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What did he say to get kicked out? PM me if you dont want to repeat it in public.

This forum moves 100 times better when he posts.
When he was posting here, I didnt have to "step up" and pay 25$ for the debate. Its that simple.

If you don't like the actions of the owners or the moderators then step up to the $25 charge and go to the other site. It's that simple.

This is not very cool.
Originally posted by cheeseattheknees:
figured. You have a conflict of interest in being a moderator and a follower of SE.

Step down.

I have no conflict of interest. I've allowed much to be posted which I disagree with. Also, there are many "moderators" of this site and so, you suggest that I'm the only one moderating this forum. Nothing could be furter from the truth. You also show your ignorance in what abilities I do have as a moderator. Any actions taken have been agreed to by other moderators and the owner of this site. Those moderators and the owner have every right to do as they please with their site. The posting style of a few do not sit well with many including many who ARE NOT in any camp. Again, there is a site for you if you do not like the actions here of any moderator or owner.

Finally, I find some of these posts abslolutly unhonorable. When posters using multiple identities have converstaitons with themselves and even reference themselves under other names in other posts demonstrates that.
Please guys,

If you can't figure out why he was banned (several times) then you need to worry about more than your hitting. The moderators have an obligation to keep the board operating within the set parameters and richard/chameleon/oh for/teacherman etc. has never been able to debate without acting childish and immature. While he does make the forum more interesting, its like a car wreck, you can't help yourself. As far as adding any real value, he makes you think but mostly he just adds rancor.

I'm sure you have a lot of people who would post but don't because they don't want to get into a p***ing contest with some clown with HUGE internet muscles. They drag you down to there level and beat you with experience.

If your so worried about the moderators nonexistant "conflict of interest" pony up the 25 buck and go slobber on richard at his site. He could use the company.

p.s. chameleon was pretty appropriate too since he has to change his name about once a week.
Last edited by ShawnLee
Although I missed the offending post, I do agree with Deemax, when Richard posts, the board moves and positive discussion as well as learning ensue.

I have no problem with someone who has tried this technique and that technique and has fused them together into one that he believes to be superior. If he was a huge advocate at one time to style and then another then another, that implys to me that the man is working hard at analyizing the pro's and con's of each method.

As stated above at times his bedside manner is questionable, but this thread gains a lot by having his ideas available to break down, support, question or even agree with.

I don't understand why some topics irk the moderator so, such as the linear vs rotational debate. Last year that was a very lively debate during the cold winter months leading up to the begining of the season.

The hitting thread has always been the most interesting and exciting thread to read, or dare participate in.
floridafan, if it were that simple. The problem is, and as he posted, he won't accept any other argument than his point. He attacks others. He bullies everyone here that doesn't agree with him. He can't simply state his point allow others to disagree and move on.

What I don't understand is that Richard has his own site. Are the members here who complain so cheap as to not want to pay the $25? Heck he even posted once that it was free. If that is your gig, then why not go to his site. What is the agenda that requires that those arguments be brought to EVERY SITE on the internet? Go to the man if that is what you want. He's resonably cheap in his price.
Last edited by CoachB25
Originally posted by CoachB25:
Now that all of the attacks seem to have settled down some, it would be good to get back to the subject. If not, this thread has run its course.

coach you do a great job in this forum in my opinion.. BUT I feel when you log into cyberspace in a chat room you are pretty much smart enough to realize you may get "attacked"..that shouldnt be a surprise to anyone.. I mean who hasnt richard attacked or got P 'Owed. LOL...When i log into the big interenet world I know i can be attacked .thats a choice i make by going on line..Besides "cussing" you should try to leave on all the posts by all the posters.You have to admit richard and gang surely got this board thinking and asking questions..people want to learn...thats what makes a successful board and that what people want.
Also, I think we forget this... Look where his heart is... This is a moving post.


Right and Wrong.

There is only one high level pattern. Regardless of what the lemmings say.

Can't stand to see someone sent down the wrong path. Their window is too short.

I had the drive....and the defensive skill....and with hitting.

It was no where to be found in the 70's.

I will find one like me.....and he will make it.

Before I'm done....the swing will be defined.....illustrated....explained......better than golf. is lightyears behind golf."
Before I say anything else, let me say this:

Although our moderators work very hard, I am the only one with the access to click the button and suspend or ban a member. So please blame me.

Now, a little explanation. There are many moderators who try to keep our forums a little cleaner and safer than the average sports forums. Sometimes they need to edit posts, but sometimes they work by asking for cooperation either publicly or by Private Message.

When a moderator steps in, he/she may be appreciated, or may be vilified and ridiculed publicly. I don't know why the heck anyone would take our volunteer moderator job, but I'm glad they do. Without them, our forums would sometimes get just as mean and ugly as the ugliest example you can find out there. But we have rules for behavior, and we have people willing to try to uphold the rules.

So, why does Richard keep getting banned from this site? And why is he repeatedly allowed back on, only to get banned again?

As mentioned above, several moderators may consult about problems caused by a member, and any of them may edit posts and moderate threads, but I am the one who has to make the final decision to click the "Suspend" or "Ban" button. I've been aware of Richard for at least the past 5 years, including the 2-1/2 years that I have owned this site, and I have probably banned him at least 10 times under different names. (By the way, for those who don't know, I am also a volunteer. To date, the income from advertising is approximately equal to the total direct expenses of hosting the site...I don't pay myself for my 15 to 20+ hours/week of work on the site.)

But back to Richard, I recognize that some respected members of our site enjoy discussing hitting with him. That explains why I have often allowed him to participate in our forums under a new name after being suspended, even though I knew the new ID was him. I guess I'm an optimist and kept hoping that he would choose to treat people with respect, disagree in a civil manner, and follow the posted rules for behavior. But he has never been willing to do that for very long. He repeatedly descends to insults and personal attacks. And we are never going to change the rules of the site to allow that.

This is a PG-rated site with a family focus. Many other sports sites have a slightly different "audience" in mind and may find the personal attacks acceptable. Debate and differences of opinion are fine here, too, but we simply aren't going to accept the personal attacks and insults as the status quo.

Thank you for listening,

Last edited by MN-Mom

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