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Whether people like Tim Tebow or not. Whether they think he is great or terrible. There's no question that he has made this NFL season more interesting. Though, I believe this story goes far beyond football.

I've always believed there is a power out there that can not be explained. I'm not necessarily saying it has anything to do with someones religous beliefs.

Not to sound like a wacko, but I have always thought there is some type of positive energy that can affect things. It's like a home field advantage even without being on the home field. If a great number of people are all wanting something to happen, I think the chance of that thing happening is greatly increased.

I better stop now, before someone calls the folks with the white coats.
from a study on leadership:

According to Hogan’s research, followers want four things: integrity, confidence, decision-making and clarity. But just as important is what followers don’t want: irritability, moodiness, untrustworthiness, indec­i­sive­­­ness, needless micro-management and excessive authority. They perceive these things as incompetent, and pretty soon the leveling mechanism kicks in and there is a subtle rebellion.

    "I better stop now, before someone calls the folks with the white coats."

Awright boys, here's the deal. To get your hands on PG go to Perfect Game Field® at Veterans Memorial Stadium. You know the one...on Rockford Rd. where the Kernels® play. Stand on home plate and head down the first baseline, down the foul line and up and over the right field wall and out onto Rockford Rd. Head southwest for a thousand feet or so to 1203. He's in unit "A"...look for the door marked "Mr. Big". You can't miss him...he's the guy with the corn tassel hair and he'll likely be on the computer typing a lot of common sense.


Last edited by gotwood4sale
Originally posted by PGStaff:

"Whether people like Tim Tebow or not. Whether they think he is great or terrible. There's no question that he has made this NFL season more interesting. Though, I believe this story goes far beyond football.

"I've always believed there is a power out there that can not be explained. I'm not necessarily saying it has anything to do with someones religous beliefs.

Not to sound like a wacko, but I have always thought there is some type of positive energy that can affect things. It's like a home field advantage even without being on the home field. If a great number of people are all wanting something to happen, I think the chance of that thing happening is greatly increased."

Well said, PGStaff - I agree completely. You encapsulated very briefly and better what I was trying to say at the very end of my entry post into this thread. Those qualities are absolutely something I want my son, my teams, to emulate, and it really doesn't have anything to do with religion.
Originally posted by PGStaff:
Whether people like Tim Tebow or not. Whether they think he is great or terrible. There's no question that he has made this NFL season more interesting. Though, I believe this story goes far beyond football.

I've always believed there is a power out there that can not be explained. I'm not necessarily saying it has anything to do with someones religous beliefs.

Not to sound like a wacko, but I have always thought there is some type of positive energy that can affect things. It's like a home field advantage even without being on the home field. If a great number of people are all wanting something to happen, I think the chance of that thing happening is greatly increased.

I better stop now, before someone calls the folks with the white coats.

Its called the law of attraction, positive energy attracts positive results
Not to sound like a wacko, but I have always thought there is some type of positive energy that can affect things. It's like a home field advantage even without being on the home field. If a great number of people are all wanting something to happen, I think the chance of that thing happening is greatly increased.

I'm not talking about just the positive energy of an individual or a group causing positive results. Though that certainly does work. I'm talking about everyone, everywhere. The more people that want you to succeed, even if they do no more than want, the more likely you are to succeed. I'm sure there is no scientific proof of this, but I believe it.

The guys in the white coats are here, I gotta go!
Last edited by PGStaff
Its got Elway stumped. I has Denver's opponents stumped. Its making a ton of $$ in sales and its darn fun to watch.

Getting a team to collectively play beyond their level has teaching lessons far beyond the NFL.

Thought the Bears did a great job but who can argue with a 59 and 51 yd field goal and the Team confidence that got Denver to that point.

Its got the Denver folks excited for sure!
Ok, so the score was 10-7 with 2 minutes and something left to play and I HAD to walk into the grocery store. I was feeling pretty bummed, since I did want the Broncos to win and I didn't think they could.....

When I was in the check-out line my husband called with the news.

I gotta say, not since the '85 Bears with Refrigerator Perry have I felt such excitement about football.

This is freaking awesome.

What ever it is.
Last edited by play baseball
Guess when I said nobody, I was referring to his head coach and John Elway along with just about every other football expert out there. They all seem to be joining the Tebow bandwagon now.

I'm sure there were a lot of others, including yourself, his mom and dad, and many more that thought he would be successful.

I liked the kid, but sure didn't think I'd see what is going on now. It's a great story!
It's official; "Tebowing" (the act of taking a knee and praying during an athletic event) is now a recognized term in the English language according to the Global language monitor. It's the on-line equivalent of gaining acceptance to Websters Dictionary.

Not everyone believes in a higher power, not even some of his teammates. But, they all BELIEVE that with him in the lineup that they are capable of winning football games and have done so since he was inserted against the Dolphins. Isn't that what leadership is all about; giving people the confidence to believe in themselves and the Team?

Certainly, Tebow has never lacked confidence, nor has he shyed away from hard work, or anti-press, he just keeps on keeping on!
Why would anyone be a Tebow hater?

It would be interesting to see how people would react to Tebow if he didn’t openly display his faith.

If someone made a list of all the attributes (positive and negative) Tebow possesses, what would it look like? Here’s a short list… I’m sure others could add more.

Clean cut
Team player
Hard working
Well spoken
Extreme competitor
No excuses
Respected by teammates and opponents
Poor passing mechanics
Thanks the lord at every opportunity

Would it be such a bad thing if millions of young kids wanted to be just like him? Especially these days when we have so many poor examples in sports.

I see no reason to “hate” Tim Tebow even if someone doesn’t share his faith. I see all kinds of reasons to appreciate the example he is setting for our youth.
Originally posted by PGStaff:
Why would anyone be a Tebow hater?

It would be interesting to see how people would react to Tebow if he didn’t openly display his faith.

If someone made a list of all the attributes (positive and negative) Tebow possesses, what would it look like? Here’s a short list… I’m sure others could add more.

Clean cut
Team player
Hard working
Well spoken
Extreme competitor
No excuses
Respected by teammates and opponents
Poor passing mechanics
Thanks the lord at every opportunity

Would it be such a bad thing if millions of young kids wanted to be just like him? Especially these days when we have so many poor examples in sports.

I see no reason to “hate” Tim Tebow even if someone doesn’t share his faith. I see all kinds of reasons to appreciate the example he is setting for our youth.

Good post. I see many similarities with Kurt Warner although Kurt had more talent throwing the ball. They both overcame much adversity however with Warner having more than his fair share of it. I believe Kurt gave him some good advice by telling him to simply live the good life without necessarily always proclaiming it so much.

That said... people underrate Tebow's talent imho. A friend of mine is a former coach and he noted to me when I asked, that Tebow does not turn the ball over which is a talent in and of itself. Moreover, he said that NFL defenses are finding it tough to prepare for him since he is so unorthodox. If you can get 11 guys playing as one, they will always beat 11 more talented individiuals. Tebow has the ability to get the whole team playing as one.
Last edited by ClevelandDad
Kurt had more talent throwing the ball.

When Kurt Warner was the age Tebow is now, Warner was not considered good enough for the NFL. He played in the Arena league and in NFL Europe for several years before he got his shot.

Tebow is already a lot better passing than he was 2 years ago. By the time he's the age Warner was when Warner broke through with the Rams, we'll see how things are going.

All I know is, I got to see the Patriots-Redskins game yesterday, and the 'skins would love to have someone who could take them on a 7-1 run to first place right about now.
As a San Diego Chargers fan, I was hoping for a Denver Broncos loss! Throughout the first 57 football minutes on Sunday, the Bears defense looked like...well, the Old Bears Defense, they were pitching a shutout! Yes, the Chargers need the Broncos to lose, but I found myself cheering for the Donkey's on Sunday...I started asking myself, "Is something wrong with me?" Honestly, I don't care if he goes "Tebow" after every TD, and game winning drive!? I believe in GOD, I am a Christian...but I've been to church maybe three times in the last couple of years. It's not the "Tebowing Factor" that makes me a's the other attributes that PG noted a few posts ago on this thread that draws me and others to's refreshing!

Let's rewind back to yesterday. The Bears bend, don't break defense...broke Sunday. Marion Barber had a serious mental mistake and went out of bounds to stop the clock in regulation; that opened the door for Prater to hit a huge 59 yarder to tie the game. In OT, Barber had a nice run and appeared to be breaking free to set up a possible win for the Bears, but he lost the ball and fumbled in his second effort. Everyone in that stadium, and for that matter, watching around the world, knew that something special was going to happen...Again! Denver marched back down the field, Prater hit a 51 yarder, and we get to watch another week of Tebow Television on ESPN and all the other networks.

What I'm trying to say is...I Don't Like The Broncos!!! BUT...for some reason, I can't help myself, and I'm Guilty of wanting him to succeed. Perhaps it's just refreshing to have a nice/positive story in sports, as we seem to have more headlines on the Xavier/Cinn brawl, and the Braun PED fiasco!

BTW, this post in No Way dis-credits the other great players, especially quarterbacks playing in the NFL right now. Eli Manning had another tremendous comeback win last night for the Giants. Drew Brees and Tom Brady are on pace to shatter Dan Marino's 1984 passing yards record...and Aaron Rogers has led his team to an undefeated season thus far with MVP numbers, and more importantly, has led my Fantasy Football team into the playoffs! Big Grin
A friend of mine is a former coach and he noted to me when I asked, that Tebow does not turn the ball over which is a talent in and of itself. Moreover, he said that NFL defenses are finding it tough to prepare for him since he is so unorthodox.


Problem is, nobody seems to have a problem preparing for him or stopping him in the first three quarters. Then when it gets late, the magic seems to appear.

Yesterday against the Bears we saw yet another side of Tebow. There were a couple of pass plays late in the game (with no time outs) where had the ball been caught, time would have run out and the Broncos would have lost. Tebow made sure those passes were uncatchable so the clock would stop. Especially true on one play where he was in trouble and had a receiver in the middle of the field. He threw that receiver a hard one hopper that couldn't be caught or intercepted. If that pass would have been complete it was game over... Broncos lose!
Tebow is officially the world's luckiest man. Has anyone counted how many times the Denver field goal kicker has made Tebow look like the second coming? Answer: Far too many!

For some reason Tebow is getting all the credit & attention when it should go to Prater. Prater is a football kicking stud. Tebow should be shining his kicking cleats, and calling him Mr Prater.

I can't take another week of it, I just can't.
Last edited by fenwaysouth
Tebow should be shining his kicking cleats, and calling him Mr Prater.

Actually his post-game comments are typically full of him heaping praise on teammates and declining to claim credit. Yesterday was no exception.

And yes, the kicker and others have definitely stepped it up and the Broncos wouldn't be winning without them, either. It's not every day you get a 59-yarder to tie and a 51-yarder to win.

It's hard to give all the credit to Tebow given his stats. But it's also hard to ignore the W-L difference between the Broncos pre-Tebow and with Tebow. Whether it's his passing, his running, his leadership, providing a spark, or maybe just helping the team over the hump when it really needed it, at some point you have to say, a 1-4 team suddenly going 7-1 can't be a coincidence.
I often have said there are four ingredients in winning.

1. Talent
2. Effort
3. Intelligence
4. Luck

That said, it's not a one man game. Though maybe Colts fans might disagree.

Luck or not, Tebow was outstanding in the last few minutes of the game yesterday. He was 3 for 16 in the first 3 quarters for 45 yards an interception (his first in 6 games) and 0 points.

In the fourth quarter he was 15 for 20, 163 yards and a TD with just over 2 minutes left in the game against one of the top defenses in the league. Then out of timeouts he moved the ball downfield for the tying long field goal. Then he was 3 for 4, 28 yards in overtime. His decision making was outstanding.

Surely some of this had something to do with the Broncos winning the game. The luck had more to do with what the Bears did to lose the game.

So there actually was luck involved. There's no doubt that the Broncos have had a lot of luck over the past 6 games. That in itself is somewhat unbelievable and makes one wonder.
He piled up all his passing stats once the Bears went into prevent defense to protect a lead that they should've been able to win with. And had Barber not gone out of bounds, they would have.

This isn't the first time a defense has gone into super-prevent and given up a ton of late-game yards, thinking the game was already won - and it WAS... if Barber hadn't turned off his brain. Roll Eyes
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