It goes to show that Barry hasn't lost hius touch to fill the seats...
The money he represents to the MLB protects his franchise importance to baseball. This is why Barry Bonds will never be held to account for anything he has done. The only people who will hold a grudge will be those who are the HOF voters. And of course they will be sorry losers as they have shown with Pete Rose.
As for Barry and his "touch for filling seats"...he doesn't have to worry about me filling a seat to watch him...and there's plenty more people that could care less about Barry and his "star power".
"His franchise importance to baseball"? His only importance is to the Giants, who are on the hook for $18 million or so, and are sweating, hoping this stuff blows over. Contrary to your belief, Barry isn't bigger than the game.
He could retire tomorrow, get suspended tomorrow, or get run over by a truck tomorrow, and guess what...the sun will still rise the next day, and baseball will continue on.
But they won't because they would have to admit to their own cupability in this whole fiasco. They will go on blaming the players, and the fans when the responsibility lies right at the feet of the owners and the commissioners lap.
Also, be sure to blame the players themselves, as well as the players union. Curt Schilling was livid that Canseco would break the bonds of secrecy of what MLB players do...there are players that know exactly what's going on, but they don't want to talk, and be thought of as a snitch. Look at the guys that have shrunk miraculously in the last year...Bret Boone looked like a batboy before he retired this spring with the Mets.
What baseball needs is for more players or ex players to come out with what's going on.