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From the Peoria area, Illinois Valley Central beat Rock Falls 8-1 tonight.
Seth Blair threw for RF. Went five innings, gave up four runs (two earned) struck out four and walked none. He left in the fifth after a long injury delay involving his brother, Shane, who was injured on a play at the plate and broke his right (throwing) wrist.
For IVC, Joey Rudolphi tossed a complete game, struck out 13 and walked two. He also homered, as did sophomore Billy Seiler, who hammered an 0-2 fastball from Seth Blair over the center-field wall.

IVC is now 5-0 overall with good wins over a pair of very good pitchers (Blair and Princeville's Sean Schaffer).
Rock Falls falls to 4-1.
Last edited by Ben_Diggle
Weather Rules IHSA

Scanning the Sun Times today, I noticed that there were quite a few baseball games that were played in the Chicago area yesterday. My son's game got cancelled due to the cold weather as I am sure several others did also.

My question is this. Are there any IHSA rules regarding playing in cold weather or is it up to the coaches to discuss it and decide between themselves if the game is to be played? I am referring to cold weather and not if there is lightning or a life threatening situation.
Originally posted by J.Weaver #5:
Just my opinion but getting recognition for a win shouldn't be a main priority.

Congratulations and all, but there are plenty of other teams out there who win tough games. Just continue of that win and be happy with what you guys accomplish.

I didn't see where anyone prioritized recognition as their main focus. All I saw was someone congratulating a team for a big win against a top ranked opponent. That's the kind of thing kids dream about, and I think working towards and achieving dreams is what life is all about.
Last edited by CPLZ
Weaver 5--

If winning isnt a priority, you should stick to house league ball. Look, while sportsmanship , learning the game and integrity are important and should not be overlooked, varisty baseball boils down to winning.




The Dons beat a ranked team that, quite frankly, a loot of teams would like to see beat. I will unabashedly commend them.

So, Weaver, be careful that you dont sprain an ankle win jumping off of that high horse you are on.

Maybe a few less jumping figures would have conveyed the same excitement of your teams impressive win. Winning as an underdog is good and recognized as a great feat by many .....winning with grace and respect is recognized as a great feat by all. As someone who watched Weaver play ball at Leyden and most importantly watch how he conducted himself on the field, he does not know how to mount a high horse. Based on the college he chose to attend compared to the colleges or universities his baseball talents would have allowed him to a attend, I would bet a nickle to a dime he understand and observes better than most.
This is just nasty. My son's team has only been able to play only5 games so far this spring. Just like you we are going into conference play next week with some of the pitchers only getting in to throw for 1 game so far. I've seen some rotten Spring weather before, but none so cold as this. I guess we're in the same boat as alot of the other teams, however, some of the teams who got in some of their earlier games have already played 10 games already. Should be interesting!!
Saw more than a few teams practicing outside yesterday. I dont understand the logic . Why not just get at least one game in if going to be practicing outdoors anyway in the cold ??

I heard Lane Tech backed out of playing Notre Dame at last minute . Didnt everyone know what the forecast was going to be on friday ? Why plan on playing saturdays games on friday and then decide on saturday morning not to play ?
If it helps, go ahead and blame me!

This has nothing to do with snow! I'll go on record as saying there is nothing good at all about this cold snap.

It was pretty nice out a week or so ago......I think I'm off the hook personally.....but if RT wants to blame me, I'll be the scapegoat. But keep in mind, my kid hasn't seen a batter for a while either.
Last edited by FastballDad

This has gone way beyond the "having fun" stage and it must be stopped!! The point is that we have to blame someone for this terrible weather and FastballDad is responsible. We must speak to the moderators of this forum and make sure that FastballDad is no longer able to make comments regarding the weather. This guy could ruin the whole season for everyone if he is not stopped now. If we do not stop him now he will probably make it rain after the cold spell and ruin the start of the conference season for everyone. Who knows what he is capable of after that?

It seems that there's a growing feeling on this forum that your giddiness about our snowy winter past has brought upon us a jinx, possibly equal to the billy-goat dilemma at Clark & Addison. Hearing the pleas of interested parties and taking into consideration my duties as one of the moderators on this site, I hearby suspend for one week, FBD, from saying anything about the weather or anything even remotely associated with the weather. This penalty will be reduced to time served if the Cubs win their home opener!

I will listen to any grievance appeals privately.

Desperate times require desperate measures. LOL.
Last edited by itsrosy
Rosy, you got a problem with someone who disagrees with you? Take a look in the mirror and I think you will see this is your problem and you should just admit it.

The same goes for the rest of you guys as well. If anyone says anything that you don't like, you want him silenced.

Now let's talk about baseball, I just want to help the kids.
I was talking to a freind of mine who is an expert and he told me that it is good for these kids to get out there and throw in this cold air.

I'm sure it toughens them up. Bobblehead, help me out here....tell these guys that up in Canada kids are throwing 140 pitches a game in 30 degree weather.

I suppose now I'm going to get censored or tossed off this board.

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