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Originally posted by BoomerIL:

Where are you????? I need some "brown nose" pictures.

ACHTUNG!...first you must become an official member...


For starters you could go with this delicious milk chocolate set...


If you just feel like dogging it, this one will do...


And if you need some serious firepower I'd recommend this...

Last edited by gotwood4sale

You bring up some good points--I was not implying that there is a nuclear physicist coaching at LT. This team has several bats that they need in the lineup without positions to play, so I guess that leads to some experimentation. Pitching has been a strong suit for several years, and appears to be down a little this year. LG in the outfield--that would work, but then who's at SS?

The not remembering your name thing is a geometry teacher thing I think. Sweaty, does he know your first name?? Or does he just recognize your voice on the phone?

Both of your kids were fun to watch because they play the game the right way--a testament to them and the opportunities they've made for themselves. I'm not sure about the comment on the elite travel ball teams and how that applied to my earlier comment??
of course George knows my name, I made it a point that he knows me...that's the way i am...the phone thing, i'm not sure about..he never had to call my house for curfew issues after brewer left in if he doesn't know my's the hawk says "he gone" im out of there , at least for 8 more years and by then danny powers will be the head coach...goerge will have so much in that teachers retirement account he'll retreat to his lake house and work with old broken down pitchers in Indiana retirement communities, okay alright

Leave LG at ss, move Hoch to left and Jack to second. These guys can play at those spots. Hoch can play there, and Jack would be the best second baseman in the last 3-4 years! Wink

Starting freshman year there were a lot of preconceived ideas as to who was going to play which positions. I know it was only freshman year, but you could guess as to what was going to happen, and in many cases, it did. That's my explanation about travel ball.

My question to you is, how do you build your team? Pitching comes first, of coarse! Then the defense, correct? Now, because you had so many good hitters on those teams over the last 5-6 years, you really had to pin-down the virtues of defense. In some cases we were weak. Fortunately enough, we were not hurt by those issues too much since we had so much talent. So, having said that, I see more 'defensive holes' than I have in the past 4-5 years. I attribute this to the lack of skill level which starts with favoritism. Sorry, but I'm just being honest in my evaluation and comments.

You may not have a player on the team, and your comments are appreciated, but when coaches tell the parents at the beginning of freshman year baseball that "you don't need to spend any money on private lessons or expensive travel teams", that "we can teach them everything they need to know about baseball", well I'm sorry, but that just wouldn't have worked for us. How do you get better when your not playing baseball in the off-season? If it wasn't for private lessons and travel ball, playing in real live games with game situations, some of these kids might not have played on those teams. Mine might have been one of them.

Sorry for the criticism about this years team, I guess my expectations are high, but then my expectations don't matter. What matters is that these kids get a chance to try and win the spring state championship. Put the best defensive team out there to support the pitchers, the hitting will take care of itself. It always has!!!
Last edited by BoomerIL
Originally posted by sweaty:
i can't wait for mike f to bring some from that comment

All right, you asked for it...

First the bad news...I thought I woke up in Rochester this morning. Boomer, take this weather back to NY! I'm fresh out of orange baseballs.

The good news for me? It's music to my ears to hear the old LT contingent sounding off when we're still in the middle of winter. I love it! You guys are the best.

Although I was a little disappointed when Devilman bumped the old West Sub Silver thread by picking LT to finish just behind Proviso West and you guys didn't take the bait (you must not have seen it...but I actually laughed out loud). Check it out, Sweaty...I would expect you to have an opinion.

The good news for you? LT will be good again this year (and so will OPRF). But some of the rest of us are catching up and, on any given day, anything can happen.

I have a theory as to why there is growing parody in the area and his name is Steve Hayward.

Great pitching will always be tough to hit. But good pitching, IMO, is being hit by more players who are developing better, shorter swings. And there is more good pitching than great pitching.

When Hades is done freezing over, we can get back to playing baseball in baseball weather.

WSC, edgiest conference in DuPage county. I'm glad you guys are's been too quiet around here.

Mike F
Mike F....

I will take the weather back when I go this weekend. Its supposed to be the same!!! Sure, go ahead and blame me and 'sweaty' for it not being lievly. Did you ever think that we are just normal and you guys are boring!!!! LOLOLOL Big Grin

Anyway, with all love and respect for Steve, don't anoint him as to the reason they are all mashing the ball, or did you forget about a certian pitching coach(es) at a certain location that shall go unmentioned(STRIKES) that works with many of those LT/OPRF pitchers, as well as others. If your tell me that Steves hitting instruction is negating Scott's pitching instruction, oh boy, are you in trouble!!!!!! Lets just say that because of those instructors, many of our kids wouldn't have played in high school at such a high level, plus now in college! O-o-o-o-ps, I forgot they learned everything in high school. Roll Eyes Many of us are truly thankful for what those two had started years ago. And don't forget that Jim Donovan is a top instructor. You also have Alvie Shepard doing instruction along with several others.

Yes, I read the 'Devilman' post awhile ago, and it did peak my interest, but then knowing Devilman, he just wanted to have some fun. I wonder how his son is doing?

O.K. Mike, its your turn.
Last edited by BoomerIL
Boomer and sweaty will always love their LT baseball and I look forward to seeing them at the games over the years. However, the back and fourth was a little better when they had sons in the program. They still cook the best lunch in HS baseball. We wanted to return the favor this year by buying lunch for the LT varsity at our place, but the cold weather did us in.
Seriously, I might be waffling a bit here, but I do give a great deal of credit to any high school coach who has to deal with all of the situations that arise every year. Planning practices, evaluating talent, dealing with parents, weather conditions not fit for baseball, funding or the lack-there-of, etc. I will always support LT baseball, and be a fan as well as a critic. That's the "love-hate" relationship I have with sports.
pitcher25 was that "bomb" at that liitle league park in hinsdale or was it at your place which would be a bomb? a decent pop up at HC is a homerun...i should know, my son hit his first varsity hr there..a whole 290 to left..

it was defintely a bomb over the center field fence at HC, chris savas is only a sophomore and has as much power as anyone in the state, had 4 homeruns last year over arguably one of the biggest varsity fields in the state (willowbrook: 360 down the lines) he already has 3 homers this year as a soph on varsity
Bill Mc or Pitcher25-
I would like to hear about the 17 K's. Thats a whole mess of punches, what was this young man featuring that day. Gas? 12-6 CB? Slider? Change? Split? Everything? Please let us know.

Curtis Hudson threw a very impressive game. hes a lefty also. he features a fastball anywhere from 84-88 mph, incredible movement. he backs it up with a slider and a nasty change. he is being scouted by kentucky and west virginia, but i heard he is going to play JUCO ball in arizona to get his grades up and try to get a scholarship to arizona or arizona state
Thought there was finally going to be baseball today at Notre Dame . Both teams took pregame and were ready to go but the Umps put the kabash on the doubleheader, deeming the outfield too dangerous to play on. Nazareth made the trip for nothing. This is what we get when football is allowed to practice on the outfield grass tearing up big chunks of grass into dirt and finally into mud with the bad weather . What a joke .
nc42dad....we had about 5 inches, that's why I thought we may be playing at your place. I worked in Naperville on Thurday and Friday and noticed you didn't have much if any.

Our field does drain well, so it really wasn't too bad yesterday...mostly a slow track running the bases.

I thought your starter (and the other kid) did a nice job...he really throws the ball downhill. That was just our second game in about 2 weeks, so playing a good team like yours before conference opens on Monday was a good way to shake off the rust.

Another good Central Team that will be heard from later this year.
Last edited by FastballDad
You guys have a really nice team too. Not to mention your ball park. We play on a Park District field & if my kid played third I would make him wear a mouthpiece. Bates just about got killed down there more than a few times the past two years.

The first pitcher, Erickson, hasn't committed anywhere yet. He had a sore back last summer which probably hurt his chances.

We played last Monday/Friday so we've been a lot luckier than most. The pitchers had a little rust but we play everyday this week & the following week won't be much better but everyone will be in the same boat. I'm hoping we will see you guys somewhere down the line, great atmosphere at your place!
NCdad...thanks for the nice commments on out team and our field. It was a nice crowd for a kind of cool day and that always makes it nicer. You guys travel well as fans, sometimes our Sat. DH's don't have a lot of fans on the other side.

I think we had about 4 or 5 HSBBWeb posters there, with you, me, Playball2 (doing some scouting)and a couple others dropping by as well. Between winning last year and all those checking you out this year, people will be watching out for Central in the playoffs! LOL

Seriously though, it's clear you guys will be in the hunt again this year.

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