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Originally posted by bball123:
The day that the assistant coach went to him to report what he heard or perhaps saw, and Paterno passed the buck, was the day he gave up the right to any claims of greatness and everything he ever worked for. He still continued to pass the buck after being questioned, he said he reported it to his superiors?

I don't think his family would dare to sue anyone. What could they prove in his defense?

That's my point, you have expressed it better than I do. So far, Paterno's family is doing spin-doctoring. If they sincerely believe they have a case, bring them to the court now and force the other side to show evidence and testimony under oath. So far, all they did is spin the news and acting in denial.

But anyway, the prosecutors and victims will bring criminal and civil cases to the court. All of us will see the light of the day in a year or two down the road.

I'm still puzzled why some people equal the Freeh report as public opinion. It is an investigation task force led by a former FBI director who has a very good track record. And the task force is comprised of upstanding professional citizen, some coming from Penn State as well. This is not done by a local sheriff of unknown track record.

So far, this is the best we got, until Paterno's family dare to bring Penn State, NCAA and Freeh Task force to court. Or two years down the road when the victims have their day in court. I can wait, I have patience.

Good program on ESPN now.
The Paterno family has brought in their own people to go over the report to determine if it was biased in its determination?
This will be my last post on this topic.

CPLZ, I think the difference is that you stated that the baseball program hooked its wagon to the football team. That kid recurited to play baseball or softball did not. They went there to participate in sports that the love and get an exceptional opportunity to gain an education. You don't see them as victims. When cuts are made or scholarships reduced, those non revenue sports like baseball and softball will be first on the list to get cut. Recently we had posts on this site mentioning various universitites throughout the country cutting baseball. So, I feel for those kids. Keep in mind that Sandusky has not been on that campus for years and even players in the football program do not know him.

All along I have wondered what I have done wrong in this thread per my communication to have given the impression that I am defending these guys. I have constantly stated that I want this to end up in court. I want these guys to go to jail. I want witness to go on the record so we know who else stood by the side and allowed this to happen. I want every detail exposed so that all will know exactly what went on.

Take care,

Last edited by CoachB25
Posted July 24, 2012 08:37 PM Hide Post

Originally posted by bball123:
The day that the assistant coach went to him to report what he heard or perhaps saw, and Paterno passed the buck, was the day he gave up the right to any claims of greatness and everything he ever worked for. He still continued to pass the buck after being questioned, he said he reported it to his superiors?

I don't think his family would dare to sue anyone. What could they prove in his defense?

That's my point, you have expressed it better than I do. So far, Paterno's family is doing spin-doctoring. If they sincerely believe they have a case, bring them to the court now and force the other side to show evidence and testimony under oath. So far, all they did is spin the news and acting in denial.

But anyway, the prosecutors and victims will bring criminal and civil cases to the court. All of us will see the light of the day in a year or two down the road.

I'm still puzzled why some people equal the Freeh report as public opinion. It is an investigation task force led by a former FBI director who has a very good track record. And the task force is comprised of upstanding professional citizen, some coming from Penn State as well. This is not done by a local sheriff of unknown track record.

So far, this is the best we got, until Paterno's family dare to bring Penn State, NCAA and Freeh Task force to court. Or two years down the road when the victims have their day in court. I can wait, I have patience.

Good program on ESPN now.
The Paterno family has brought in their own people to go over the report to determine if it was biased in its determination?

Good program on ESPN now.
The Paterno family has brought in their own people to go over the report to determine if it was biased in its determination?

Good for them and hope they can uncover something (which I am doubtful) that would lead to successful lawsuit against Penn State, NCAA and Freeh Task force to clear Paterno's name. Anything short of that is just mere spin-doctoring.
I really would like to see this get to the point where there is no stone left unturned. It is hard to defend yourself when you're dead.

We need 100% of what happened.

If Paterno was the most powerful person at Penn State and he called all the shots, how did they fire him?

Did any of the people that fired him know what had been going on? Obviously the people who can fire you have more power than you do.

Seems like people are taking it for granted that Paterno knew every sickening detail about Sandusky and let it continue. Should we also believe Jim Boeheim knew what Bernie Fine was doing with those boys on the road trips?

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