Tagged With "baseball Tryout Dates Posted"
Green Light
Stars and Stripes
Power Train Sports Institute
For those that know me ,I don't think I need to post this but for all the newbies I think I shouldIn another thread a poster referred to me as having an agenda---WELL I DO-- and it is a very simple agenda -- to see kids succeed and this is how it...
Area Code Tryout Rules and Ideas.
My son will be attending the upcoming Area Code tryouts on Monday and I was wondering if anyone who has been thru this process the do's and don'ts of what to do and also does anyone know when we would hear something back about making or not making the...
Major League Infield Training Comes to Plano
http://collegebaseballcamps.co...ageAvailableKey=6888National Infield Camp (Plano, Tx) Session 2Ages 12-13Location: Extra Innings -Plano, TXSaturday, January 14, 2012 to Sunday, January 15, 2012Starts: 12:00pm / Ends: 2:30pmCamp Cost: $135.00Camp...
Be Physically Ready for Showcases/Camps
We had the misfortune of having my son royally sprain an ankle in a tournament on the eve of a camp at a school he was very interested in; he checked in and went straight to the trainer for more ice. Not good. The school was wonderful about it but his...
Earned Run or Unearned Run?
I have a question regarding the scoring of an earned run. The following are actual events that took place in a HS game.The first batter of the inning is walked (BB). The first batter advances to second as the result a throwing error by the catcher on...
A Smile and A Tear
One Night Changes a Life, and Calif. Town By TIM DAHLBERG, AP Sports Writer Fri Jun 10, 3:40 PMCLOVIS, Calif. - The chant began late in the fourth quarter in the basketball gym at Clovis East High. The students started it first, clapping their hands...
Houston Thunder Baseball 2012 14U Baseball Tryouts in January
Jesse Espinoza 832 896 9511www.HoustonThunderBaseball.netjbaseballislife@yahoo.com Houston Thunder Baseball is looking for a couple of competitive ballplayers to round out our 14u Elite/Premiere team this 2012 spring. We are acollege prep organization...
2006 Midwest Underclassmen Showcase
For All Midwest players:We have just secured the date and location for our 2006 Midwest Underclassmen Showcase.2006 Midwest Underclassmen ShowcaseThursday, July 6th 11am-3pmConcordia University Baseball ComplexThis is an open invitation event for all...
Recruiting; Summer Camps v. Showcases v. Summer Team
Hello All. Hopefully someone (or many someones) can help me with a question.My son is an '06 that currently plays on a very competitive 18U summer team. This past year he has written many letters to schools he is interested in (Div 1 and Div 3) and...
U16 Columbus Premier Tryouts. Columbus, Ohio
The U16 2012 Columbus Premier will be holding tryouts on Sunday August 14th at New Albany High School in Columbus from 1:00-3:00. If unavailable on that date please contact me for a private tryout. The Premier will play a 8 Tournament showcase...
Why do so many righthanders hit as a lefty?
It has been a while since my last post. Something has come up in my mind that I can't find the answer for my self so this is why I turn towards the HSBaseballweb for advice/the answer.Is there a scientific explanation why so many right handed players...
William & Mary
I saw a post on the "Ask about Colleges" forum that Coach Farr may be leaving W&M ? Anyone got any info regarding this, I find it surprising as he has turned down several offers in the past and seemed to say he did not want to leave W&M. CV
Question about the Draft and being in College
Ok heres my deal, Im going to a division 1 school next year to play ball, I didn't enter the draft because i would of been selected very late. I feel that I'm getting better with every outing as i proceed into my first year of college. And i believe...
S Florida Marlins tryouts looking for players.....
The South Florida Marlins, a new Elite travel program for 2012 will be conducting tryouts for 2013, 2014 and 2015 HS Graduates for the summer season on Dec 3rd and Dec 10th. We are looking for dedicated, hard working, committed baseball players. The...
Softball websites?
Is there an equivalent website to hssbbweb out there for softball players? Please post any useful softball related websites. Thanks.
The "marketing" game??
TRHit's response in an earlier thread about marketing got me thinking. We have just sent out letters and Video CD's to several colleges. What's next? Follow-up with a phone call in a 10 days to 2 weeks to arrange a campus vist? Another letter? ...
Looking for transportation ideas
I thought this may be the best forum to post my questions in. Our son got his Assoc. degree at a junior college in Arizona and he is continuing his education at Southeastern Oklahoma State Univ. in Durant, OK. I've already driven there last January...
Area Code
I asked in the California forum, but thought I would ask here as well.For those that attended the Area Code tryout this week in Stockton, how was it? Anyone make the team?
2012 Best of the 757 Baseball Showcase at Harbor Park (August 26th)
Led by some of the top high school baseball coaches in the 757, the 2012 Best of the 757 Baseball Showcase will include athletic testing and a baseball skills showcase in which athletes will show off their pitching, fielding and hitting talents in...
Post 21 FireCracker Tournament July 1st-4th games posted
Post 21 Baseball WebsiteJuly 1st (Friday) (JW-James Wood HS; MB-Millbrook HS )9:00 JW-Berkeley vs. FrederickMB-Charles Town vs. Stafford(A)11:30 JW-Stafford (P) vs. Frederick MB-Euclid vs. Stafford (A)2:00 JW-Potomac Valley vs. ShippensburgMB-Delaware...
They said it!!!
In light of all the brilliance being spread over the last week, I thought I would share with you some of the quotes I have heard from scouts and college coaches over the last year. Just food for thought."High school kids get drafted on physical...
Blue-Grey Question
Are the B-G Events wood bat? My son has a tryout this coming Saturday. Thanks.JT
Summer Rules Questions
With HS baseball winding down in most of the US, I'd like to ask that if you post a summer league question that you also identify the age group and league affiliation so that any answers can be more accurately quoted.There are some significant...
Johann Knee signs with DIV II powerhouse Kutztown
I just want to give a fatherly congratulations to my son Johann Knee of Montgomery Village, MD for his signing with the DII Kutztown Bears, Kutztown University. Although he had offers from DI schools such as Ohio, University of Miami (OH), Cleveland...
Area Code Games
I am an '06 that has been invited to an Area Code tryout (not an Area Code camp but an actual tryout). I know it is very difficult to make an Area Code team but do you get any exposure to colleges by trying out even if you don't make it?Thanks.
White Sox area scout team fall
Perfect Game about HSBBW
I’ve received many emails regarding the closing of this great website. I thought I would post the following so that people understand that I truly do care! And to mention some issues that are a concern. I’ve always tried hard to obey all...
HSBBW - Perfect Game - Others?
Posted last night in a different forum.I’ve received many emails regarding the closing of this great website. I thought I would post the following so that people understand that I truly do care! And to mention some issues that are a concern....
Amateur Baseball Report
Our 14-year old son was selected for a 2nd tryout for the Amateur Baseball Report showcase for national team. Does anyone have advice on this (if it's worthwhile, useful, good, bad etc)? THANKS!
A Warm Thank-You
I rarely post but have often perused this site over the past 3 or 4 yrs. I haven't spent as much time doing that of late but since reading that the site may be shutting down at the end of the month, I just wanted to say thanks to those that gave...
Player looking for 16-18u in Mid Atlantic Area
I'm a 15 year old 1b, OF. I lettered for my varsity team last year as a freshman. I played for an 18u showcase team last summer and this fall, but we will be splitting up after this fall. Please PM me for more information about myself, or with any...
It's official!
Today my son signed a NLI to play baseball at Austin Peay State University. This has been his dream school since HS, but he knew he needed to go to a juco and GROW UP!! He put in the work and hopefully it will pay off for him at APSU. I want to thank...
2012 Best of the 757 Baseball Showcase at Harbor Park (August 2012)
Led by some of the top high school baseball coaches in the 757, the 2012 Best of the 757 Baseball Showcase will include athletic testing and a baseball skills showcase in which athletes will show off their pitching, fielding and hitting talents in...
Dallas Titans Fall Tryout
Dallas Titans2008 Fall Showcase TeamsShowcasing From September – November Regional Showcase Events at Colleges and Universities – Cost - $350+Perfect Game WWBA Qualifier and Nationals 18-20 player roster selected from Showcase RostersCost-...
Train like a Major League Infielder
http://collegebaseballcamps.co...ageAvailableKey=6887National Infield Camp (Plano, Tx) Session 1Ages 9-11Location: Extra Innings -Plano, TXSaturday, January 14, 2012 to Sunday, January 15, 2012Starts: 9:00am / Ends: 11:30amCamp Cost: $135.00Camp...
I have not yet heard an update on Bob's plans for this great website, but I do know that several fine members have offered some good options, so hopefully this site will continue.However, I wanted to post an easy to remember address where I will...
Texas Stallions Baseball 10U, 13U, and 14U
Looking for a couple of players for each team for Fall 2012. If you have a good attitude and a desire to develop your skills with top-notch coaching, we are looking for you. We are an established club where you can grow with teams from 9U through 18U....
Freshman year ! End of sr year - time to begin NEW
I had originally put this in the 9th inning sr year, but decided to start a new thread in keeping with the theme of the post! Eavery day is a new day - fresh, with no mistakes -or something like that - from Anne of Avonlea...In 2006, my oldest...
The "lost" season
First, before discussing the "lost" season, I'd like to thank Bob and everyone who has contributed to this site...it is my first "stop" in the morning and more than a few times I have spit out my coffee laughing, or dropped tears in my coffee crying....
i just want to take a minute to thank everyone on this board or has contributed something. I've learned a lot and I know my dad has over the last couple years checking out the site. I learned that you need to keep your mouth shut sometimes because...
Proud Parent
I have rarely (maybe never) done this but today for some reason I feel the need to do so .... I am going to post an email that we received from our son Andy, this morning. As most of you know I have a hard time bragging about either of our sons. Both...
We are going to take OPP's 9:30 (edt) slot tonight in the chat room and change it from a wake to a party!!So put on your best bibb and tucker, or sit around in your underdrawers (doesn't really matter) and come meet the new "Head Cook and Bottle...
Is BB going to suffer another scandal ?
There have been some BB executives accused of skimming money from the Cuban players bonuses. Apparently the FBI is called in to invesigate these sccustaions. Another black eye for pro BB ?***OOPS ... Bbblehead ... sorry but I meant to quote you on...
Overcoming mental obstacles
In the Aug. 4 issue of Sports Illustrated, there is a very good article on David Price. I tried to find a link to post, but it looks like it's not on the web. I was struck by the first paragraph, which explains how midway through his freshman year at...