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With all due respect… We see more hitters who are actually too early rather than too late. I think it’s a product of not wanting to be late. You see this a lot on all pitches other than the fastball and it’s probably the biggest reason many hitters have trouble with breaking balls. The hitter who gets his stride foot down too late would have the worst timing imaginable.

The top hand palm should be facing up at contact would be the general consensus, and if the knob ever got out over the plate hitting would be next to impossible. IMO

However, I sure do agree with your thoughts on timing, however I don’t think it’s overlooked at all.
You can bet if the knob is ever over the plate that hitter is a sweeper and we all know what that means. Lots of extra firewood-lol

Timing is important and sometimes does need an adjustment in certain situations.(especially for a rookie who has a P72 or M110 in his hands for the first time after swinging an aluminum bat several ounces lighter for his entire baseball career up to that point)

You guys have been waiting in the wings. Patience is a future around here.

Good Stuff, Keep it coming!

Sounds like you have been away for awhile.

Heres the scenario:

The gazelle comes in - sometimes wounded.

Linear will inflict the bite.

PG, bbscout and a few other coaches will add wisdom and varying perspective.

I will come in after the kill, and make a smart-*** comment.

Bluedog will then call me a bad name.

And then we will start all over again.


P.S. Actually - I think alot of folks learn some things during this "hunting process" - so it is usually worth it IMO (The Gazelle may not agree with that conclusion)
Last edited by itsinthegame
Another fine point is to always keep the top hand palm facing the pitcher - even on the load. This will help you to be shorter to the ball.

Passion..please come back...finally a guy that gets it.

THey have no clue how the loading process works and how it determines naturally when the foot gets down.

I feel like Cinderella left the party.... find the guys that fits that slipper.

Maybe the cue of the year..seriously. Maybe if they get this they can see it

Guys...keep the top hand palm tilted and facing the pitcher during the entire load..... until the bat flattens. This is maintaining the box through 1/2 the rotation..changing relative elbow positions..shortest most connected route to the ball that gets the barrel working in the right direction ....geez.

You are so quick to be the the thread cop and insult rather than clarify you miss the real teachers....this guys is brillant,

No wonder your stuck on stupid

God Bless Passion ...something to take to the field
Last edited by swingbuster

According the "BOBBSY TWINS", Linear and Blue Dog , Passion knows nothing.

Perhaps that is because he gets it and they don't.

The "TWINS" continue to offer no substance but abuse all posters who oppose the "GURUS" proclamations

Have you ever seen an internet model hit .300 in any league at any level?

You can talk all the physics and dynamics you want but teaching htting is still "one on one" because every baseball player is unique until himself.

Quick thought: Stan Musial--one of the greatest hitters of all time--do you teach kids to emulate his stance? I think not

Even the NLB hitting coaches have their own style and belief--there is no absolute in baseball as each player is differnet in ability, physical makeup, eyesight etc--

Just a few thoughts
“Every morning in Africa, a gazelle wakes up. It knows it must run faster than the fastest lion or it will be killed.

Every morning in Africa, a lion wakes up. It knows that it must outrun the slowest gazelle or it will starve to death.

So…it doesn’t matter whether you are a lion or a gazelle…When the sun comes up, you’d better be running." LOL!
I'm back - just got on the site. Wow! Couple of followup items.

I am surprised by some of the comments re: timing. Talk to most hitting coaches in the minors and majors and they will tell you that most mlb hitters are late 60% of the time. This is a statistic that was given to be by a professional hitting coach. Being late (and I mean just a fraction) is a big problem - not being early. At the high school and college level the %'s are alot higher. Again if you are late getting into a hitting position (even by a hair) you will greatly worsen your ability to make solid contact. For alot of hitters - it is not their swing that is the big problem - it is their timing. Just my opinion.

Re: the "palm facing the pitcher" - I was referring to the load and not the point of contact. Alot of batters when they load have a tendancy to rotate their wrist on the load. Just a slight rotation (quarter of an inch) can greatly break down the swing. Again just my opinion.

You may just have a valid point here about timing being more of a problem than the actual swing.

So many times, it is obvious that a hitter can be over-matched by a blazing fastball with good movement and simply can't catch up to the ball.

So many times, the actual plane of the bat as determined by message sent to brain via hand/eye coordination doesn't figure in that unidentified late movement-lol This will cause you to miss the ball with bat anyway.
Originally posted by PASSION:
...My suggestion is to be on time 100% of the time.

Nice goal. Now a taste of reality.

Why doesn't anyone hit a 1000? Because it's impossible. Hitting is very difficult. Pitchers are paid nice money to make sure you aren't "on time 100% of the time".

So, now you come along with a number that says hitters are late 60% of the time. Really? Well, the best hitters in the world hit .300. For the most part, they are on time 30% of the time. I bet their timing is off a very high percentage of the other 70%. And you want us to believe its better to be early than late. (your words....better to be early than late)

I can guarantee you a loss in BA and a loss in power numbers if their goal is to get their foot down early.

Yes, it's complex. Much more than you know.
Last edited by Linear
Even if your timing is correct 100% you still won't hit 1.000-- too many things involved---this is a taste of reality

I do not see the correlation between being on time 30% and hitting .300 --in theory a batter can be "on time" 100% of the time and still hit .300

I am with Passion in that some posters, coaches and so-called instructional websites make hitting more difficult that it truly is.

I am not saying that hitting is not difficult , just that some try to make it much more difficult than it really is
Linear - point well taken. All of this is very complex.

All I am saying is that in a majority of the cases, hitters get themselves fully loaded and into a hitting position too late. If you took my 60% number to heart it would look something like this:

A batter loads and is in a hitting position too _________ _____% of the time.

1. early 10% of the time

2. on time 30% of the time

3. late 60% of the time

I am talking about getting ready to hit the ball (fully loaded) and not when you swing.

Looking at the statistics above - tell me where the focus needs to be on trying to be ready on time more than you have been.

Next time you go to a high school game, college or any game and watch the batters and see if they are loading too late. Most of the batters will be starting their load after the pitcher has released the ball and getting their foot down right when the ball is crossing the plate. I mean you will see this in 6 of the 9 batters in the starting lineup.

Yes they will go to their practices and work on their swing mechanics, etc. - but nothing will be said about getting into a hitting position/loading earlier. They will think they are on time - but they are not.

This timing thing is also true on breaking balls, etc. It is not just with the 93 mph fastballs.

I think if loading late is more the case than loading early - I would tell batters who are having a problem - to load earlier than you think you should - and maybe they would be on time more often than what they currently are now.
Originally posted by PASSION:
Looking at the statistics above - tell me where the focus needs to be on trying to be ready on time more than you have been...

Write this down. Memorize it. Don't ever forget it. Don't let anyone ever tell you different.....

If you're afraid to be late you will never hit your potential.

Think about it. You've just told us 60% of all hitters are late. Guess what........that includes the best hitters that have ever played.

Go tell them to get their front foot down early (so they won't be late) and watch their BA and power numbers drop dramatically.

Hitting is difficult. A very hard thing to do is to time the load/unload to the pitch. Why? Well, first of all, pitchers are trying to f with you. Secondly, there is no such thing as a load. There is either loading or unloading. And this load/unload has to be very quick and well timed.

And because you can't just load, hold it, wait and swing....that is why you just can't put your foot down early.

It's a wave across the country and it's pure hogwash.

And I bet Swingbuster is disappointed because he could sell a lot of contaptions if what you say was possible.
Last edited by Linear
And I bet Swingbuster is disappointed because he could sell a lot of contaptions if what you say was possible

Linear...shoulders loaded/ closed and foot down with toe 45 degrees...torque...get some ...

You remember that musical group..THE SPINNERS.Did those guys play for you

YOu have a little damage control over at the castle beyond the mote see my new topic/ discussion
Last edited by swingbuster
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