Tagged With "FCC.EDU"
There Is A Florida College Option To Play Baseball
Visit FCC.EDU and click on athletic then baseball. Fill out their baseball form if you like what you read. http://www.fcc.edu/students/athletics/baseball-men.asp
It is a fine school but they dont seem to win much in baseball. I do know that ole sweaty wont like them, they recruit lots of people and then it gets narrowed down because kids go to places that may be better for baseball, think the edu is good, price is big though I think.
Re: University of Chicago
No expert, learning stuff myself, but I stumbled across this today: http://finance.yahoo.com/colle...?mod=edu-collegeprep
Re: University of Chicago
an incredible institution no doubt; patterned after the great German research universities.. but an extraordinarily strenuous curriculum called the "Core" has led to UC being called "the place where fun goes to die". We looked very closely at UC. A lot of college professors send their kids to UC and if you wish a career in academia there may be no better institution on the planet including Harvard, Yale et al. As I stated above a better choice to pursue a masters or doctorate IMHO than a...
Re: College Head Coaching Requirements
Could these be helpful?... U of Nevada offers Grad program in Coach edu... http://education.unlv.edu/sel/ Take a look at North American Society for Sports Management for possibilities... http://www.nassm.com/InfoAbout/SportMgmtPrograms/United_States At one time they had a job bank. Link is on their menu.
Re: Does your son have performance anxiety.
&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& On Google there are 12,134 http://aolsearch.aol.com/aol/search?query=Physics+of+Baseball%2C+Edu websites on the study of Physics Of Baseball. Baseball is a science...I had my first college coach drum that into my head, and have learned the game from that ...
Re: jucos
Several of our 2003 grads are @ Paris JC. They are loving it. One of them has signed to go to Baylor next year.You might want to talk to trojanx2 for more direct insight. I've heard good things about the program, school, "atmosphere", edu, etc. Hill jc? no talk at all.
Good Times for Male College Applicants
http://www.usnews.com/usnews/edu/college/articles/brief/cbboys_brief.phpTough Times for Girls could be a plus for boys. The article points to the unfortunate reality that colleges currently receive far more female applicants than males, and most...
Re: University of Washington
Academically, they are ranked 42nd nationally for all schools. http://www.usnews.com/usnews/edu/college/rankings/brief/t1natudoc_brief.php
Re: Coach Contact
James, welcome to the site. If you use the search function you can find a lot of information about how the recruiting process works. I have a 2017 who we know a few schools are interested in through his travel coach. What I have come to learn is basically this. If the email is unsolicited and contains a phone number or cell phone number of a coach then my kid is somehow on their radar. We have received a number of these from schools we know were at my kids organizations private showcases. If...
Re: Stupid Question
#1 Assistant Coach, I see a possible big red flag here, but it depends upon how accurately you re-typed the e-mail when you were quoting it. It said that your son's transcripts and test scores should be sent to xxxx.COM. Why would a legit assistant coach want something sent to a .COM address rather than a .EDU address?
Re: Stupid Question
Rick, You raise a great point but I must say that it is due to my ham-handed tech knowledge that I supplied a .COM address (not knowing there is much of a difference). I was just trying to disguise and keep anonymous the school and coach. Maybe I disguised it too much. I just looked at email again and it is a .EDU address. Son will call coach on Tuesday, as per Enjoying The Ride's advice, and chat AC/RC up to gauge just how sincere and interested in him they are. Thanks again for your input.
Re: Where is the NCAA when you need her/him?
The attitude here is that the colleges don't care whether your son makes their team...for them it is simply a numbers game. Most of them realize that unless they are one of the premier D-1 universities that has a history of going to the CWS every year their chances of getting the A-1 grade BB athlete is minimal. That leaves them to throw as many probabables into the sifter and see what falls out. Colleges do not put a lot of effort into recruiting BB players. Most programs are run that way...
Re: 15u Hurricanes move on!
LD, I'm relatively new here and trying to understand the protocol. I don't know sportsjunkie but appears to be associated with the hurricanes in some way. Likely not a coach. The thing is, most of the info and comments I see comes from those associated with the teams. Seems OP, PD, Meat, PTicket, Sky, DBAT GM, DTiger, jesuitbaseball, etc. all have association with teams and they provide info and comments on their teams play. Is that wrong? Doesn't look like comments on those teams are all...
Re: How long before they have to wear helmets?
One of like three hundred and twenty nine bazillion trillion articles I could share with you all, this is indeed an oldie, but none the less the first one I pulled up and will answer many questions. Written in 2002,...5 years later, the sport has only intensified more. For the sake of time,... I'll use it: http://www.usatoday.com/sports/_stories/2002-04-26-cheerleading-cover.htm Now, granted I never really expected to convince a baseball site that cheerleading is a sport. I think I could...
Re: Post Grad Year, Recruiting
Ok, the info helps clarify the post grad posture. Core courses are the measuring stick for NCAA...Have you pulled those grades from the overall GPA? You may be at a 3.0. And, you still have the remainder of this semester & next. Growth is another issue. Velocity, again another issue, but quite attainable. There are only a few Jucos at the top...San Jacinto, in Houston has a great reputation for quality edu. & baseball. We had a posrter whose son went to a pg in Fla. Help me folks,...
Re: Increasing Attendance
In Texas, for day time games, we have to deal with not only UIL provisions, but Tex Edu. Agency rules for certain # of hours in a class day & # of days of attendance. There were occasions when a game or DH started @ 3:00pm. School dismissed @ 2:30pm, so not a problem. Tournaments didn't quailfy for regular student body early dismissal.
Re: Helicopter Parents - from a college dean
Originally Posted by Go44dad: Originally Posted by Teaching Elder: Originally Posted by Go44dad: Originally Posted by Teaching Elder: Originally Posted by SluggerDad: Originally Posted by 2020dad: You see it one way I see it another. That's the beauty of america, we have a right to disagree. I remain firmly in opposition to her elitist views and attitude. Of course that is my opinion as your viewpoint is also an opinion. I respect your right to have one. But i don't see where you get that...