Soooo my "kick butt and take names to the coach later " wasn't a real winner here, huh? Well,... to be honest I pretty much figured on that. What I am suprised about is how many people are giving advice for Hoovmom15's son to actually " look the other way ", or to " distance himself ",... from his OWN space of living in hopes that the problem over time, will resolve itself.
HUH ????????
Perhaps its because we are from a military family, with a military mentality, but I just flatly don't get that. Maybe I'm interpreting things wrong, but it sounds like people are almost " afraid " of taking an issue up with a coach. Why I wonder?
Lets remember folks, coachess are human beings ,..not Gods. We hand our sons over to them. While I agree they aren't supposed to be babysitters,...our sons are in
their care, especially if these athletes are REQUIRED to live in an athletic dorm/apartment.
If our boys get hurt,..who's usually the first one at the hospital? A coach, if he's a good one.
If there's a family emergency, who notifies the player? The coach, if he's a good one.
Who wants the very best for his players so that the players can concentrate on giving the team their best?
The coach, if he's a good one.
I believe off the field antics can directly affect on-field preformance.
It sounds like people are asking Hoovmom15's son to tip-toe-around issues for sake of not making " waves " or for the sake of not " ratting out " a fellow player.
I doubt very much that the roomates/teammates who are partying and making Hoovemom's sons life miserable, have given half a second of a thought as to the negative effect they are having on him. Thats not being a team mate, thats being stupidly selfish.
So tell me again, why should Hoovemom's son be self-sacraficing loyal to the boys breaking the rules, to the extreme point of keeping away from his " home " and staying in the library or other friends apartments/dorms?????
Her son has earned his way there. I dont understand how others, ( who by the way, chances are, if they are freshman, they are under age and breaking the law by drinking ) get to continue with their antics, at the sake of a good kid's sanity.
If I was the coach, I'd want to know. I would need to know.
Underage drinking and over indulgent drinking in colleges is waaaay out of control in this country. Too many people IMO are too ready to " look the other way " and hope the issue goes away. Underage drinking has been sadly accepted as
" just a college way of life ".
I dont believe in sticking my head in the sand and keeping my fingers crossed it all goes away just for the sake of not rocking the generally-accepted social boat.
In the meantime, when laws are being broken, lives can be ruined.
For that matter, lives can not only be ruined, but God forbid, could be ended.
Dramatic, but true. It happens.
Laws are made to protect.
Like I suggested before, I would hope that Hoovemom15's son might work a switch out himself and get his own situation undercontrol as soon as possible.
In the meantime, whether its Hoovemom's son, the upper classmen, or a parent, the drinking needs to stop and the coach needs to know.
Gotta love the HSBBW,...all opinions allowed to be stated , a free country,....where we can agree, to disagree.
Not trying to offend anyone,.... I just care about these kids, I sincerely care about our young adults.
There are only a few young men who get the golden ticket, that golden dream of playing college ball becomes a reality, and then to blow it all for a beer?????
Its truely disheartening.
How many boys would jump in a nano second to take their place.
Only about a bazillion.
Shortstop mom is off her soapbox!