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There are some of us that think everything can be interpreted though scientific methodolgy.
There are some of us who think that everything can be explained in terms of scientific understanding..... and there are some that cannot or will not understand that type of explaination.
Some have become extinct and some still do....stink.
But the constant is change. Baseball is finally catching up with other sports in the method of analysis and teaching. What and how we teach in the future will certainly be different from what we teach now. Don't discount scientific methodolgy, it's what has made western civilization great.
Linear ...this is what you don't get about how discussion groups work. We do care about your thoughts. So why don't you get off the "grader' side and post a few paragraphs about

How Linear thinks you should load the pelvis?

We can read it. THere will likely be some tips I can use there ...I can help my on and so on.

The Ny-man thing is over. That culture is over. He did you guys bad , not in his total teaching, just in how he had people emulate his authoritative arrogance.

It is not becoming and doesn't work for me.
Bob started a great site here and after being a member for 3 years, I’ll tell you the clips I’d like to see the most. Some front views of Barry Bonds, Jim Edmonds and Vladimir Guerrero at their computers corresponding with Linear and Blue Dog during this thread.

Secondly, “How will you teach hitting”?

What would happen if everyone just tried to take what they have learned about hitting and make it less, instead of more, complicated? Are we here to help more coaches help more hitters or to make an Encyclopedia Nimannyca and/or Niman-Webster Dictionary & Thesaurus Online?

Lastly, does more physical strength and less fear of the ball need to be factored in when we compare clips of MLB hitters to those of youth and higher level amateur hitters?


Last edited by THop
Linear--you always rap others for having a closed mind--look in the mirror pal and stop regurgitating "stuff" from other supposed teaching sites--you only have one way and that is "yours" or should I say your Gurus.

By the way how much you get for your "lessons" in the real world--you know anyone can "teach" in cyberspace
Last edited by TRhit
Tim...good post..

I was visiting by phone with a coach in Houston yesterday. We were laughing at ourselves a bit. We decided that you could take one group and teach mechanics and another and teach the mental side of pitch count and looking FB zone and the later might win.

You are correct.. you cannot put a mechanically sound swing on a ball when you are afraid to assume the hitting posture in time to swing.

Again, your right about strength. My next door neighbors 7 yo has a hard time with rotation swinging his game bat without total body strength. He can with a Swiftstik

Furthermore ...the pitches he will be lakely facing for two years will have so much arc on them that he will have to stay on his back foot to get on plane

It all must evolve over time
Last edited by swingbuster
Originally posted by swingbuster: he had people emulate his authoritative arrogance...

You poorly define the "attitude". Has little to do with authority. Little to do with arrogance. Has everthing to do with dealing with misinformation and falsehoods and getting rid of them.

I didn't learn it from him. I learned it growing up in a pool hall. It's called "street smarts". It's called "separating truth from fiction and not being afraid to point it out".

Try spouting some bs in the pool hall. You'll get a degree of red a$$ that you'd rather not have.

It's probably the highest form of honesty. Not the most politically correct. Not sugar coated........just not afaid of telling it like it is. Telling someone what he needs to hear v what he wants to hear.....with gusto.
Last edited by Linear
Hey Swing,

Is your next door neighbor's 7yr old playing slow pitch softball?

Write back soon,

If he does I will get Linear to teach him to spin angry

Linear...posture, connect, rotate, and get the bat going backwards.

I know my reading previledges were rovoked on ****** but when I was booted Paul was not mentioning the fourth one. I haven't heard you mention it. Why did Paul write it in his post
Last edited by swingbuster

Disappointed that you think anyone would care about this nonsense.

Maybe if you stuck to the subject - and left out the inane soap opera **** - you would get back on track with your usually very solid suggestions. IMO.

I also think that if you - and whomever else - want to piss all over each other in the continuing moronic "wars" - you should do it on your own bandwidth.

IMO - You guys are starting to treat this place as if it is your own personal playground - with no responsibility to anyone or anything other than your own egos.

I certainly expected more of you.

Very disappointing. IMO

Do us all a favor - elevate the conversation - and teach something.

Last edited by itsinthegame
Originally posted by swingbuster:

Linear...posture, connect, rotate, and get the bat going backwards.

I know my reading previledges were rovoked on ****** but when I was booted Paul was not mentioning the fourth one. I haven't heard you mention it. Why did Paul write it in his post

First of all, what you've quoted is not written in his post. Another misquote. Another dishonest effort on your part.....of course, when your facts don't work your ONLY shot is to shoot the messenger.

Aside from that, that 4th element has been around a long time. I'm guessing 2 maybe 3 years. It is not what you describe. It has nothing to do with the barrel going backwards.....and I bet you've actually heard it before, for quite some time, and are distorting it for your use. More dishonesty.

Has more to do with the knob than the barrel.

But, you won't get your education from me.
Last edited by Linear
Do us all a favor - elevate the conversation - and teach something


Count my words and count his and see who gives full teaching responses.

Just doing a little back door stickin up for my friend Steve.

I have found a new way to enjoy these forums.

You read anybody's post and guess Linears three word rebuttal and slowly pull the bar down and see how close you get. If he ever gets sick or something he might give me his passwords and I can "keep up the bad work"
Last edited by swingbuster

Apologize to board for my role in that nonsense.

Turning over new leaf. Let us get back to the art of how to teach hitting properly at benchmark level of proficiency.

Back to Rotation>BB ITS Linear Bluedog and several other of us came to the conclusion that bottom half rotation is 98% completed at contact. ITS brought up interesting topic we can ponder about the legs and how they contribute to the process of hitting.

I propose the stronger the legs the farther and harder the ball sails upon contact. Any takers?

Linear ...I honestly think upon reading others post he realized that the bat barrel path generated by hand torque was really important in creating resistance and inside path. After reading what was written about

posture , connect, rotate...he just decided to get ahead of the curve and do the Vasco de Gama and stake claim on upper body mechanics for himself too.

Al Gore invented the internet....why not ?

BOTW..its...I'm "as they say in holdem"...all in on the subject...sorry
Last edited by swingbuster
Originally posted by swingbuster:
Linear ...I honestly...

You know what they say when the first thing someone says is "honestly"

...I think upon reading others post he realized that the bat barrel path generated by hand torque was really important in creating resistance and inside path.

"I think" in speculate, hope, need, want, frame him and his theory this way.

Don't let the facts get in your way.

The following two hitters are synced to toe touch.

In an effort to help you "see" what you can't see I've given you some free advertising.

You know, any ad is better than no ad......even a negative ad.
Last edited by Linear
Charterer and founder of a little league program named after me which has grown to several thousand with 8 fields must be that missed big opportunity that I miss-LOL

Need picture of my name on side of pressbox on main field? Would you like for me to email it to ya? Bloomfield Little League in Macon,Ga

Reference:B.L.Clark who is current president.

Sorry pal, you are very wrong in your analysis/evaluation of the Shepster.

What I miss is the big opportunity to evaluate, recommend and sign worthy HS/College/free-agent pro prospects while getting paid to do so-LOL

Paid my dues with the little kids a long time ago but still not beneath me and do occasionally help kids even now with their baseball.

Shep tater
Last edited by Shepster
He wraps 380 foot HR as 9th do that?

Wrapping is breaking down forearm / bat angle less than 90 degrees....don't think so.

The striking part of the barrel will be aligned with the spine at toe touch from a side view on good hitters. That barrel position at toe touch is not wrapping OR all MLB players chose

All rotational mechanics accelerate the bat barrel backwards.
Last edited by swingbuster
He's going to have to shorten it up like the big league hitter does

Agreed...he is a little long here but he is working off a tee drill station with the ball toss location inside his lead foot post stride.

His head is down and the real hitters foward...this does alter the set up some.

We are comparing a drill station against 88 MPH pitching. They will not be identical I am sure.

Been thinking and dicussing Brett. Talked with a big kid that hit like Brett and played for Kittrell at U of South Alabama.

Brett is closed which puts the hands inside the line every swing even with no negative move. His bat is flat and he uses flail to turn the shoulders and send the bat in the correct arc getting the bat through the zone. THese guys tend to hit the ball out front and have good power.

This 30 something, ex-college guy outlined how he did it. I recall his HS days and hitting balls people are still talking about.

It really is a different style and I am not a big believer in style...but I must give in here

Steve E quote
"can you create movement which facilitates connecting the momentum path of the bat to the momentum path of the shoulders---such that they very quickly become ONE angular momentum path.
Last edited by swingbuster

Brett is hitting off tee in not live. Hard to evaluate swing that is not in game situation.

He is definitely wrapping to some extent though which probably attributes to why he was late all the time and most of his hits were to the opposite field throughout his career.

This clip of Bonds simply demonstrates his ability to stay relaxed in his arms prior to the start of rotational movement so that he won't tighten up and contract too soon which will slow bat-speed significantly.

I teach a hitter to develop some kind of methodical rhythm or movement prior to the actual rotation as demonstated by Bonds. If you will notice the batter without a significant hitch gets back to the proper stationary bat position much quicker.

Bat should remain stationary during beginning process of uncoiling lower half

In all respect this is at the core of this dicussion. The batters ability to get angular momentum from a stationary position is what IS in question . If this is your opinion then you are right for many hitters and there are many that cannot get the barrel out from stationary beginning

This is a quote from Mankin.... understanding HIS point of view took some time and study for me.....

Keep in mind as you practice, although hip and shoulder rotation is important, the ultimate purpose of all swing mechanics is to rotate the bat-head – first, back toward the catcher. Therefore, as you concentrate on inducing hip rotation, concentrate even more on accelerating the bat-head rearward – this may help you keep everything in sync.
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