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Originally posted by Bee>:
lol -
But in 6 pages of emotion & comments, the only thing I've learned is that West Point has let a couple cadets use some "leave" and play 1-ONE-UNO short season before beginning active service.
it kinda sounds more like you're trying to convince youself otherwise -

and I do congratulate your cadet & wish him the best

That's ok if that's what you took from this thread. But even that should prove two points...

1. How strong the commitment to the ideals of service to country are in these young men

2. That they could continue to play in the minors and avoid active duty if they were avoiding or dodging service, as has been suggested, yet put it aside to serve.

Thanks for your best wishes.
So, from the comfort of your easy chair, you dictate...get off that baseball field and get out there defend our country right now mister.

Nope...I think it was the soldier himself who VOLUNTEERED to serve their country. Apparently it was the academies who decided they would better serve our country on the baseball field rather than elsewhere. And that is the disagreement I have.

"yet you have zero experience and want to argue the point with someone who served."I'm not whining about it though, I have big shoulders, I can take it.

This does get tiring..and it will be the last time I say this. I'm not ARGUING with you about ANYTHING. You are the one who has made this a personal issue...not me. My "beef" is with the academies and military who offer these "provisos". Why shouldn't any boy accept such an get the best of both worlds IF those are the two worlds you wish to be in. Also, since you really know NOTHING about me, my life, or my family....I think you are being quite presumptuous and arrogant in your assumptions. But hey...I guess you need those big shoulders to hold up that big head! NOt a "cheapshot"...right on target.

"The good news for you, is that I and all others who served earned your right to express your opinion also, regardless of its foundation."

And..I have said repeatedly I have nothing but respect for our military and thanks to them...we can have this discussion. need to make up your mind...are we ALLOWED to express opinions or not? Before you said we couldn't if we never served personally.

"My son made a commitment to the Army to serve, with a proviso. The Army made a commitment to my son to provide an education and develop a leader of character, with a proviso."

To serve with "Proviso" THERE is a motto we can all be proud of. I'm thinking that it could be the closing tagline in that advertisement:

"Bee> all that you can be...a switch hitting first baseman"....."serve with proviso in today's Army".
Last edited by luvbb
Originally posted by luvbb:
....I think you are being quite presumptuous and arrogant. But hey...I guess you need those big shoulders to hold up that big head! NOt a "cheapshot"...right on target.

I don't remember calling you a name, but if that's your best tactic, you're welcome to it. It's not presumptious to assume you have no experience with the military, it's quite obvious. need to make up your mind...are we ALLOWED to express opinions or not? Before you said we couldn't if we never served personally.

I don't remember ever saying that anyone wasn't allowed to express an opinion, I think you made that up. There is a monumental difference between allowing an opinion and considering the validity of an's not my place to allow anything, I can however question the validity of an opinion whether based in ignorance or fact.

Last edited by CPLZ
by cplz:
"But even that should prove two points..."

"1. How strong the commitment to the ideals of service to country are in these young men"


"2. That they could continue to play in the minors ..."

huh?, I can't get there .. you'll have to walk me thru #2 .. soo, you're saying the Army wanted them to stay in MiLB for the recruiting PR, but they chose to go active??

oops, I added while you were responding
Last edited by Bee>
Originally posted by Bee>:
by cplz:
"But even that should prove two points..."

"1. How strong the commitment to the ideals of service to country are in these young men"


"2. That they could continue to play in the minors ..."

huh?, you'll have to walk me thru #2

Bee, it has been suggested here that playing baseball is a way to "get out of their commitment". #2 was an attempt to demonstrate that if that was the intention of the player/cadet, they could have continued in the minor leagues and avoided active duty service. Instead they chose to quit pro baseball and serve in traditional active duty.

There isn't a lot of value to a minor leaguer. There is some, but that is more internally at the academy, rather than in the public. The value becomes pronounced when the player reaches the majors. The Army does encourage players to go pro, however I don't believe there is any pressure put on them to stay pro once they get there.
Last edited by CPLZ
by cplz: #2 was an attempt to demonstrate that if that was the intention of the player/cadet, they could have continued in the minor leagues and avoided active duty service.
there is no basis for reaching that conclusion ...
someone else could just as easily conclude that the choice (quietly) given to them was
"begin your active service after 1 season - or face awol & the brig"
Last edited by Bee>
If anyone is further interested in discussing the policy in place with the military and academies I am more than willing to participate. But getting bogged down in insults and bullying is a waste of time and energy. I do not presume to know ANYTHING about you CPLZ, your family, your experiences...which is why I only TRIED to focus on policy, which was admittedly daunting at times. It is a shame you couldn't try to do the same.

I'll end with the same sentiment as the very first one I wrote you in this thread:

"CPZL..thank you for the elaboration on "how things work" at West Point. It was very interesting, and best of luck to your son."

So CPLZ... have fun carrying on the rampage....and enjoy having the last word. Wink
Last edited by luvbb
Originally posted by luvbb:
If anyone is further interested in discussing the policy in place with the military and academies I am more than willing to participate. But getting bogged down in insults and bullying is a waste of time and energy. I do not presume to know ANYTHING about you CPLZ, your family, your experiences...which is why I only TRIED to focus on policy, which was admittedly daunting at times. It is a shame you couldn't try to do the same.

I'll end with the same sentiment as the very first one I wrote you in this thread:

"CPZL..thank you for the elaboration on "how things work" at West Point. It was very interesting, and best of luck to your son."

So CPLZ... have fun carrying on the rampage.

Again LUVBB, totally untrue. Your focus was so far from trying to understand it wasn't in the same area code. Using terms like "arrogant, hold up that big head, have fun carrying on the rampage", those are not geared towards understanding. You'd have to point out the insults I used, I don't remember them. I only remember having a strong opinion and no fear of expressing it.

Your effort was to be right, and you weren't.
Last edited by CPLZ
Originally posted by Bee>:
by cplz: #2 was an attempt to demonstrate that if that was the intention of the player/cadet, they could have continued in the minor leagues and avoided active duty service.
there is no basis for reaching that conclusion ...
someone else could just as easily conclude their choice was begin active service or awol & the brig

Only true if they were cut, which they weren't. They were still rostered players and made a choice to leave pro baseball. They could have stayed pro if their intent was to "avoid living up to their commitment". The intent of #2 was to show that aversion wasn't their intent as they chose active duty.
Originally posted by CPLZ:

Bee, it has been suggested here that playing baseball is a way to "get out of their commitment".

No freakin way!

Comments came after JWeaver's post about special circmustances. Go back and reread.

IMO, from another thread, after following I got the impression the military was the bad guy, they should allow these cadets (for awhile at least) a chance to pursue their dream of playing pro ball. That was my impression.
The next thing ya know, we are told this is good recruiting and PR for the academies and postponing for baseball should be considered a special circumstance. I don't care if anyone wants to postpone anything, but don't convince me pro baseball is a good reason. That's the issue, IMO.
I also felt from CPLZ's remarks, either follow his way or thinking or head south, was not an appropriate comment that should come from active or former military personnel. The next thing you know the conversation turns around, we CAN make those comments and ask questions due to our military. Been so confusing.
Yes, CPLZ's posts can be very confusing:

He'll "defend to the death" our right to "pretend to stand up for those already in service to their country if you have never served.". I take it that means we can have an opinion; it's just wrong, de facto, if we don't agree with him.

He insults me with "You claimed to know alot about baseball, yet you've never heard of this policy. It's been in place 6 years now, so I guess you must not be as informed as you purport here." Not knowing about Academy policy prior to this discussion means I'm not informed about baseball?? Blast. If I explain the Balk Rule, can I have my baseball creds back?

No, you didn't call luvbb a name; nor did she say you did. But sometimes people take offense at being told to "go to hell". Hey, ClevelandDad, why didn't that make your 'cheap shots' list?

I don't quite understand your 'nobility' at being able to take shots, considering that your posts, sir, turned a discussion about policy into personal attacks. (Don't trust your memory: reread).

And Bee's assessment on the active duty or awol question? Spot on, Bee. Wink
by cplz: The intent of #2 was to show that aversion wasn't their intent as they chose active duty.
ok, you are correct they DID choose

again, you may have a basis for the conclusion you reached, but have NOT shared that info here so others would have difficulty reaching the same conclusion

and since no facts have been offered otherwise, a reasonable assumption could be that after their 1rst pro season on extended leave, their choices were -

a) report for active duty on xx date

b) DO NOT report for active duty on xx date, be AWOL and subject to military policy for your actions

if ya have some inside info, I'm all ears

I'm not claiming expertise in these matters, just observing the info provided and thinkin' it out ..
tho my son was contacted by both Army and Air Force with recruiting interest & we asked a ton of questions during that time about this issue
Last edited by Bee>
Hey, ClevelandDad, why didn't that make your 'cheap shots' list?

That is a fair question. IMHO, there have been some hostilities (cheap shots if you will) in this thread between members but there has only been one "cheap shot" directed (perhaps implied) at another member's kid. When have inuendos like that ever been fair game on the hsbbweb?

The best I can tell by re-reading the posts in this thread is there has been only one member who has taken it beyond the policy discussion and indicated that not only do they disagree with the policy but they also perhaps find it less than honorable for a cadet to take advantage of such policy.

If someone believes cadets who join the military under the "proviso" that they might someday pursue a baseball career is somehow less than the right thing to do, then please come out and say it explicitly. Otherwise, please point out how previous comments have been misinterpreted. Are we talking about policy here or are we also casting aspersions on those who abide by it.

CLPZ and EH have tried to justify the policy. After reading all the arguments here on both sides, I am not sure I am smart enough to do that.
by CD: If someone believes cadets who join the military under the "proviso" that they might someday pursue a baseball career is somehow less than the right thing to do, then please come out and say it explicitly
there-in lies the problem ...
if someone could kindly post that "proviso" verbatum, things would be crystal clear
or is is one of those "classified" things that we can see ... but then ya have to kill us??

in our recruiting converstions with the academies the details of "pro baseball options" were veerry vague - intentionaly or un-intentionaly -
and we NEVER saw anything in print .. maybe things have changed
Last edited by Bee>
Originally posted by Bee>:
by CD: If someone believes cadets who join the military under the "proviso" that they might someday pursue a baseball career is somehow less than the right thing to do, then please come out and say it explicitly
if someone could kindly post that "proviso" verbatum, things would be crystal clear

in our recruiting converstions with the academies the details of "pro baseball options" were veerry vague - intentionaly or un-intentionaly -
and we NEVER saw anything in print .. maybe things have changed

1) Did they in fact say no Bee>? All they have to do to end this controversy is say "no pro option" during the recruiting phase.

IMHO, they (e.g., air force) are vague because they want things both ways as well. An athlete who is on the edge about this issue it allows them to compete with all the other D1's out there by being purposefully vague.

Here is your proof that such a policy and resultant promises do in fact exist:

Why would the Phillies (or any other pro team) blow a draft choice on a player if they did not think in fact the military was willing to work with them on this issue? Because they are stupid and they like to burn draft choices for no reason? I think not.
by CD: Here is your proof that such a policy and resultant promises do in fact exist:

Why would the Phillies (or any other pro team) blow a draft choice on a player if they did not think in fact the military was willing to work with them on this issue? Because they are stupid and they like to burn draft choices for no reason? I think not.
the "proviso" (that's such a cool word ) may well be as cplz has vaguely explained it ..
again, we could be certain and understand it clearly if we saw it Smile

is it inked on the back of a cocktail napkin or something??

but to suggest that it MUST BE SO because a player was drafted is a bit far-fetched

the players in question QUIT pro ball after 1-ONE-UNO short season

was the MLB team stupid? I guess that can be debated Roll Eyes

were those "burned draft picks"? ABSOLUTLY .. no debate there,
team got 12 weeks (or less) of pro ball out of their draft pick(s)
they coulda filled those roster spots for that season w/undrafted free agents,
signed for a cheesburger & bus ticket (figuratively speaking Wink)

be curious to know if the scout who drafted/signed those guys is still with that team?
Last edited by Bee>
in our recruiting converstions with the academies the details of "pro baseball options" were veerry vague - intentionaly or un-intentionaly -
and we NEVER saw anything in print .. maybe things have changed

In our dealings with one academy in particular, when asked point blank about "going pro" we were told "We do not encourage it. If your goal is to play pro should perhaps re-think attending a military academy. You do not go to 'name of academy' with the ultimate goal to play pro ball." I will say that we are not talking West Point here. And I also will say I appreciated the point blank statement on their part and felt it was upfront and honorable to be so candid. I guess it was a wrong assumption to think that all the academies operated the same way. This was 5 years ago....have things changed that significantly?
Last edited by luvbb
Why would the Phillies (or any other pro team) blow a draft choice on a player if they did not think in fact the military was willing to work with them on this issue? Because they are stupid and they like to burn draft choices for no reason? I think not.

I don't know Dan....being a life-long Phillies fan...I have seen my fair share of burned draft choices! Wink

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