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REad the oposts carefully--again I say I to you both my discussion is about fact of where the info was obtained- think about it for a minute and then take YOUR heads out of the sand---it gets scary when courts and fed agents can give out info so two writers can make a fortune--- I even hear people saying they now have the "facts" because they are in this book.

As a 30 year old gym rat, I know that what Barroid did to his body after the age of 35 is impossible without vitamin S. Each year after your own hgh peak (varies between 18 and 25) the amount of hgh your body produces declines little by little. Barry is the most obvious juicer I have ever seen in sports. The muscle he put on cant be done after 35 without a testosterone supplement....cant be done! He went from 175 to 240 with no body fat. If your opinion is that hes getting a raw deal, your opinions wrong!
CADad, You mean this post? read
I've often suspected that some of the staunchest Bonds apologists might have some steroid use or history of condoning steroid use in their backgrounds.

I have met both "Beenthere" and "TR"... Can assure you they are not taking steroids! Big Grin

Actually kind of like seeing people who have the courage to state unpopular opinions. I'm positive neither beenthere or TR would condone or promote Steroid use!

People can have whatever opinion they want about our laws and rights. That is another subject. Right now I'm more in favor of the truth coming out. No cover ups, no secrets, just the simple truth. Not in order to hang anyone, but in the best interest of the game and the kids who play it.

Exactly my feelings--there are still no "facts" or proof of guilt in the Bonds matter. As isaid earlier it is not a matter of condoning or not condoning but more a matter of the truth and fact

To take what is in this book as "fact" is,to me anyway, erroneous thinking.--I could use other terms but I won't
TR....think it's great that you are willing to give Barry the benefit of the doubt...despite all evidence to the contrary. I look forward to seeing this goodwill of yours in all your is a good example for all of us....We should not reach opinions, or pass judgement, unless we have all the facts..... signed, sealed, delivered.....and preferably a signed confession. I could look at some of your past postings and use other terms, but I won't.
Last edited by LadyNmom
Since some Bonds apologists are concerned that "Top Secret" info has sneakily been handed to these writers, the sealed records have now been unsealed...the info is a matter of public record. Should info have come out while the Grand Jury was convened? No. Should it come out now that the records are unsealed? Sure...everyone wants to see it, with the exception of the Giants, Bonds, his agent/attorneys, Bud Selig, and maybe a couple of people on this board. The info is specific enough as to exactly what drugs he was taking and his use schedule that if it couldn't be backed up by the writers, Bonds would have a slamdunk win in court.

His silence on this is deafening. Bonds wants to stay as far away from a courtroom as he does an Olympic style steroid test.

A couple of you still are stuck on the notion that steroids can't help you hit a fastball. Look at it this way...steroids won't help a jacka** win the Kentucky Derby, but they do add strength...equating to power..increasing batspeed....allowing you to hit the ball harder and farther...meaning more HR's....there is also evidence that's coming out that certain steroids increase hand eye coordination. If you've already got the God-given talent, it allows you to expand on that.

"Get bigger and stronger". You hear it in HS, College, Pro Ball...if you don't, you risk getting passed by. Eating right and working out carries you only so far. The pressure to do that "little something extra" to get to the next level is always could mean the difference between HS and College, A ball or AA,or MLB...$20/day meal money or millions in the pros.
OJ is still searching for the real killer...Palmiero is still searching for the villain that spiked his B12 injection with steroids...Barry wants to know who swapped out his BenGay and flaxseed oil for the Trenbolone, Deca Durabolin, Winstrol, and HGH. 08

For someone that has said in the past that he would never take steroids, because he watches everything that goes in his body....he must have had his eyes shut when he was injecting the cattle steroid... rotlaugh

Exactly my feelings--there are still no "facts" or proof of guilt in the Bonds matter. As isaid earlier it is not a matter of condoning or not condoning but more a matter of the truth and fact

To take what is in this book as "fact" is,to me anyway, erroneous thinking.--I could use other terms but I won't



I really didn't want to enter this discussion.

However, I think what some are saying here is there really are some facts already revealed about Bonds. What is unclear is the extent involved. We are going to hear a lot more about this subject in the near future.

Somehow I'm not interested in the actual proof, but more interested in the real truth. If that makes any sense. There has to be several people involved who know the real truth.

To me, taking what's in the book as absolute fact and/or taking what's in it as absolutely false would both be erroneous thinking. If it (the book) turned out completely full of false accusations, some people are playing with some serious fire! Barry is going to own a very large publishing company.

First of all understand one thing --NOTHING AILS ME !!!!

Another thing ---I have never argued FOR STEROIDS--I dont know where you got that idea

What I have argued for is fairness and not accusing someone based on what you read in papers, excerpts from books be it Bonds or anyone else. I always thought we lived in a country where you were innocent until proven guilty and I still believe that. I dont condemn and villify human beings based on dirt digging writers. You can do what you want it is a free country

As for salt air, I grew up on LI and spent my youth and early manhood fishing on salt water so I do know about what salt air can do for you and in some cases what it can do to you. In fact I still go back there regularly to see my elderly parents and my brother.

At least you give me credit for not changing because I never will
Last edited by TRhit
I dont condemn and villify human beings based on dirt digging writers. You can do what you want it is a free country

"Dirt digging writers". Interesting. They go through unsealed, now made public record Grand Jury testimony, and look at the charts detailing Bond's steroid cycle regimen. They look at the continual steroid testing done by Balco. They look at the testosterone levels that would be high for a hormonal 17 yr old, much less a 40 year old. They look at the records kept by Balco detailing the various drugs used...testosterone, insulin, cattle steroids, "designer" steroids. The information is so specific, that it would be an easy target for a lawsuit if it couldn't be backed up with facts. Yet, they somehow fall into the realm of "dirt diggers"...BeenThere would call them "mopes".

You may disregard the fact that Bond's career batting average was .288 before 1998, the year the report shows he started juicing. You may disregard that his avg. from 1998-now is .319. You may disregard the fact that his career HR avg. until 1998 was 34. From 1998-2004, it was 47, 42 if you count the handful of games he played in 2005. You can disregard the tapes made of Bonds talking about steroids, you can disregard the fact that he can't now fit a laundry basket over his head, and you can ignore that he swelled from 175lbs. to 240 lbs. body-builder

The writers have disseminated as fact that Bonds was juicing. They've disseminated as fact that he was using Human Growth Hormone, which is not tested for by MLB. They've disseminated as fact that Bonds was using a steroid that was never released for use, was recreated as a designer steroid by a chemist, and was impossible to test for, because testing is only done for simple steroid mixes that are on the market. They've listed a testosterone level on a 40 year old that is higher than a teenager in the back seat of the car with Susie on prom night.

All this, what does Barry do? Sue? Nope...he dresses like Paula Abdul, dodges questions, and prays it goes away. What does Giants management do? Dodge questions, and pray it goes away. What does Bud Selig do? Issue a statement that he'll pick up a copy at Barnes and Noble in a month or so, read it, then mull over what course of action to take.

Don't feel bad, TR, you and Beenthere aren't the only two around with your heads in the sand..obviously there are a handful more. I don't know what else it'll take to convince you, but maybe you and the Barry fan club can join OJ in the search for the real killer...he's innocent too, you know... 14
Excuse me, 2seamer, you live in South Carolina and you know everything? Do you still have a license plate holder that has a Confederate flag on it, too?

Never owned a license plate holder with a Confederate Flag on it...never owned a Confederate Flag...never cared to. For some reason, it's a commonly held misconception by some snobbish Northerners that all Southerners are racist backwoods hicks that wistfully dream of the good old days on the old plantation, and toast the memory of Robert E. Lee with mint juleps. Here's a hint for you, Sparky..those reruns of Dukes of Hazzard you watch aren't filmed live in good 'ole Jawja...but back to the topic..

So, after reading the story, your first visceral reaction is "nothing worse than a woman scorned". Wow. Oddly enough, your compadre in the Barry Fan Club, TrHit, also blamed the girlfriend on 3/7 in one of his responses. Seems to be a pattern here.

Now, let me get this straight. You've blamed the girlfriend, blamed the "mope" sportswriters, blamed the journalists that researched/broke the story, blamed people in the Grand Jury, blamed Sports Illustrated...someone's missing here...oh yeah, the only one you haven't blamed is...Barry. body-builder I would think a lawyer with your grossly inflated sense of self worth could come up with something better than that.

You know, I owe you an don't have your head in the's obviously firmly wedged somewhere else. Barry would join you, but after all of the Human Growth Hormone and cattle steroids..his head won't fit.. body-builder

Is that your defense, Counselor? If the head doesn't fit, you must acquit? Maybe you could give some tips to his lawyers on what to say, because they've been strangely silent. Of course, they may realize that they would be laughed out of town for offering up that weak pablum you regurgitated..."blame the girlfriend"... rotlaugh

I really want to see your other thoughts on this subject...this ought to be good. cleverman
WoW, WoW! Allegations, accusations, documents that are public(yet the NY times haven't seen enough to plaster them all over the place).
If Barry comes clean, as MSN has put it, people will say, I told you so, lets send him to the gallo's. If he says he didn't do it, then he's lying.
Seems this doesn't ever need to go to court, he's been tried and convicted by the press and the court of public opinion.
I am not a Bond's personality fan, but he's a great player either way.
Thats always been my way of looking at it.
Make book on this (no offense to Pete Rose):

Bonds will never sue. If he does, HE can be put under oath, be required to testify, be cross-examined for days, and be required to produce every shred of documentation in the universe that he knows of concerning the issues. Factual witnesses can be subponaed and deposed. Bonds' medical records,MLB records, and the Giants's records can be subpoenaed. Experts can pour over computer records to see what might still exist on hard drives. Does Bonds want all of this? Nope. Not a chance.
Seems this doesn't ever need to go to court, he's been tried and convicted by the press and the court of public opinion.
I am not a Bond's personality fan, but he's a great player either way.

It's not going to go to court. Barry wants to stay as far away from a courtroom as he does an Olympics standard drug test. In the Grand Jury, he was allowed to evade questions and give non committal answers, because he wasn't on trial...Balco was...his testimony (or basically lack of it) was a joke. From what's been released so far, the prosecutor made him look pretty bad. Make Bonds the focus , instead of Balco, and he's sunk. toilet

Of course reporters/publishers/authors have something to gain by publishing this stuff...what do you think their job is? Just because you don't like the message, don't shoot the messenger.
Been and like that question....".....if any reporter.....had anything to gain by reporting this stuff"...

Well.....likewise, I can ask....did Bonds have anything to gain by taking the stuff?

That's life....isn't it? Don't we all work for gain? That is what it's all about....What seperates us is not work for reward, but rather how we choose to work, and what methods we choose to achieve our goals/rewards.

The reporters did nothing wrong....that is how they earn their living; reporting/writing. The silence from the Bond's camp speaks volumes about the job they did in writing about the steroid usage.

This all reminds me a little of Jose Canseco's book.....when it first came out....he took a lot more heat than these writers....but time has proven him to have been truthful in his writings. He wrote the book for personal reward, as these writers have.....but it doesn't make any of them may not like the subject matter....but that's Bond's fault....not the writers.....sorry.
Last edited by LadyNmom
I’ve been sitting back watching the Bonds Bashers and the Bonds Apologists take it into extra innings on the HSBBW. MLB’s latest episode of Drug Wars certainly has got the competitive juices flowing here, with both sides scoring in double digits and going deep into their bullpens. But IMO, there can be no winner in this one.
I hope everyone here will agree that it’s sad to see another baseball hero going down. Bonds might not be your hero, but he still owns the hopes and dreams of more than a few loyalists. Rose retained his, and rightfully so. Like it or not, Bonds has been for years the pre-eminent poster boy for the MLB. He still is; big problem is now nobody’s thinking of how great the game is when Bond’s shadowed image is plastered on the front page. It’s real easy to hate Bonds for that alone. However, it seems there are some here that have hated Bonds forever.
Baseball heroes aren’t just for kids. Every baseball fan has personal favorites, and there’s not a lot of distance from favorite to hero; it’s only Human, just as denial is a wholly acceptable Human trait for those with faith. To cheer gleefully at the demise of a demigod is also a human trait, but to deny compassion to the followers seems a bit over the top.
What Bonds did was way wrong, we all know that and we’ve known it for some time. There’s nothing really new here, but blaming the whole mess on Bonds seems to be in vogue. Just as our thirst for blood will never be satisfied by one villain’s execution, our hunger for facts in this case should not be satisfied by two authors of one book. I fear we will likely get a large- scale investigation ala Dan Dowd, and a lot of heads will roll.
Short term, I’m wondering how this will affect the game. Long term, I'm confident baseball will survive. Right now the game we love is taking a hit, and for our sake I hope the hit doesn’t turn into a beating. Bonds wasn’t the first, and he surely won’t be the last. But I wonder… how many more will be exposed? Who’s hero will be next? Bashers beware. It might be you or your kid dealing with a fallen hero soon. I’ve already lost a couple of heroes myself, but I’m hoping the rest of you are fortunate enough to have your heroes stay in the game.
Last edited by spizzlepop
this thread IS an "abolute classic" (no ref to the spirits dazzler)

gimages: posts (on page 4):

"I did not have *** with that women" - Clinton

"I never bet on baseball" - Rose

"I never took steriods" - Palmero

I'd add:

"I care less about steroids and Bonds ... Not in denial ... I'm just a big Barry fan" - Beenthere

"Understand one thing --NOTHING AILS ME !!!! - TR

"If the head doesn't fit, you must acquit" - 2Seamr

"YOU GOTTA GET BIGGER & STRONGER"!!!" - the "Establishment"

"my apologies to you and Pirate fans everywhere" - HeyBatter

dizzy rotlaugh cry rotlaugh dazeda rotlaugh dialog

there are more but I keep falling off my chair bgrroll (no Absolute involved)

please, all have a great evening ... I will! clever-man2.gif ... oh! ... one more! ...

"We can confirm life on HsBbWeb, but refrain any judgement on the intelligent part" - NASA
Last edited by Chairman
Regarding "secret" Grand Jury proceedings, The SI article contains partial transcipts of Bonds' own testimony.
I'm not sticking up for Bonds here, but if that was stuff was obtained legally as the authors claim, wouldn't he have to have disclosed his own testimony? How else could it be obtained legally? Can the GJ legally disclose sealed transcripts through other means?
Sorry I came late to the party. party Took me several hours to get my head around this stuff. cleverman

Bottom line… It is what it is. lightbul

TR & Been, I love and respect you two but when you’re in a hole stop digging’. hi

I want to know if the IRS is picking up on this stuff?????? Barry’s got more than his big ol’ pumpkin head steroid use to worry about…. Sounds like the beginning of a bad joke… but here goes… how many signed Barry Bond balls does it take to put a down payment on a mistress’ home in Scottsdale? Oh that’s right Barry gets a pass on his taxes as well. pull_hair

The only one with his head out of his butt is Jose Canseco. Funny thing I loved Bonds and always had distain for Canseco… Go figure… next I’m gonna’ admit I like my mother-in-law (or is that the other way around). I’ve more respect for bad boy Canseco than for balloon boy Bonds. body-builder

If Bonds get into the HOF they better d^mn well let Rose in. What’s worse a drug or a gambling addiction? At least Charlie Hustle wasn’t a juicer. He may have been lacking social graces but he came by his MLB accomplishments honestly. toilet

Sadly enough Bonds is no better than the crack heads pawning life and limb for another puff. He needs our pity and prayers. Tough though…havin’ pity for a MLB superstar juicer who doesn’t have a clue. cry

No doubt about it the message at all levels is “GET BIGGER AND STRONGER”! It scares the hell out of me to think that the big plastic jar of “Mr. Muscle Protein Powder” sitting on junior’s dorm desk could lead to steroids, scares the hell out of me. Lots of dialogue and instant messaging…. Oh and don’t forget prayer…. nervous

Orlando and crew have said it all… well done. applaude

Joan Ryan hit a dinger with her article. Stand up and be accountable. Depends though on what you mean accountable “is”…. We’ve got presidents that can’t do that. What’s the point? glare

2seamer, hope you quit lurking and post more often. I thought you made a lot of sense. Love your state. My bet junior is never movin’ back north. good

I’ve got this crazy vision of Barry Bonds hitting a juiced up jack, holding his arms up flashing Richard Nixon style peace signs as he limps around the bags proclaiming “I’m not a crook, I’m not a crook”. haha
Last edited by Smokey

How do you know Rose was not a juicer?-- 'roids are not necessarily used for building body mass-- many times it is used for "recovery" from day to day as the season wears on.

Got to wonder how many pitchers and catchers use "enhancers" to get them thru the season.

I also find it funny that BEEN and I are the only ones off base but let me say this I will take BEEN in the fox hole with me anytime.
Last edited by TRhit
thought I was getting a grasp on "pro Bonds thought",
BUT now I'm confused-er Confused

If we bash Rose, maybe some attention can be diverted from Barry??? Eek

TR says: "I always thought we lived in a country where you were innocent until proven guilty and I still believe that. I dont condemn and villify human beings ...."

TR continues: "SMOKEY ... How do you know Rose was not a juicer?"

hey, I'm not always right, but even when I'm wrong I attempt to be consistent

Last edited by Chairman
Originally posted by BeenthereIL:
For me Mark McGuires performance in front of Congress (without any evidence) made me say he used some form of performance enhancement drug.

Novice...I agree. Worst performance in the history of ever appearing before a Congressional committee by a human being.

Chairman, apparently it's only Bonds who requires airtight proof.
What we have witnessed here, I hope, is an end to an era.
Bonds jumped on a train that was already under full steroid steam. He saw it going by, his career nearing an end, and felt left behind in his quest for baseball immortality. He jumped on and rode it with enthusiasm.
He may have ligitamently felt cheated by how the baseball world adored performances that were at best suspect.(I thought Mcguire and Conseco were artificially enlarged in the mid eighties) His success may have even surprised himself.
It was and is his personality that made him a target for scepticism. McGuire and Sosa were embracable personalities, Bonds is more like a Arizona Cactus. He might feel a bit persecuted by this too, but I think because he is a public figure and he has in general displayed mostly disdain for that public, he is in fact greatly responsible for this.(NO, he is not embracable as Paula Abdul in drag)
So where do we go from here?
I dont believe that baseball, football or any other professional sport can police itself in these matters. There is too much conflict of interest, the public is too anamoured with the quality of performance, to expect them to drive the cheating and the cheaters away. Love him or hate him, Barry puts butts in the seats.
Bring on an indepedent lab. It may be the only way to salvage public confidence and to keep players of Bond's calibre from wondering, "If I only did this.......
Good points Rollermam!

If Bonds had a crystal ball and envisioned the steroid repurcussions, I'll bet he would have jumped that train long ago. Eventually the athletic "I" factor comes into play in all the steroid problems. That is where I feel the biggest shame is. As a professional athlete your name and professionalism is reveered and emulated by youth. Why can't they figure out that besides baseball they are being paid indirectly to be a role model.

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