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Originally posted by Blue10:
Say what you will about only having role models who are relatives, etc. but if my sons decide to emulate Tim Tebow in their personal and athletic pursuits I will be a very happy mama. Tim Tebow has made this San Diegan a Broncos fan, as long as he is the QB.
You only know about him what the media has told you. Joe Paterno and Penn State was Purity U until last week. The problem didn't start last week. There are plenty of other fallen heroes in our history. It's why I prefer not to make television images role models.
No you didn't. You deleted your rant about others vandalizing your temple and discriminating against you as a Jew. That was your main point in your argument. You did not leave what made your point, you left what I did not address.

I may be 21 years old and still just a "kid" in most people's minds but do not try to undermine my intelligence and prove yourself to be of higher knowledge than me. I have a good understand of a lot more than you believe I do, whether that is something a lot of people here agree with or not. It's not a very redeeming quality of yours.
Originally posted by Tx-Husker:
You don't have to be on TV to have a facade. Just because you're on TV doesn't mean you have one. There's only one person to have walked on earth that should emulated...and it wasn't me, Tim or RJM. And, I'm pretty sure Tim would agree with me.
The point is I know what I'm dealing with when I use role models for my kids who I know.
I don't have a problem with any religion.

I have a problem with those who push theirs fervently and condemn other religions. Telling people they are a heathen who prays to a false god for not embracing Jesus is condemning other religions. I see Tebow as one who fervently "pushes" his religion on others.

I can't wait for him to fail.

You have some issues that only you can resolve. I have lots of issues myself. Smile
Last edited by SultanofSwat
Originally posted by J H:
No you didn't. You deleted your rant about others vandalizing your temple and discriminating against you as a Jew. That was your main point in your argument. You did not leave what made your point, you left what I did not address.

I may be 21 years old and still just a "kid" in most people's minds but do not try to undermine my intelligence and prove yourself to be of higher knowledge than me. I have a good understand of a lot more than you believe I do, whether that is something a lot of people here agree with or not. It's not a very redeeming quality of yours.
I was trying to be cordial to you. I left the history lesson that people better be aware with the current politics of class divide and scapegoating. It's been done before.
Originally posted by SultanofSwat:
I don't have a problem with any religion.

I have a problem with those who push theirs fervently and condemn other religions. Telling people they are a heathen who prays to a false god for not embracing Jesus is condemning other religions. I see Tebow as one who fervently "pushes" his religion on others.

I can't wait for him to fail.

You have some issues that only you can resolve. I have lots of issues myself. Smile
I'm tired of Saint Tebow already. I figured when he turned pro it would be over. It's going to take the Broncos playing better teams more often to expose our beloved Saint Tebow. No one seems to be talking about the Lions game. I don't recollect Trent Dilfer getting this kind of adulation and anyone claiming he led the Ravens to a Super Bowl championship. I recollect hearing more often the Ravens won in spite of Dilfer.
Originally posted by J H:
People aren't asking for a history lesson. People are asking about Tim Tebow. You're the only one that wanted to change it into a history lesson.
I'll have to connect the dots for you.

1) It starts with a person using the game of football and the media to push his religion. Plus a side point, while he's getting all the attention there are other far more successful players in the NFL who are religious.

2) It continues to the people who most worship, yes worship Tebow. There are many Christians who are pulling for Tebow to succeed not for football reasons, but to spread the word.

3) Among these group of people are those who promote and espouse the "unless you embrace Jesus you will burn in hell" philosophy.

4) This philosophy lends itself to condemnation of other religions.

5) We currently have a political climate of class divide and blame the Jews. It's in the news every day. If you go back to the 30's this strategy worked for the Third Reich.

But regardless of whether it's blaming the Jews for the 99%/1% issue, we have a country that imprisoned Buddists/Japanese because we were at war with their country. We have a country where some people assume every Muslim is a bad Muslim. There are Chistians in this country professing it's a Christian country and if you don't like it, leave. These was even a time when Catholics faced prejudice from Protestants. All of this is not healthy. It's not acceptance of people being different (don't confuse this with lack of assimilation).
I'll copy and paste what you said so you don't try to make yourself out to be a victim of some kind of attack by deleting points you've made. That way you can't get your way out of anything, like you did ten minutes ago.

I'll have to connect the dots for you.

1) It starts with a person using the game of football and the media to push his religion. Plus a side point, while he's getting all the attention there are other far more successful players in the NFL who are religious.

2) It continues to the people who most worship, yes worship Tebow. There are many Christians who are pulling for Tebow to succeed not for football reasons, but to spread the word.

3) Among these group of people are those who promote and espouse the "unless you embrace Jesus you will burn in hell" philosophy.

4) This philosophy lends itself to condemnation of other religions.

5) We currently have a political climate of class divide and blame the Jews. It's in the news every day. If you go back to the 30's this strategy worked for the Third Reich.

But regardless of whether it's blaming the Jews for the 99%/1% issue, we have a country that imprisoned Buddists/Japanese because we were at war with their country. We have a country where some people assume every Muslim is a bad Muslim. There are Chistians in this country professing it's a Christian country and if you don't like it, leave. These was even a time when Catholics faced prejudice from Protestants. All of this is not healthy. It's not acceptance of people being different (don't confuse this with lack of assimilation).

1) That is his prerogative, and the prerogative of the media. I am intrigued by the purity and truthfulness he has displayed. If you take it as being a Christian media mission that will be detrimental to the liberty of our country, then that is your interpretation and something I cannot argue. Everyone is entitled to their opinion.

2) Once again, that is their prerogative. I see no issue with people embracing their religion and truly believing that their beliefs could potentially be beneficial to others.

3) The group of people you are alluding to are an incredibly small minority, although you are absolutely right, it does exist.

4) In that incredibly small minority, yes.

5) That is an absolutely blasphemous statement. Comparing Hitler's political innuendo during a time of severe depression in Germany to Tim Tebow stating "I'd like to thank my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ" is quite possibly the most extreme and bluntly jaded statement I've ever read. Political climate and class divide will exist until the end of time as long as we remain a democratic society.

Tim Tebow is not responsible for the bigotry in the nation that you outlined. You coming onto a public forum and stating these comparisons is an example of exactly how the media can skew the public perception of an individual, albeit in the opposite sense of how most in the country have taken the attention. The term "role model" is a term that can be construed in both a positive and negative sense. You're quick to condemn Joe Paterno for his actions, but you are also quick to condemn Tim Tebow for his actions. To me, that is a true example of judging someone's public image and making a central conclusion based off of that. And frankly, your "connecting the dots" for me is ridiculous.
Originally posted by Coach_May:
Good grief RJM. Your really starting to sound like a complete whacko.
Thank you for our intelligent respopnse. I was concerned you might resort to name calling or opinion without anything to back it up.

Since your word is THE WORD on this site and you know it, you must be right since people always tell you. If Coach May says it, it's right. If Tim Tebow says it, it's right.

I give up. I'm just a whacko. It's official. The most respected man on this site declared it so.
Originally posted by Coach_May:
Good grief RJM. Your really starting to sound like a complete whacko.
Thank you for your declaration. I was afraid you might resort to name calling or an opinion with nothing to back it up. But since you are THE MAN on this site as it has been declared, you are spoken truth. Therefore you are right. I must be a whacko. I now know that I must head for the nearest place of Christian faith, swear off my religion and take Jesus Christ as my savior so I can be accepted by the group.
Last edited by RJM
You're quick to condemn Joe Paterno for his actions
If you go back through the thread on Paterno you will find I'm one of the few who didn't rush to judgement. In this thread I used his new public persona as an example. As for the rest, you twisted my words by claiming I'm placing Tebow and Hitler together. I only laid out a sequence of thoughts that leads to problems. Therefore, there's no need to continue.

I will close by saying I feel religion is a personal and private experience. When people feel the need to spread the message in a public forum as Tebow is doing, I see it as an invasion of privacy. He's using football and the sports media to spread his message. If he wants to utilize the media to spread his message he should stick to the likes of the 700 Club. When I tune into the NFL I do so for football not a religious lesson. Based on my views of the personal aspect of religion Tebow would bother me even if I were a Christian.
Last edited by RJM
Ok RJM I won't get into religion on this site. I will leave that topic alone. But a grown man comes on here and tells a college baseball player who gives so much of his time to this site to help others "F U" - Sorry but thats acting like a whacko.

I am not the Man. I am simply another person who enjoys this site and tries to offer something positive when I can. And I have taken way more than I will ever give to this site. What you posted was so far out of line imo it warrants whacko status.

I am far from the most respected man on this site. I can name several I would put far above me. But I will admit that I would never disrespect a young man like JH who gives so much to others. A young man who is currently a college baseball player. I young man who did not deserve to have a grown man say "F U" to him.

This site is for the players - youth hs and above. They dont deserve to come here and have a grown man talk to them that way. Your out of line. Your over the top. And you certainly lost any respect you might have had as a poster on this site with that post. You can tell me "F U" and make all the sarcastice comments towards me you want to make. I can handle it and I can do it without dropping to your pathetic level. But when you do it to a young man like Josh I have to take serious exception to it. That quite frankly should never happen on this site.
A moderator closed this thread temporarily in order to put a pause on things getting out of control.


I agree with Coach May's post to you:

"This site is for the players - youth hs and above. They don't deserve to come here and have a grown man talk to them that way. You're out of line."

RJM, please consider this a warning. Coach May is considered "A Man" on this website - a good man, a knowledgeable man, a respected man - because of the way he acts here. You also have something useful to contribute to this site, but if your input to discussions comes at the price of you attacking other members, especially a young man like J H who is such a gem to have in our community, I will not allow you to continue to post.

I will leave the thread open now to allow calm and rational discussion on the topic.


Last edited by MN-Mom
I am fairly new to this site. Was just a reader for awhile, til I needed an answer. Have posted a few light questions, probably displaying my ignorance. But, what has saddened me, is when reading through a post, seeing it go completely off the original topic... Ending up feeling sorry for the poor poster trying to read through the replies, in search for an actual answer to their question.

For the record: Coach_May, your posts & replies have always been fair, enlightening & intelligent ones, that I have always appreciated as a reader. Thank-you.
A recent topic was about one liners that had a major impression on our lives. I said, "sleep on it." My Dad always told me never to make an emotional deciion or response-- but sleep on it. It will keep you out of trouble and lead to a well intentioned deciion you will feel comfortable with. I have been upset many times in my life, but really try to sleep on arguments, big decisions, etc, and have found I generally have a better feel for the situation on a little rest. Just sharing something that works for me.

When I came on to this webite I was so excited for the community I had found with others sharing a common bond. It seems as there have been more arguments recently, and I just don't understand the need. I saw the Tebow topic as harmless fun. I agree with most everyone that Tebow is a breath of fresh air. If the players from Denver buy in and believe him to be their leader, I don't see how we should be jealous or determined to prove he doesn't belong in the NFL. He may not have the passing skill sets of others, but he excites the crowd and his team. Like already stated, his career might not be the longest, but I think he can live with that. I have never felt he was demonizing other faiths-- just celebrating his. When I hear him talk I smile. He has that affect on people. I think being happy is a choice-- and I choose to be happy.

I got to meet Josh last spring, and he is a great young man. I enjoy reading his blogs and what he has to say on this site. I have learned from so many, but the coolest thing is our desire for all of these young men who play the game to succeed: as ballplayers and in becoming young men.

I am afraid fusses like this are going to scare off newcomers to the site. That would be a disappointment, because it truly is a great site where everyone has something valuable to give.
First off I'd like to apologize for taking this topic for a spin a bit. It may be because of the off-season, as FF alluded to, and I let my opinions take over my rationality for a bit of time. I don't wish to detract from beneficial conversation and thus the occurrences of the past few hours on this particular thread has caused me to recognize that I did just that. So for that, I'm sorry to every person that reads along with this thread.

With that being said, I also don't wish to have what is perceived as different treatment than others here. I understand that many feel as though I contribute a lot to the website, and I am truly thankful for that compliment. This site provides so much for me that I attempt to give back in whatever way I can. However when push comes to shove, every individual is entitled to their opinions and every individual is entitled to sharing those opinions here openly. Regardless of my age, status as a baseball player or past contributions to this website, I don't believe that gives me any right to be treated differently than other people. If it comes off as though I have some sort of "holier than thou" attitude in some instances (which I have been accused of in the past) then I apologize for that as well. I don't intend to come across that way and once again I don't want to detract from beneficial conversation.

Respect should be given equally to every individual here- race, age, gender, religion, demographic notwithstanding. Any aspect of a thread that does not comply with this is something that I feel discredits not only that individual's integrity but the integrity of this entire online community.

I'm sorry that I contributed to all of the above. That is something that I never intend to do on the HSBBWeb.
Last edited by J H
Here are my nonreligious, nonpolitical, feelings about Tim Tebow FWIW

He is not a great QB by NFL standards because his weakness is passing the ball.

He is a great athlete and a great competitor. He seems to have many unique attributes that would be good for youth athletes to copy.

He has shown he can handle being on top of the world (college) and how to deal with adversity (pro).

Whether he keeps winning games or fails to ever win another game... One thing seems to stand out clearly to me... Tim Tebow is very special.
Originally posted by PGStaff:
Here are my nonreligious, nonpolitical, feelings about Tim Tebow FWIW

He is not a great QB by NFL standards because his weakness is passing the ball.

He is a great athlete and a great competitor. He seems to have many unique attributes that would be good for youth athletes to copy.

He has shown he can handle being on top of the world (college) and how to deal with adversity (pro).

Whether he keeps winning games or fails to ever win another game... One thing seems to stand out clearly to me... Tim Tebow is very special. read my mind, and I couldn't have said it better!
Originally posted by Coach_May:
That quite frankly should never happen on this site.
I agree it shouldn't happen. It was a moment of anger. I cleaned up the post within minutes and tried to make nice. I apologize to JH and also to you for my condescending remark.
Last edited by RJM
Originally posted by coach2709: about the Bruins? Anybody think they can win the Stanley Cup this year????????
LOL! They were fortunate to win last year. They were one of a handful of teams capable of winning combined with the hottest goalie. They won the first round in overtime in game seven after losing the first two games. The won the conference finals in game seven 1-0 in the last minute. They were down 3-2 in games before winning the finals in game seven.

As excitement goes it doesn't get much better. They could have gone down in round one. The turnout for the parade was bigger than the 2004 Red Sox (breaking the curse) parade.
Last edited by RJM
Originally posted by Harv:
Well, I'm from CO and I have to say Tebow has energized Co and all surrounding States without Pro Football Teams.

I'm starting to think its about time we recycle to a running QB that can work an option and occasionally pass.

I'm happy for him and believe he has a bunch of coaches thinking for sure.

How about Elway? What do peeps out there think about him because Elway must cringe every time Tebow wins with the college style offense while not being a fan of Tebow himself. I would imagine he's kind of keeping a low profile now because Denver's winning games but can't help but think he'd rather have a pro-style QB in there.
Originally posted by RJM:
Originally posted by Coach_May:
That quite frankly should never happen on this site.
I agree it shouldn't happen. It was a moment of anger. I cleaned up the post within minutes and tried to make nice. I apologize to JH and also to you for my condescending remark.

We all have had moments. I respect your response RJM!

Here's to all having a Happy Holiday season!
Last edited by Prime9
RJM and I have exchanged PMs and discussed the issue at hand with maturity and respect. Truth be told, I think both of us overreacted and disrespected each other unnecessarily. We both apologized to each other and I am sure will move on from here with nothing more than an acknowledgement of a blown-up disagreement. I have nothing but respect for his opinions and what he believes, and feel as though he brings a lot to our HSBBWeb community.

Hope everyone enjoys the football games this afternoon!
Last edited by J H
Originally posted by J H:
RJM and I have exchanged PMs and discussed the issue at hand with maturity and respect. Truth be told, I think both of us overreacted and disrespected each other unnecessarily. We both apologized to each other and I am sure will move on from here with nothing more than an acknowledgement of a blown-up disagreement. I have nothing but respect for his opinions and what he believes, and feel as though he brings a lot to our HSBBWeb community.

Hope everyone enjoys the football games this afternoon!

The world is a better place when this happens... Smile
I have been a HUGE bronco fan my whole life. Last year we (true bronco fans always act like we are a part of the team) won a whopping 2 games. This year we were 1-4. Why wouldn't we play a different qb???

Tebow has a few wins... No matter how many he wins some people will never give him any credit... Big deal who cares... I am never going to sing Manny Ramirez praises I don't care how well he hit, I hated watching the guy play... It didn't seem to bother him much, he made his money....

Go broncos...
Originally posted by trojan-skipper:
I have been a HUGE bronco fan my whole life.

Go broncos...

My son has a small connection of his own to your Broncos. Two years ago, he came home from football practice in a Broncos t shirt. I gave him a Homer Simpson and asked where he got the shirt.

"I got it at school. Knowshon Moreno was there and filmed a Reebok commercial." (I actually saw it twice on the NFL network. I don't know who put this on youtube. I can't find the real link any longer)

That's son's head on the right. He said Knowshon is built like a rock. Son says he was really nice to him. I think they still email each other. Sorry to see the injury and that he's out for the season.
Last edited by AntzDad
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