Tagged With "hitting geek"
ncaa compliance??
recently a college mom questioned what her son should do if his girlfriend's parents offered to spring for dinnerI was a bit rough on her labeling it as a "great scam" - - but, after recent events, I applogize and am changing my tune - - give him a...
Hit N Run Game Day Coach and Player Clinic
Hit N Run Batting Cages announces the Game Day Baseball/Softball Education Program. Sessions will be each Saturday in the month of Oct from 10a-12p at the Hit N Run Conference Room located at 110 Robinson Dr....
Hitting Tips
I have been playing ball for over 13 years, but somehow I cannot get over the fear of the ball being so close to me, sometimes I jump back when in the box when really, i could have swung and it would have been a good hit. Do you guys have any tips for...
2 Day Major League Hitting Clinic $99
2 Day Major League Hitting Clinic Special $99 Register Here: http://blpacademy.com/camps-clinics/ Questions? Contact Coach Smiley @ geraldsmiley@gmail.com Dr. Chris Yeager holds a PHD in Human Performance from the University of Southern Mississippi. The National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA) recognizes Dr. Yeager as a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist (CSCS). Dr. Yeager served as the Hitting and Pitching Mechanics Analyst for the San Diego Padres Player...
Video Analysis of Players
In the offseason I usually coach players at our local baseball facility. Unfortunately, I am away for the summer and the kids still want to work with me while I am away. I was wondering if there are any coaches that have experience with having their...
Video Analysis of Players
In the offseason I usually coach players at our local baseball facility. Unfortunately, I am away for the summer and the kids still want to work with me while I am away. I was wondering if there are any coaches that have experience with having their...
Can we start this week off right?
First of all my son is an 8th grader who has potential. At what position – who knows, catcher, pitcher, guitar, sax, mathematician, computer geek (oh, sorry that’s me), scientist, etc, etc.I think most of us are here because we love...
Texas and Illinois
Ok....I have posted here on a several occasions, most notably in support of FO's son who was playing like an All-American before some kid cheap-shot-ed him this spring, but I have to wonder, has anybody noticed that Texas is about to overtake the...
Re: What do you think about SPARQ trying to get rid of the 60?
Prospectwire, Agreed, excellent discussion. Your primary argument for the 60 seems to be that it measures 'raw speed', in that it gives an opportunity for the player with 'raw speed' to pass the player who is merely fast over 30 yards (home to first). In this case, I would argue that what you call 'raw speed' is a useless measure in baseball. Once again, a linear 60 yards is never run in baseball, so the extra 30 yards that teases out 'raw speed' is rendered moot, you simply never get a...
Re: Dropped him off at School
Windmill, We just went through the same drill on Saturday and Sean's our first-born. Lot's of tears on our side ... I know Sean was also sad about many of the life changes involved in moving on to a new stage of life, but he's also clearly excited about the new stuff. He's a pretty confident kid that mixes very easily in new situations and new people. Wherever he goes he quickly makes new friends, but he was sad that he'll see much, much less of his close circle. He's a four+ hour drive away...
Re: What do you think about SPARQ trying to get rid of the 60?
I don't have enough time to give you a response to all of this, but you bring some valid points. I think you are going overboard on the baseball specific speed, however. Yes, you never run 60 yards in a straight line in baseball. But you make it sound like on a ball hit in the gap, the batter-runner gets to 1st base, comes to a complete stop, then must completely reaccelerate from 0. Besides this is what coaching is for. You arent supposed to have a huge difference in speed just because you...
Re: Bullwinkle need your help!
These so called reality shows are all scripted. A friend JEN is on beauty and the geek and they tell every one exactly what to do. Phonier than wrestling.
Re: What's the average income for a minor leaguer?
Great posts, that's the help what I am really looking for. How is your son's physical build now? Would you like to share with me? So I would have a good idea how my son will compare with him. On the Home run part, my son didn't hit any when he is 12 , because he is small at that time and play all the games in the 300 feet deep field. Did you watch the LLWS? unlike the USSSA, the little league field is only 225 feet deep. A lot of pop flies become a home run in that kind of ball park. Because...
Re: How do you deal with a demanding parents with a super talented kid?
Hi, Innocent Bystander: I do have a friend lives at Columbus, Ohio He is a computer Geek, I do have have a plan to visit him someday, if you live close, I will probably visit you too, but only till my son become the Star in his HS within about a year or two. Otherwise my name won't be "Stardad". Keep in touch, I will let you know when it happens.
Re: Interesting Stuff
You know thats awesome. Your playing a sporting event and your getting it handed to you. So what do you do? Yeah your better than us and your kicking our a s s but we are going to earn more money than you down the road. Wow! Congrats. So take your butt whoopin and hang your hat on that. Congrats. The funny thing is some of the most successful people I went to hs with never even went to college. One owns his own body shop. He started another one in the Charlotte area and has one in South...
Re: Interesting Stuff
I think it's funny that my son and a few others that I coached in a geeky, gifted program engineering competition many years ago, are now going off to play baseball in college. That didn't happen too often when I was their age, "back in the day"; there was not much cross-over between "geek" and "jock"...
Re: Interesting Stuff
No offense but I don't see where anyone was condescending towards chess or any other academic area kids / parents. I love the fact "these" kids are serious about chess or whatever it is. As a teacher I spend enough time around apathetic kids as is. I LOVE teaching kids who just want to compete - it might be on the athletic field / court or it might be in the classroom. I don't care if it's the stereotypical jock or the stereotypical geek. I want to teach / coach (both words mean the same to...
Re: switch hitting
Some ESPN analyst who likely got picked last at recess for kickball every day (Tim Kirkjerk) does what geeks do best--he pulled up history of stats to demonstrate what?? That he is smarter than all the MLB managers for decades who have been foolish to use SH in their line-ups? Kirkjerks numbers aside-- let's keep this simple...and I would even pose this questions to Kirkjerk: You have 2 players vying for same position on any roster. All things being equal and by that I mean their abilities...
Re: Pitch Speed At the Plate? (Fox World Series Coverage)
HiHardHeat got it exactly right when he said: Less "drag," more velocity. and... In other words, the grip upon release determines the physical properties that will govern the motion of the ball rotating in the air on the way to the plate...its the physics of the rotating ball, with seams in different orientations that lead to the observations of PGStaff while watching young pitchers. If you really want to dig very deep into this, the following link is a study by a colleague on this topic.
Re: Dartmouth
For Blprkfrnks & everyone else - let's lay out the application statistics. Here are some facts to color our conversation. I hope this can help you in your evaluation. High School - public TX HS GPA - (edited) Class rank - (edited) SAT - (edited) Extracurricular - (edited) Baseball - 4 years varsity. 4 years summer w/ top Dallas summer teams. You've heard of them. Those are the lifeless statistics. The admissions office STARTS here, then looks for color. My recollection from the 2004...
Re: Statistics
I'm an engineer and math geek. I keep the scorebook, I compute the stats. I score just about every game I attend. I'm continually shocked at what I see in high school box scores versus what I recorded. What's really fun is if you have a somewhat sloppy game played by two high schools who each have a home newspaper. Go online and compare the two box scores. More fun than a Simpson's episode. The only times I've ever valued stats is during APSs (Angry Parent Sessions). When dad, or mom or...
Re: Ortiz and Manny on 2003 doping list
Hey now, that's not MY Governor...I voted for the skinny non-PED'd geek they impeached to get to the Governator... 44 .
Re: Elite schools
This likely depends on the profession. As a leading government engineering research organization, we hire some of the smartest people you will ever meet...from MIT, Stanford, Princeton, Cal, Cornell, Purdue, Illinois, Michigan, etc... Many come from elite schools...probably most. Some do not (I would be an example of that, I attended Univ. of Cincinnati for undergrad.). If you don't have a graduate degree, we will pay for you to get one...at Stanford, Cal, Carnegie Melon or at San Jose State...
Re: batted ball speed
First, to illustrate Professor Nathan's point about the hands not needing to be on the ball, I offer video of a Todd Frazier home run: http://wapc.mlb.com/play/?cont...1821083&c_id=mlb Second, w/r/t this: Isnt the correct metric that matters - exit speed? How fast the ball is traveling after it leaves the bat? I thought that is the way it's being measured now... so none of the other stuff really matters too much, unless you're trying to decide how to make that happen Yes, to the last...
Re: Define An Error
OMG! In part of a season of scoring high school ball I've turned into a rules geek!
Re: Define An Error
RJM --- call me a geek as well. I've been scoring games for longer than I care to remember, and I can only say to your calls here Mental errors are not "official"...though I have been known to note them (and Bad Calls) in the book . But they can't be involved in proving the scoring. PG, I can't think of a way that scorekeeping rules would be different at the different levels of play. Other, of course, than how harshly I might judge Ordinary Effort.
Re: Ks/PA
No, Kremer. You're not enlightened, just smug. Reminds me of a Charles Barkley interview I heard years ago. He talked about fans and their knack of calling out players. Essentially, he said a pro-player's worst day is significantly better than any fan-in-the-stand's best day. He was right. So, there you sit with your stats-for-dummies book judging who is good and who is not-good. I suggest you put the textbooks and scorebooks away. Here's some help Kremer, in the MLB, they are all good. Some...
Re: Why all the angst?
Hey, look, I understand the desire to geek out on baseball stats. I was the scorekeeper/statistician for my kid's teams prior to HS. There were fun things that could be done with the data, and when they'd get up to 60-70 games over a spring and summer, the samples were no longer meaningless. But they weren't all that meaningful, either. Or at least they didn't reveal much that we already didn't know. My son's little league team, 11 kids, had a future NBA first round draft pick, and a White...
Re: Curious
BobbleheadDoll, Thanks....I know what the recovery disks will do, and I am sick about it....While I was on the phone with tech support, we did try to restart the computer in different modes and it still won't boot up.... My plan is to bring the computer in to the place where I bought it (also the extended warranty) and they will try to start it from another computer---if so, then they will be able to recover the data, for actually not that much money. For as much as I have yelled strongly...
The IT geek engineer at work, ran the Disk Cleanup and Defrag programs in System Tools on my 'puter. That made a huge difference in the speed I can track high school and college baseball programs, signings, scores, schedules and gossip here at work. What a country....
Re: SH in box scores
To the stat sheet afficionado (a/k/a numbers geek), separating out all these stats gives you some significant info. First of all, you have to separate sacrifice bunts (or "sacrifice hits" or "SH" -- even though they are not "hits") from sacrifice flies ("SF") because they are factored into other stats differently. In particular, SH's don't count against your on-base average, but SF's do. This in turn affects OPS ("on-base plus slugging", the new hot stat). (Though why that distinction has...
Re: How Far to Play Travel Ball??
Consultant, thanks for the link. I'll take a look. gamefan, I'm probably not qualified to answer who I see recruited out of these showcases because you never know for sure. We have attended a few in the spring/summer and a couple scheduled in the fall. But here's my limited opinion. You always run the 60 at or near the beginning of the showcase. The kids that run the fastest 60s it appears are always the ones coaches "track" throughout the rest of the showcase. It's amazing how many coaches...
Re: Majors In College
Interactive Multimedia (aka Web Developer). It's beneficial to me cause i've loved computers ever since i was young, trust me i know its weird being a computer geek and athlete. Best part is once I started playing pro ball, i was able to keep my job during the season because all i needed was my laptop and an internet connection. It has to be the best job if you want to play ball at the same time just because of the flexibility, obviously its not every everyone though.
Re: Typical HSBBW argument
I don't really understand what that video meant. And I don't know what this song means. But I'm kind of fond of the kid singing: http://www.hsbbweb.com/Luthapalooza/TheTone_BLC_050208_...BalladOfAThinMan.wav Song by Bob Dylan (Ballad of a Thin Man)... Lead guitar and vocals by MN-Son2. You raise up your head And say, "Is this where it is?" And somebody points to you and says "It's his" And you say, "What's mine?" And somebody else says, "Where what is?" And you say, "Oh my gosh Am I here all...
Re: High School Athletic Practice
Being something of an education policy geek, I have looked into the question of whether block scheduling is a benefit or detriment to academic achievement. Many high schools have gone to the block schedule (our high school included.) The argument in favor is because certain classes (such as sciences, with labs) require more than the 50 minute periods, that block schedules allow for more in depth teaching and better learning. The reality is much different, the data show. What really happens...
Re: Moneyball/Sabermetrics
You dont hit into dbl plays when you sac with no outs. All this computer geek baseball is just that. Ive read the book. Means nothing to me. Guys that can get on base and guys that can get outs. That about covers it for me.
Re: Need Help from East Texas
Skysthlimit: I did the same as you first a search w/SFA (no help at all from that site) then a google search, then map search and then went the P&R route next. I guess I am kinda geek on these things, give me something to research/find and it is a game with me to see if I can find it. Now that I am not helping to manage a baseball team I think I gotta get a life or a JOB .
Re: Who turned out the light?
. ....Frenzied clicking directed to find home(HSBBW)...then wild random clicking in an attempt to force a solution...Frenzied call to my server...Frantic call to my "Geek"...followed by a splitting headache...sweaty palms...began to see a Moose...In California?..Oh, No hallucinations...Then realized seeing a moose was a good thing, a very good thing...there is hope...finally gave up and went to bed...sleepless night...dreams of all that free time...wife not knowing what to do with me...More...
Re: Current HOF List for 2012
HOF voters don't research all the estoteric statistics you're delving into. I don't have time for all that research nor am I that interested in doing so. I'm not an, esoteric sub level stats geek. Therefore I'm going by how they do vote. Esoteric stats are great for determinging a players potential or breaking down a given season. Over the long haul the player either got it done or he didn't. Morris got it done 254 times.
Re: Current HOF List for 2012
So you're saying I am? Nice. Is ERA too esoteric a stat for you? I guess I'll take solace in the knowledge that when you're debating somebody who resorts to ad hominem attacks, that's a pretty good sign that you've won the argument.
Re: Current HOF List for 2012
Yes, "attacks." That's what most people consider calling another a "sub level stats geek." Jeez.
Re: Current HOF List for 2012
And one more thing, RJM, from the "sub level stats geek": If it is all about wins, and you can't be bothered with any "esoteric" stats (not even, apparently, that new-fangly thing called "ERA") beyond wins, how do you differentiate between the Jamie Moyers of the world and the Jack Morrises? You've got to drill down somewhere to find meaningful distinctions....