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Bryce Harper blows a kiss to the pitcher while rounding the bases after hitting a home run....

Really? Is this competitive or classless?

Not okay in my book....

Bryce Harper Blows Kiss to the Pitcher
------------------------------------------------------------ "Your talent is God's gift to you. What you do with it is your gift back to God." Leo Buscaglia
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This is not the first time it's been reported that he acted like a punk. Obviously his behavior never caught up to his talent.

I hope the Nationals sit him down and tell him how to act like a pro. Players get plunked all the time, take it like a man, not a child, and get your revenge with the bat, just like he did. I know he's young but not even many high school players would pull this stunt.
Originally posted by YesReally:
Based on the stories I heard from players who interacted with him when he was on the travel ball circuit this is not suprising behavior. Sometimes maturity is slow to come to those who have grown up being told they are gifted beyond expectations. I hope he finds some humility before it is thrust upon him.

YesReally - i agree....My point as well....with SOO many folks watching...being ABOVE reproach should be the goal...despite the level of maturity
Last year a HS kid hit a home run and rounded the bases blowing kisses to the kids in the stands. Next time he came up a pitching change was made and the pitcher hit him in the ribs with a hard FB. The kid took his base and tried not to let the pain show, but then knelt down to the base for a few seconds. Needless to say the opposing fans were blowing him kisses as he went to the bench.

I suspect Harper or one of his teammates will pay a similar price. He will either learn from the pitcher or the blanket party he receives from his teammates if he keeps it up.
Last edited by Vector
If you read the article it talks about him getting hit by a pitch on the knee the night before. So yes, I am thinking there IS more to this story than just what is on the video. Not condoing what he did but these guys play with great emotion and intensity.

The kiss didn't bother me NEARLY as much as the grandstanding and/or pimping it at the plate as soon as he hit it. That's the **** that makes my blood boil.

Act like you've been there before. geez.
I don't think the "back story" is the issue here. If it was, that is what we would be talking about. If there is a back story it unfolded in such a way that very few people know about it. A hitter blowing a kiss to a pitcher after a HR is not the same. Everyone that sees it knows what it is immediately. The sad part about this is now it will be "out there" forever. The first time he hiccups in The Show, this video will surface. Unless Mr. Harper does a complete 180, I think this clip will have some legs....

He is either a kid or he is an adult.

He is getting the privileges of being an adult, so his behavior needs to evaluated as one. I get tired of hearing people say "he is only 18" or "he is still just a kid". Well, he doesn't play like a kid and he isn't getting paid like a kid, so why is it okay for him to act like a kid when playing?

I don't care what the back story is or what the other team's players were saying to him. He should have run around the bases, kept his mouth shut and then sat his butt down on the bench.
I saw the highlight of the blown kiss last night on Sportscenter. My wife and I looked at each other, and we just shook our head's. She then reminded me of an incident from a 13U USSSA tournament five years ago. I was on the bucket calling pitches in the opposing dugout during a tournament game. Bryce (who played for numerous travel teams) was on a very good team out of Arizona. Our pitcher struck him out for the second time in the game, and needless to say, Harper didn't agree with the call. He was ejected from the game, and had a major temper tantrum that escalated into the Big League Dreams restaurant, and he was subsequently removed completely from the was crazy. I don't know Bryce Harper personally, but I have friends that have spent some time with him and they say he's a great kid. Obviously he has some additional maturing to do, and no doubt the Nationals will talk to him.
I belong to another local baseball discussion site and a buddy of mine attended the first game that Harper's team was playing against the Rome Braves this spring.

A big crowd was waiting on the bus to arrive with much anticipation and fanfare to see Harper and hopefully get an autograph. As Harper walked by, my buddy stuck his Sharpie and baseball out (like everyone else was) and he said it brushed his arm. Harper stopped, looked at him, and started hollering and berating him "why did he hit him with the dare he...who did he think he was...etc etc etc". Then walked off without signing anything.

What a great first impression!
Originally posted by YesReally:
Based on the stories I heard from players who interacted with him when he was on the travel ball circuit this is not suprising behavior. Sometimes maturity is slow to come to those who have grown up being told they are gifted beyond expectations. I hope he finds some humility before it is thrust upon him.

I agree with your statement! If he sticks, the game and the other players will teach him humility, a behavior that he has not yet been required to learn.

There probably is a bit more history here. Some, super focused, competitive personalities succeed because they thrive on diversity and like nothing better than rubbing your nose in it.

I too doubt he is a Saint and if he were my boy I'd be echoing FloridaFans comment; "act like you've been here and you belong here for goodness (I probably wouldn't use this word) sakes!

I will watch him play for awhile, if he makes it and and puts together a decent career , before passing judgement on his character. But, definitely a punk a.. reaction.

But then, no one started a thread on Zambrano's shananigans on the mound and he definitely should know better. Again, talented, competitive, but doesn't understand what behavior is or isn't acceptable. There too, I don't personally know what kind of person he is...

As should be the case, hopefully the players will handle it!!
Last edited by Prime9
Regardless of whether he got hit, or the pitcher stared him down, no kissy face allowed. It was inappropriate, he already showed them up by hitting a HR.
I am not sure why they allow him to act as he does, but my opinion is that much of it is jealousy, and he hasn't learned how to deal with being Bryce Harper.
He over matches low A ball players, if I were the GM, I would place him where he needs to work a little harder for the money he's earned, and to help him to grow up.

Wow he really pimped that one. I'm truly looking forward to his interviews while wearing sunglasses and infinite self-references in the third person.

"Yeah Bryce is looking forward to staying at Ritz-Carltons on the road."

A promotion or two resulting in a dose of humility will speed his accent. You can't go to the big leagues do that.
Last edited by Dad04
I see the home plate umpire REALLY get down the line as Harper watches the ball go out. Maybe there was bad blood?

I also see the pitcher walking towards 3B line and staring him down. Most likely, in response to Harper watching the HR.

Bottom line is Harper is young. I really don't think too much of the incident other than chalking it up to immaturity.
You know you can see someone do something the first time you ever see them and it's a very negative thing. In that small snapshot of that person's life most people will make a judgement about that person that they aren't good. Nobody wants to be judged by a single snapshot of something negative they did. But when you start putting snapshots together of a person from MANY people then you can start to see a trend. Maybe that trend is who they are and maybe it's not. But it does speak volumes.

I've never watched Harper play in person and really haven't seen him that much on TV so I don't have a snapshot of him. But I do see the snapshots all of you guys across America have of him and I'm seeing a trend that's not a good one. He may have all the talent in the world but if he doesn't figure things out this game will crush him. He may be the next shoulda, coulda, woulda guy.
What is the kid...18? How would any of us have liked to have every one of our actions at 18 under the microscope his actions are under? He's a little immature...sure, he's 18. He's a punk at times...sure, he's 18. All in all, I would say he handles himself awfully well for an 18 year old when everyone is looking for every possible flaw.

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