Like many, I just got this PG email. To follow up on 22and25’s post, the big wallets are well on their way here:
“ CEDAR RAPIDS, Iowa – Perfect Game today announced that its innovative, data-capturing, PG Tech, aced its beta testing phase in 2021, and will now be rolled out and available for use by amateur baseball players participating in more than 140 of its showcase baseball events in 2022.
Developed and launched in partnership with leading sports technology company, K-Motion, PG Tech provides Perfect Game athletes with access to cutting-edge technology and data- capturing that to this point has been available mostly to professional players.
PG Tech’s first effort, a cutting-edge baseball batting cage, incorporates the use of industry-leading sport technology companies such as K-Motion (3D data), Edgertronics (high speed video), Pocket Radar (ball data), Diamond Kinetics (bat data) and TrackMan (launch monitor data.)
Using high speed video cameras, a launch monitor, a radar unit, a bat sensor, and a 3D motion capture system - all individually adjusted by PG Tech biomechanics specialists – player batted-ball information is gathered from the technologies listed above and combined to provide players with the “cause data” of their swings. Included in the data are exit velocity and ball flight as well as biomechanical data related to hip, torso, and pelvis movement. Combined, the data allows players, parents, coaches, and scouts the ability to evaluate a player’s swing in each of its many phases. This allows a player the ability to improve weaknesses and further develop strengths, to help them maximize their potential as a hitter.
During this past season, PG Tech was sampled by more than 4,000 players participating in Perfect Game events. The data captured by PG Tech is uploaded to the players’ profile pages on the Perfect Game website, allowing collegiate and professional scouts opportunities to compare their own “eye-test” notes with the data captured in the PG Tech batting cage.
“It’s no secret that baseball, and all sports for that matter, are increasingly turning to high-tech applications to enhance methods and practices,” said Perfect Game President, Jerry Ford. “In an effort to stay ahead of the curve, Perfect Game is committed to providing its athletes with best-in-class services that allow them to play the game for as long as they can and to their fullest potential. That’s why we’re working closely with K-Motion to develop PG Tech. So far, the reaction to and the results from PG Tech have been outstanding.”
“The beta testing of the PG Tech batting cage exceeded all of our expectations,” stated K-Motion Chairman and CEO, Steve Diamond. “For the first time ever, amateur baseball players had access to cutting-edge and innovative technology that was beyond the means and reach for most of them. The universe gives a player talent, and we’re here to help each one of them maximize their natural talent and fulfill their dreams by giving them access to meaningful data that will help them improve and reach their full potential, and the best is yet to come for PG Tech.”
“PG Tech will emerge as a trusted and welcome resource for amateur baseball players, their parents and their coaches. It will also be an important tool for college coaches and professional scouts,” stated Bill Bavasi, a former 40-year Major League Baseball player development and scouting executive, with 10 years as a general manager. “PG Tech sits at the intersection of old-school and new-school methods of coaching and scouting. What we see with our eyes is confirmed through PG Tech data analysis, which also picks up what our eyes do not see or are not capable of seeing. PG Tech data might pique a scout’s interest in a player and get a player a closer look. And isn’t that what we all want, thorough looks at players? Just as important, PG Tech provides players and coaches with the information that helps everybody – players, scouts and coaches – reach their potential.”