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I find it amazing that the same SF newspaper continues to get hand son ifo that is not for public consumption and now they add a scorned woman

If all this is true how come Congress did not invite Bonds to their party last year--it certainly makes you wonder but it will certainly sell newspapers, books and magazines (SI)
You go, Barry.

This says it all about these "investigative reporters"

"...confidential memoranda of federal agents (including statements made to them by athletes and trainers), grand jury testimony,..."

How did they get access to grand jury testimony legally? So much for "confidential" memoranda of federal agents!

I support it is being published now with their "book release". Oh, no, that can't be the reason why it is being released now, John?

I would be more concerned about release of confidential information and especially grand jury testimony by investigative reporters than about anything that Bonds did to his body.

I suppose it will play out that the reporters when sued to provide sources for their information, will hide behind mommy's skirt.

Where are the federal prosecutors in San Francisco? I would go NUTS!
Last edited by BeenthereIL
Some might consider it a short the truth that is......all Bonds has to do is file a lawsuit.......right? I'm not an authority on libel and slander.....but he does have that recourse......and what innocent person wouldn't want to see justice done....and clear his reputation.....once and for all! You go Barry!
No surprise here. It was just a matter of time until the Balco records found their way to the public. I agree with TRHit that the timing of it does seem to be linked to the cash register. It doesn't matter though. Bonds has the same cloud over him as all the other juicers. One guy that nobody ever mentions is Lenny Dykstra. I followed his whole career and watched his body explode all at once after being a small, pesky, cloud of dust type player. Guess he retired before the poop hit the fan. He got his home runs and big contract just under the wire.

When the Giants are on the road the fans are going to be brutal towards Bonds. It could get ugly at some point. I see debris regularly tossed on the field and perhaps some fans arrested during the season. Maybe I will subscribe to MLB.TV so I can watch Bond's at the plate and see what's taking place.

Hate to say it but Canseco was right when he said that steroids make an average player great and a HOF'er off the charts. That is what we have been seeing. Guys like Bonds, McGwire, Sosa, Palmeiro, Tejada, Brady Anderson, Dykstra, and anyone else you want to add can all find dramatic jumps in their stats with the introduction of the juice. The arguement that steroids don't help hand eye coordination is pointless. When a player can take a fly ball swing and clear the fences with it the delicate balance of the game is in jeopardy. If a pitcher threw 120mph he would be great but boring. The hitter pitcher battle would be gone. If he cheated to do it he would be humiliated and hopefully banished from the game. That is what baseball should do with all the juicers. Especially the ones who now hold records they do not deserve.

Watching players today hit opposite field home runs, broken bat home runs and check swing home runs is insulting to everyone involved. I have actually seen all of these types of home runs in the last several years and it makes me respect the players and the game less, not more.
What will be particularly interesting is how MLB and Selig try to spin this and protect bonds as he's trying to break the HR record-that's where their priority and marketing lies.

As far as bonds exposed.... All you had to do the last few years is look at him; and that he never hit 50 homeruns in his life and suddenly 73.

The biggest defense he's put forth is to scold reporters that there must be bigger stories out there worth reporting than whether he took 'roids - that along with claiming he never KNOWINGLY did it- Most people confuse flax seed oil with anabolic steroids bgrroll.
I am always amazed at the people who support cheaters.
If he and others are guilty of this what kind of message does it send to the youth ?
Honest players compete against these guys with 1 hand behind their back.
Take the proven cheaters records off the books.
Did I mention I don't watch MLB very much anymore. I wonder why ? I love real baseball without the Zombies.
Give me amature baseball any day.
it's sad really, but NOT SURPRISING

what do "baseball people" tell our players at every level??

hs .........."you gotta get bigger & stronger"!

if you've been busting your *ss in the weight room since hs,
all you have to do is look around you to see what they REALLY MEAN
Last edited by Chairman
After reading the whle article...

beyond the legalities, the law suits, the source of the material, the records, whether you are defending him or crucifying him...

Four reactions on my end...

1. I'm obviously way behind the curve on the details of steriod use...but Bonds or not...the level, numbers, frequency, creative types of stuff claimed used is simply mind boggling...I figured it was a few shots, one maybe two different juices...but this claim is pharmacy at a truely world class level...Beyond anything I have read about... a full time did he do baseball...

2. I was one who always said, "yea but you can't pump up the hand or the eyes" well the article claims that his EYESIGHT gets better...Geeze...never heard this claim before...may answer that particular claim...again may be behind the curve on this...

3. While I realize and fear that often this kind of stuff entices some kids to think about such things...and I realize that some will do ANYTHING to make it happen...after reading the detail I am certain that if I were a young man I would simply not be willing to pay this big a matter what the rewards..It is my fondest hope that some kids are simply repulsed by this amount of detail...

4. Still not testing for human growth hormone.

Cool 44
Last edited by observer44
"He's 100% confident he obtained info legally - its all documented now. He's not at all concerned with libel/slander.


Oh, really. How do you get grand jury documents and grand jury testimony legally? Sources for the confidential information generated by the FBI agents? All legally?

What would you expect him to say?....NO, I GOT EVERYTHING ILLEGALLY!!!!!!!!!!

I will agree with everyone that they should do something to the record books if they have scientific proof that his use of whatever it was he used, actually improved his eye-hand coordination!

I will agree....As soon as they put an asterisk on Roger Maris' home run total; as soon as they put an asterisk on rushing records in the NFL made during a 16 game season when compared to a 12 game season.

Let's see: "Let he who is without sin, cast the first stone"....Seems like I've heard that before.

You go, Barry.

Break all the records and walk off the field on the day you do so!
I am with BEENTHERE-- how did they obtain the"facts" legally ?--- that is what makes me nervous when it is a federal investigation--if this can happen then why have sealed documents--let the public watch the entire thing on Court TV-- whether Bonds did or did not is not the question --the question is the validity of the sources and their methods--

One other thing--in this day of wives/girlfirends running to the police if their spouse/lover looks at them cross eyes why didnt his so called "mistress" call the police when he threatened her life/

Sit back and think about it folks--
Last edited by TRhit
OK legal or illegal in regards to the evidence. In regards to Baseball not prosecution does it matter? If the evidence is factual but was obtained in a illegal manner does it matter when discussing if Bonds is a cheater. At what point for the Barry Bonds supporters do you say there is enough evidence that you say he is a cheater.

For me Mark McGuires performance in front of Congress (without any evidence) made me say he used some form of performance enhancement drug.
Been - I'm relaying what the writer said on an interview. Don't know how he got all the info he did. He has lawyers as well and I'd be surprised if he didn't have all of this cleared.
First you and TR defended Barry saying there's no evidence. Now, it's clear there is evidence out there but you're attacking the reporters and their methods.
Been, don't recall anyone talking about the hand-eye much, simply the power #'s guys generated at an age when all players in the history of the game had declined.
Tr - there are thousands of people right now terrified for their life from somebody threatening them. For myraid reasons, they don't or can't call the police. Police can offer very little protection for someone.
The truth will come out and the dirt is slowly trickling out on Bonds. Most knew he was a great player and a piece of garbage as a human being years ago. I'm simply amazed at the steadfast support you both have had for this guy.
White Sox announcer Ed Farmer played with and against Bonds. He said today he's the worst person he's ever come across in decades of baseball - and also the best player.
Do you care if he used? Lied? Wow!
just to be clear (no pun intended about the clear), bonds has not denied using steroids, he has stated that he did not KNOWINGLY use them (lawyerspeak to avoid issues of criminal intent, etc.).

He has acknowledged that substances HE DID USE have NOW been identified to him to include "the clear" and "the cream", but he thought they were flax seed oil and, again, that he did not KNOWINGLY use steroids.

But, knowingly or not bgrroll he has acknowledged use of certain substances which are steroids.

His size change is obvious. The change in his hat (skull) size is fairly well documented from various things I've read (the adult human skull does not naturally/normally change in size except through the use of certain medications-steroids).

As to performance, it's not just about hand eye coordination, although certain of these drugs have been proven to improve vision.

Is just taking the drugs going to allow you to hit if you couldn't already-of course not. But, with the added strength, the 320' out is now a 350' HR, plus there is the added benefit of the body rejuvenating faster and staying at peak performance throughout the season.

Bottomline, again, bonds has already admitted to taking certain products, he's only stated he did not knowingly take them; and, as we play hear no evil, see no evil, those comments have just gotten swept away. Also, his admissions were given in exchange for a promise of immunity- of immunity from anything except perjury.
I am not saying any more until I read the magazine article and the book.

Because...everything that they write must be true and I must read the truth.

Barry isn't perfect. But what a baseball player/hitter he has been.

All the nonsense about the writers...He doesn't have to marry everyone he speaks to, he only has to play baseball.

I've said 100 times. If it is true that this stuff helps his eye-hand coordination and some reputable scientific entity publishes a study, I will jump off of his bandwagon.
While I've not verified it myself Wink The Associated Press is reporting that:

The Chronicle reporters, who base their book on a two-year investigation, include an extensive summary on their sources, including court documents, affidavits filed by BALCO investigators, documents written by federal agents, grand jury testimony, audio recordings and interviews with more than 200 people.

As far as steroids and vision and the ability of those drugs to improve vision, there are numerous tests, findings etc. establishing this (from universities and research hospitals worldwide). Steroids are used, for example, with MS victims to not only improve but virtually restore vision (if only temporarily). Steroids most certainly can have the effect of enhancing vision.
The guy did steroids. Recognize that as a fact. I'm certain the publishing house of the book has many legal eyes hitting those pages before they turned on the presses.

You can make great points about grand jury leaks and those concerns, but the bottom-line issue in this is that Bonds used steriods. It's now very tough to accept the explanation that Bonds did not know he was taking steroids when he was getting a daily shot of Winstrol in his backside.

You can make the argument that steroids didn't make Barry a great hitter. Go ahead. Lou Ferrigno never was a home run hitter because he lacked talent. Bonds has undeniable talent. But he took steroids.

One poster spoke of Bonds suing - the scope of libel and slander is very, very wide for public figures. Bonds is a big-time public figure. You would have the burden of proving actual malice (that the authors and the publisher KNEW that what they were printing about Bonds was false) and that they intended to injure him. And that's just the start. I think their bases are well-covered here.

Bonds took steroids. Not the first guy to do it, won't be the last. Judging him is not necessary for me. I really love watching him play. His future will be filled with people who judge him. I just think that denying that he took the steroids is ridiculous right now.
Bonds took steroids. Not the first guy to do it, won't be the last. Judging him is not necessary for me. I really love watching him play. His future will be filled with people who judge him. I just think that denying that he took the steroids is ridiculous right now.

I would hope That the steroid use in baseball would have stopped by now.
What are they doing about steroid use in HS, College level?

The powers to be in MLB, Minors, almost turned a blind eye to this problem in the late 80's, 90's, early 2000.
I hope they understand are disgust with the whole issue of performance enhanceing drug use in any sport.

A level Playing Field is all we ask. The EH
One other thing--in this day of wives/girlfirends running to the police if their spouse/lover looks at them cross eyes why didnt his so called "mistress" call the police when he threatened her life/

Tom, for the same reasons thousands of threatened females don't call the police everyday...out of fear. Get with it. Empathy, look it up.

John, you will never get it, it has nothing really to do with hand-eye coordination, being stronger turns a 350 fly ball into a 420 foot bomb. He was in MLB to begin with because of his NATURAL abilities.
Does anyone honestly think an individual who makes a living with their body would either take "cream & clear" or allow someone to inject them unless they absolutely knew what they were being given? I don't think we need grand jury records etc. when common sense tell us that what everyone can see with their own eyes is a fraud. He cheated and the entire world knows it. A disgrace to the game we love. The same can be said for McGuire
Look...Let's all spend some energy on what really matters.

MLB will DO NOTHING to the records that have been set or that were achieved because of someone taking steroids or ????

I challenged MLB a few years ago to open their books to me and a couple of accountants. That was more significant than Barry and whatever he has done to his body.

Baseball has a collective bargaining agreement and they couldn't get anything passed years ago re "testing" players.

He played and wasn't tested. They can "test" him all they want now and it won't matter.

If you truly believe they will take all of the records away, kindly make an offer on the bridge in Brooklyn!

I'm nearing a cliff and all of you sound so convincing. Of course, I have to read the article and the book. Of course, we all know that everything that is written is true.

Glove...At least we know where you stand on Barry. Too, everyone knows where I stand on Barry.

As I said, heading towards the cliff.

Whew! I can feel confident, as a Chicago sports fan, that at least Sammycork didn't do "nothin'".
If all this is true how come Congress did not invite Bonds to their party last year--it certainly makes you wonder but it will certainly sell newspapers, books and magazines (SI)

Bonds didn't get invited by Congress because the Grand Jury testimomy was still going on.

I lost respect for McGwire when he wouldn't answer the questions in Congress, but he was following his lawyers advice. Some of the questions were vaguely worded...he took Andro, which is a steroid precursor, that was available over the counter..if he said that he hadn't used steroids, some could counter that Andro is a steroid even though technically it's not...but it could have opened him up for perjury charges. At least he didn't make a fool out of himself like Palmeiro.

According to the SI article, the evidence they have is largely unsealed, public info now. If the info they've published about Bonds' steroid regimen isn't true, he'll sue. You won't see a suit coming from Barry, though, because he won't win, and he knows it.

The deal with Barry, is he's just another egotistical jerk that thinks he's bigger than the game. The designer steroids, HGH...all undetectable by MLB. Why do you think he weaseled out of the World Baseball Classic? Olympic testing would pick it up.

For those that insist on proof that steroids improve hand eye's being proven. Some people have their heads in the sand, and think Barry is innocent...other people have their heads somewhere else, and don't care if Barry is juicing, because he's such an incredible talent, they've followed his career since ASU, he's the best hitter ever, blah blah blah. The truth is right in front of you... ......this guy look familiar?
While I realize and fear that often this kind of stuff entices some kids to think about such things...and I realize that some will do ANYTHING to make it happen...after reading the detail I am certain that if I were a young man I would simply not be willing to pay this big a matter what the rewards..It is my fondest hope that some kids are simply repulsed by this amount of detail...

A lot of people will do whatever it takes to make it happen..HS kids do it...I personally know of JUCO and D1 players doing have the dream of the million dollar signing bonus, the chance to play college ball, or just the chance to play at the next level. It worked for "Pumpkinhead Barry"...$18 million/year...his own reality show...and the real shame, is the unjuiced Barry had enough natural talent to get to the HOF without the stuff.
Been, yes you know where I stand on Barry, but it's not becaue of the current issues.

My dislike for him goes back to the days when he started wearing that dangling earing, against his managers and teams orders when with the Pirates. Then there were the stupid charactatures on his wristbands, a few years into the Giants. Anyone who wears an image of themself anywhere on their own body to remind them and everyone else of who he is, is pond scum in my book. In fact that may be a little too nice.

To me it indicated a "ME ME ME" player, and in my book he has no place on a TEAM.

You can take that to the bank. Wink
Good point, 2seamer, especially if you believe that no one gains any weight from the time they are 21 (draft eligible), until the time they are 40 (very highly unlikely).

Oh, people gain weight all the time between 21 and 40..around their waistlines...Barry seems to have concentrated his weight gain in his head, as his punkin has grown so big he can't fit a bushel basket over it. In fact, I believe the only thing known to mankind that's bigger than Bonds' head is his ego. From this article, there are enough specifics about Barry that if the article was false, he'd sue. I believe he'll be taking his lawyers # off of his speed dial...a court case could be disastrous for him..

By the way, Been, you never answered my questions from awhile back....if one of your boys was juicing in an attempt to go to the next level, or if they did make it to the pros, and Bonds & Co. started them on the stuff, would you approve?

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