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I'll let most of that pass since you're a kid.

However, it appears your desire is to have everyone tell you how wonderful your swing is.

It is not.

It will not work at higher levels.

The swing path is improper....amongst other things.

Would you prefer to hear that now.......or when it's too late.

If you send me a clip that I can use to make a side by side video of you against a major leaguer, it will help you decide what is right.

In a side by side clip your deficiencies will be glaringly obvious.

Are you trying to get better......or are you looking for attaboys?
Last edited by Loose Cannon
Originally posted by Loose Cannon:
Did anyone notice the absence of talk about the clips of the major leaguers?

The clips that clearly show the hips open long before any commitment to swing.

The clips that absolutely positively discredit certain hitting theories.

Did you see any comments about the number of frames Chipper and Bonds and Howard must have if you start counting when the hips begin to open? If the hips are the "go" then those frames must be counted.

I didn't either.

Strawman, circular argument.
Originally posted by Loose Cannon:
Nice try B25.

Are you building a file?

Here is evidence of hitting mechanics.

Evidence that the hitting theory you subscribe to does not match video of the best hitters in the world.

Both of these hitters get their hips open long before any commitment to swing.

The video is not semantics. It is physical practice.

The “Rotational Mechanics” of the body state that there is a relationship between the hips and the shoulder (or any torso part) due to the bone and muscle structure. In other words, your muscles are NOT like rubber bands. They attach via tendons to bones and so, that muscle/bone relationship has a measurement that can not be extended without injury.

Are you suggesting this is evidence that there is no separation in the swing?

I believe that P-a-u-l N. stated from his research that, “From a real-world perspective is virtually impossible to "practice" effective separation. Because high-level players exhibit no more than 1 to 1/2 frames (30 frames per second or less than.05 seconds) of separation between hips opening (initiating rotation) and shoulders following (rotating).”

Who did Paul ***** play for. I believe the record shows he had less than 10 at bat his entire life.....and those were at a below high school level.

Does it surprise you that someone who practices pseudo-science....and believes the hips should remain closed until "go", contrary to the video evidence of the best in the world, would make statements against separation.

Is he the best authority you can come up with? Someone who has never been in the batters box?

And.....his 1 to 1.5 frames of separation statement has been shown to be wrong by every video clip I've posted.


Strawman, circular argument
Originally posted by Loose Cannon:
How many people reading this thread fired their hips while cognitively telling their shoulders to wait? Then, told them to “go.”

I once owned a nightclub and we had one of those "smoke" machines.

It could not compete with the fog of information put out by some people.

Where in this thread have I have said the hips fire as the shoulders hold and then later they (shoulders) are told to "go".

This is another strawman argument. Say I said something that I didn't say. Prove it wrong. Then use that to discredit me.

No where have I said what you've posted.

Which means you are dishonest or don't understand the post.

(BTW, Dr. Inohiza suggest that there isn’t as much of a “stretch” of the muscles as there is a “twist” of the muscles.)

Again......rampant use of the strawman technique. No where have I talked about the elasticity of the muscles.

However.....I would have to conclude....that B25 believes stretching exercises are useless.

Strawman and just wrong
Originally posted by Loose Cannon:

The issue isn't frame count. I don't care how you count them.

The issue of this thread is separation.

The video of Bonds clearly shows separation.....over several matter how many times you say it doesn't.

Here is the entire video you requested.

From the time Bonds knee goes forward, his hips are opening. Several frames are involved. Not 1-1.5 frames. Bond's hands are raising as his hips open. Clearly he has made no commitment to swing and yet the hips are opening. Unless you believe there are two go moves, which is really not possible, then that proves there is no "go" move in the lower body. It is in the hands.

How many posts of that video of Bonds did you make suggesting it was exactly the perfect replica of that philosophy I believe in?

Please explain the relevance of this statement. All it proves 1) that at one time I couldn't see what's happening either. And that I bit on the theory just like you have. And, 2) that you continue to ignore what is presented right in front of you.

As everyone on the net have to be around a while before you can start to "see" things in the swing that others can see. Took me a while....but now it's clear as a bell.

Strawman, circular argument
Originally posted by Loose Cannon:
how about posting some research done by scientist

When you post something by a scientist who has spent considerable time in the batter box, I'll listen.

My question for you is......why won't you pick up a bat and a video camera and try to duplicate Bonds' sequence.

Your leader tried, struggled, and then abandoned his quest. Do you know why?

I have stated several will "feel" before you "see". And you won't feel if you don't attempt to duplicate the move. Therefore you will never see.

Strawman and just wrong and uninformed.
Originally posted by Loose Cannon:
I will make the clips and send them to you in a PM.

You can decide if you want to post them publicly.

I hope you do. But, it's your choice.

I think you need to understand my 'matter of fact' way. That I believe 'politcial correctness' and 'lets just get along' stands in the way of instruction.

Has nothing to do with 'matter of fact.' Has everthing to do with desire to win the argument at all costs no matter the illogical path chosen.
In this clip...

...swing on the left...notice how they stop the video as Pujols lead leg starts to open, several frames before create the stretch.

They claim that the hips launch the swing. Well, then Pujols is launching....he's commiting. After all, his hips are opening. Now....count the frames from there to contact.....well you can't...they've cut off the part of the video they don't want you to see. But, if the hips start the swing....then this swing would approach 10 frames.

They continue to ignore that the hands launch the swing....not the hips. Therefore, they continue to make false conclusions.
Last edited by Loose Cannon
This is one of the all time goodies...

The red line is drawn is supposed to match the shoulders.....indicating that neither is hight than the other.....but the shoulders aren't level are they?

That's because the swing is already one frame into it. The lateral tilt has already started.

And therefore the conclusions they make are skewered.
Last edited by Loose Cannon
Originally posted by Loose Cannon:
In this clip...

...swing on the left...notice how they stop the video as Pujols lead leg starts to open, several frames before create the stretch.

They claim that the hips launch the swing. Well, then Pujols is launching....he's commiting. After all, his hips are opening. Now....count the frames from there to contact.....well you can't...they've cut off the part of the video they don't want you to see. But, if the hips start the swing....then this swing would approach 10 frames.

They continue to ignore that the hands launch the swing....not the hips. Therefore, they continue to make false conclusions.

No, that ain't it, but keep looking.
Originally posted by Loose Cannon:
This is one of the all time goodies...

The red line is drawn is supposed to match the shoulders.....indicating that neither is hight than the other.....but the shoulders aren't level are they?

That's because the swing is already one frame into it. The lateral tilt has already started.

And therefore the conclusions they make are skewered.

Nope, that ain't it either. Video shows the real story.
And this one...

This kid does something naturally that wasn't taught to him....he turns the barrel with his hands. Notice there is no box maintained....instead....he rotates the triangle.

The problem is....they have ruined him by not letting him separate. Notice the effort to keep the front leg/hips closed until 'go'. Besides the lack of stretch, the hips haven't cleared therefore there is no path for the barrel. He has to fight it, force it, instead of release it into the ball.

They are eliminating the body's ability to gain a mechanical advantage
Last edited by Loose Cannon
Here is what they can't afford for you to see.

The hips are opening long before any commitment to swing.

That's because the hips opening IS the loading of the system.

They will continue to deny separation even in light of clips like these.

And B25 will say you really aren't seeing those 5 frames because some pseudo-scientist told him the body is only capable of 1 to 1.5 frames of separation.

That same pseudo-scientist will tell you that that knee is not flaring open.

Then ILoveMe will tell you that those hands aren't doing anything.

Believe whoever you want.
Last edited by Loose Cannon
Originally posted by Loose Cannon:
And this one...

This kid does something naturally that wasn't taught to him....he turns the barrel with his hands. Notice there is no box maintained....instead....he rotates the triangle.

The problem is....they have ruined him by not letting him separate. Notice the effort to keep the front leg/hips closed until 'go'. Besides the lack of stretch, the hips haven't cleared therefore there is no path for the barrel. He has to fight it, force it, instead of release it into the ball.

They are eliminating the body's ability to gain a mechanical advantage

Nah. Darn that video:

Angles are a little off, but the look much the same nonetheless.
Last edited by 4for4

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