability to shut them down. Thoughout the season ND had problems hitting and it looks like it was no different against Taft.

There is no way that ND should have been caught offguard with the talent Taft had. They played in the semi-finals of the Chicago Public League playoffs for pete's sake.

My feeling is throw number one unless you know the game might be a laugher (facing a team that has won less than 40% of their games and doesn't have a top tier pitcher) for a team that is in the top 4 seedings. If that is the case throw your 1A. But never throw the number 4 against a team that has lost only 5 or 6 games, as was the case with Taft.

Congratulations to Taft for beating the Leyden Eagles too. It'll be tough against New Trier; but, they can be beat.
Originally posted by Mr. Nobody:

You really think you might know more than myself ? ..

I never said that I know anyhting about the staff. My remarks were more along the Coach's thinking. He must have thought it gave the teamit's best chance to win. I also never said he was right. Perhaps there was more than meets the eye.

There is no reason to go beyond your best two pitchers the way the playoffs are set up.
Last edited by FastballDad

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