So just returned from my son's 1st college game. We weren't going as it was 6 hours away, and he's a freshman so we didn't think he'd get in. He called Friday night and said the coach told him he was giving him a chance at some point this weekend, so we packed up and drove down. He got 1 inning. 3 k's 12 pitches. Coach told him he will be getting many more chances. I am so happy for him, and so happy we didn't miss it.
Good luck Chef - hope it turns out OK.
Just returned from son's first college game, with the JV squad. Interesting experience and an eye opener about how his program works. My son played quite well. In nine plate appearances, he got 3 hits, including 2 singles and a triple and walked three times and drove in 2 runs. Put up some really good AB's. Hope he keeps it up and maybe works his way off the JV squad. But you never know -- his team is so stacked with outfielders, that's a tall order. Plus the 4 frosh outfielders can all really play.
It turns out that there are only 12 guys on the JV squad -- there were originally 13 but one was academically ineligible. They are all freshman position players. I hadn't realized that there are no dedicated JV pitchers. All pitchers are on the varsity and the coaches use JV games to allow a wide variety of pitchers to get work in. For example, the number 2 starter and the number 3 starter from the varsity -- both have been a bit shaky so far this season -- each started a game of the three game series. Several freshman relievers got some work in, but so did several upperclassmen. It seems like the JV games are also used to help determine the varsity pecking order among the pitchers.
At the same time you get the distinct impression that the relatively compact JV season functions sort of as an extended try out for frosh position players -- there is only one frosh position player on the varsity, and there are no upperclassmen on JV. The one freshman varsity position player is apparently a real stud.
I wonder if any other schools use their JV squads in quite this combination of ways.
At first, my son seemed a bit discouraged -- more discouraged than I have ever seen him be about baseball, even with all the lost time due to injuries, In fact, all of the JV guys seemed pretty much the same way. You can tell that these guys feel intense pressure to prove themselves in their relatively limited opportunities. They aren't at all sure where they stand. Next year there will be a new crop of frosh and a new crop of transfer to compete against -- 25 committed so far. And to make matters worse the all know that from last year's JV squad only 2 are on this year's varsity and none repeated JV. There were 12 or 13 JV players last year. 7 or 8 of them tried out this year which means 5 or 6 got cut. Talking to my son's roomies and parents in the stands, I'm not sure any of the JV players has felt this kind of pressure before. But still, they played with great intensity. It's evident that are lots of talented players on the small JV roster. Many of them might be on the travel squad in a less competitive, less cut throat environment. My son described the vibe as "figure it out, kid, if you can't do the job, we'll find someone who will."
But he was much happier by the end of the weekend than at the beginning of it. That's for sure. He seemed almost like his old self, actually.
I am sorry to hear that as well Chef. My thoughts and prayers to the young man!
chefmike7777 posted:Son first outing yesterday. In fourth threw a pitch 5 feet in front of plate. I knew something was wrong immediately. Coach came right out. Pulled him. MRI next couple of days. It is his elbow. They fear UCL and tommy John surgery.
He was / is more worried about how I am doing. Ugh!
Ill let you all know
oh man. that sucks major league. Hope he heals well.
9th inning, 2 outs with a 12-0 lead, my freshman son gets to come in for his college debut for the last out. 4 pitch K and the moment is over. Many years waiting to see him on that mound! Although brief, a great experience that I was fortunate enough to see! Exciting to see him work towards earning some more innings as the season progresses.
Son got in Saturday night for last out of the game. Was a bit nervous, gave up a hit on tough chopper fielded up 3b line and low throw to 1st but settled in a struck out next guy looking. 93-95 and hammer was working in first college appearance. Pretty exciting stuff.
Thoughts and prayers out to Chef on the MRI.
Sorry to hear about that Chef... Never easy to have an injury come up. Hoping for a positive prognosis and comeback!
As for my son, he got his first opportunity to pitch on Saturday. It has been rough for us (my son and myself) so far this season. He's a senior and the team had played 9 games before he got his first time on the mound. He was feeling very discouraged. And it's not like the other pitchers were doing great... So, he finally got his opportunity. Did very well, other than giving up a 3 run HR. Ugh... Pitched 3 innings. 1st inning got them out 1-2-3 with a K. 2nd inning, gave up a walk, no hits and one K. 3rd inning, weak GB single up the middle, infield single, pop up to 3rd, then the HR. He was super pissed... Coach left him in and he struck the next two guys out and came off the field cursing. One pitch killed him. Just hoping the coach will keep some confidence in him and give him some more opportunities.
Team is doing well. They are 8-2 on the season and 3-0 in conference play. They can really hit and have come from behind to win a number of games. In the game my son pitched in on Saturday, they were down 12-5 in the 7th inning and came back to win 13-12. Won a game last weekend in which they were down several times during the game and wound up winning 19-18 in 10 innings. One thing you can say, they never give up.
Here's to hoping for more opportunities and a good senior year!! Time really does go by fast...
chefmike7777 posted:Son first outing yesterday. In fourth threw a pitch 5 feet in front of plate. I knew something was wrong immediately. Coach came right out. Pulled him. MRI next couple of days. It is his elbow. They fear UCL and tommy John surgery.
He was / is more worried about how I am doing. Ugh!
Ill let you all know
Oh no!
I saw the uncharacteristic stat line and wondered what happened.
Let us know how it goes. We're pulling for him.
bballman posted:Coach left him in and he struck the next two guys out and came off the field cursing. One pitch killed him. Just hoping the coach will keep some confidence in him and give him some more opportunities.
I love what he did after he gave up the HR and hope that the coach will see and feel the same way. That's toughness.
Good Luck Chef
Traveled to Florida to finally see some games. It is one thing to hear about the high level of baseball in top collge leagues down south, quite another to see it.
The pitching was the best we've seen not on TV. Fielder's make sick plays laying out, etc. (Graig Nettles when I was a kid comparison for me, or Machado of current players). As a fan, I had to clap for all teams' good plays I saw (there were many). Of course great fastballs; and sliders & curves that demonstrate where the term 'dropping off the table' came from.
People back home don't realize the talent and competition. One game (2 really great arms, 0-0 til the 9th) had 40-50 scouts. There are scouts at practices. "We are not in Kansas anymore Toto....."
Glad son is getting some time. A fight for PT. Parents very nice and welcoming, good things to say about Son, the pitchers love throwing to him. He loves his teammates and the coaches and obviously the weather. Think he will see more action as he continues to prove himself. A scout called last night to say it is an accomplishment for a northern freshman kid to get on the field in Florida.
Good luck and success to all.
chefmike7777 posted:MRI next couple of days. It is his elbow.
Chef, so sorry to hear this news. Hoping for the best.
NYdad2017 posted:bballman posted:Coach left him in and he struck the next two guys out and came off the field cursing. One pitch killed him. Just hoping the coach will keep some confidence in him and give him some more opportunities.
I love what he did after he gave up the HR and hope that the coach will see and feel the same way. That's toughness.
Thanks NYdad...
Chef, just read this. I'm sorry to hear about your son. Will send you a PM in a bit
Sorry to hear the news Chef. Thoughts + prayers out to your son and the family. Hoping for the best for him. Keep us updated with results so HSBBWeb community can support you all.
Ok gang here is where we are for son and his injury. Saw a Doc yesterday who then ordered an MRI in afternoon yesterday. Thanks to Redfishfool, I called the trainer and asked what kind of MRI and asked if it was a contrast MRI. she said no since it was since a recent injury, and it would be uncomfortable and maybe a bit painful for my son. That they would do it if the "regular" MRI did not show enough. I insisted upon a contrast since it would give a more complete picture. She called Doc and it was changed to contrast.
Met with Orthopedic surgeon doc today (this is school's preferred Doc). He said it was a slight tear, showed us (son, I and trainer) where it was on MRI and recommended rest for 4 weeks and inflammatory, then he would do a follow up MRI and consult. If all checked out then he could start throwing program. I did ask them to send MRI to Kremchek office as a second opinion and that office will let me know tomorrow if they see / recommend anything differently (I guess WSU coaching staff and Kremchek have a great relationship).
I talked briefly to pitching coach and he said still not sure what they would do with his season as of moment. If it all went perfectly and he was back in 6-7 weeks, it would still be mid to late April and only 4-6 weeks left in season. Not sure they want to burn up a year of eligibility for 1/3 of season. I concur. My son will want to play . We will see how it goes from here. Next 4 weeks are basically a lot of athletic training therapy for rest of body, rest for arm, and waiting.
Of course, that all depends on 2nd opinion.
Thanks for all your support and guidance. Love this community!
Chef, best of luck to your son.
Hopefully Kremchek will concur + the healing can begin. Best to all.
Hoping that he heals up quick and can get back at it, Chef.
chefmike7777 posted:Ok gang here is where we are for son and his injury. Saw a Doc yesterday who then ordered an MRI in afternoon yesterday. Thanks to Redfishfool, I called the trainer and asked what kind of MRI and asked if it was a contrast MRI. she said no since it was since a recent injury, and it would be uncomfortable and maybe a bit painful for my son. That they would do it if the "regular" MRI did not show enough. I insisted upon a contrast since it would give a more complete picture. She called Doc and it was changed to contrast.
Met with Orthopedic surgeon doc today (this is school's preferred Doc). He said it was a slight tear, showed us (son, I and trainer) where it was on MRI and recommended rest for 4 weeks and inflammatory, then he would do a follow up MRI and consult. If all checked out then he could start throwing program. I did ask them to send MRI to Kremchek office as a second opinion and that office will let me know tomorrow if they see / recommend anything differently (I guess WSU coaching staff and Kremchek have a great relationship).
I talked briefly to pitching coach and he said still not sure what they would do with his season as of moment. If it all went perfectly and he was back in 6-7 weeks, it would still be mid to late April and only 4-6 weeks left in season. Not sure they want to burn up a year of eligibility for 1/3 of season. I concur. My son will want to play
. We will see how it goes from here. Next 4 weeks are basically a lot of athletic training therapy for rest of body, rest for arm, and waiting.
Of course, that all depends on 2nd opinion.
Thanks for all your support and guidance. Love this community!
While some folks make negative comments about our site and members, RFF giving you that advice shows how valuable this site really is.
Sent you a pm.
The best to your son, hopefully it heals on its own. did they classify as grade 1,2, 3 sprain? I think 3rd degree sprain has some tearing involved.. sometimes different docs use different terminology.
PRP injection could be an option, you might want to inquire about it.
Will be hoping for the best for your son, Chef.
Second opinion right away is a very good move. Son lost over four months (and, thus, a whole season) due to a mis-diagnosis and subsequent wrong treatment that likely would have been avoided had we taken that extra step with his scapholunate ligament tear his first college fall.
I'm with you on the 4-6 week thing but no need to think that far ahead just yet.
Thanks all. More news to point about 2nd opinion. Head coach called really concerned. Said as he delved further into it. Throwing program would be 6-8 weeks after 4 weeks rest. So mid to late May at best. Felt like we should definitely do more than just send down MRI. As he felt team doc is ultra conservative. Said he called 4 MLBers he know plus 5 other HC to see their experience with partial tear. No one had ever not had surgery. Even if they waited and rehabbed then it tore again. If that were to happen he would lose both this year and next. So with that HC told son he was done for year. I made spot with Kremchek Monday. If he says no surgery then ok but we will see.
Son was heart broke but tried to be tough. Worked until Momma hugged him. He was all excited that 6-7 weeks he would be back on mound. Now done and probable surgery or at least long rehab. My heart is breaking for him.
Terrible news. My heart goes out to your son and your family.
He will be fine, more so because u guys are so close. He will not lose a redshirt year and he can get in extra classes. I hate to see this happen but it's better now than later.
He'll work hard to get back and be a better man because of it.
TPM posted:chefmike7777 posted:Ok gang here is where we are for son and his injury. Saw a Doc yesterday who then ordered an MRI in afternoon yesterday. Thanks to Redfishfool, I called the trainer and asked what kind of MRI and asked if it was a contrast MRI. she said no since it was since a recent injury, and it would be uncomfortable and maybe a bit painful for my son. That they would do it if the "regular" MRI did not show enough. I insisted upon a contrast since it would give a more complete picture. She called Doc and it was changed to contrast.
Met with Orthopedic surgeon doc today (this is school's preferred Doc). He said it was a slight tear, showed us (son, I and trainer) where it was on MRI and recommended rest for 4 weeks and inflammatory, then he would do a follow up MRI and consult. If all checked out then he could start throwing program. I did ask them to send MRI to Kremchek office as a second opinion and that office will let me know tomorrow if they see / recommend anything differently (I guess WSU coaching staff and Kremchek have a great relationship).
I talked briefly to pitching coach and he said still not sure what they would do with his season as of moment. If it all went perfectly and he was back in 6-7 weeks, it would still be mid to late April and only 4-6 weeks left in season. Not sure they want to burn up a year of eligibility for 1/3 of season. I concur. My son will want to play
. We will see how it goes from here. Next 4 weeks are basically a lot of athletic training therapy for rest of body, rest for arm, and waiting.
Of course, that all depends on 2nd opinion.
Thanks for all your support and guidance. Love this community!
While some folks make negative comments about our site and members, RFF giving you that advice shows how valuable this site really is.
Sent you a pm.
Chef, good luck w son. Resources are phenomenal on this site! Keep us posted, simply knowing questions to ask can be tremendous.
Did they say which band was torn? Anterior or posterior?
I'm not sure which is anterior or posterior but if you put your palms up, then it would be on the inside of elbow. same side as pinky finger
Best of luck with whatever path is chosen. Was looking forward to following him this season but will simply wait for his return next season.
2017LHPscrewball posted:Best of luck with whatever path is chosen. Was looking forward to following him this season but will simply wait for his return next season.
thanks, one of the nice things for the team is there is pitching depth. Jeremy was considered an important cog for sure but they do have depth. AS a bummer as this is, I am excited about following the team this year. They have high hopes and expectations
Hi All - this past weekend we went to watch one of my sons HS teammates in his first college start.
Last year when my son got called up to varsity as a freshman, I'd chuckle almost every night picking him up from practice and my son saying.... the Senior pitchers cellophaned my wallet and phone together AGAIN at practice today. The pitchers were good to him - but he was also an easy target as a freshman.
Pretty awesome day - sell out crowd on Saturday @ UGA and really amazed how he responded. 5 shutout innings, 7 Ks, 1 BB, 1 questionable hit, and left with a 3-0 lead.
Fun day for us getting to a college baseball environment, and just glad we were able to be there to support him, and his family, in his 1st college start!
Best of luck, and health, to all this spring!
Shoveit4Ks posted:Son got in Saturday night for last out of the game. Was a bit nervous, gave up a hit on tough chopper fielded up 3b line and low throw to 1st but settled in a struck out next guy looking. 93-95 and hammer was working in first college appearance. Pretty exciting stuff.
Thoughts and prayers out to Chef on the MRI.
Was good to hear him get in and listen. I know he'll have many more just like it.
Heading down to watch the Campbell Fighting Camels against Minnesota in a little bit. Don't know if we have any Camel or Gopher parents on here but I'm looking forward to it nonetheless.
Son will head to Fla. next weekend for the final time in his college career. Team will play their first game on Mon. 3/7. Looking for big things out of this years team as they return all 8 position starters, 6 of whom hit over .333 last year, along with a very good pitching staff. Son has been fortunate to have been a starter & letterman his entire career. Have to reiterate what has been said many times on this site, enjoy the ride 'cause it's over before you know it. GOOD LUCK to all & stay injury free!
Today was something of a landmark. It was the first game since son's freshman year in HS, when we sent him on a trip with his travel team that neither of us could make, that neither my wife nor I was there to witness. Strange feeling. I suppose there will be more of those games in the future.
At least from his postgame report sounds like he played well again, went 1 for 3 and got an outfield assist.
Get to see him in action again next week.
Sounds like he's a little miffed at the way they use the JV team, though. Today, they brought down three varsity bench guys -- including two outfielders -- and gave them significant number of AB's in todays DH, thereby diminishing the AB's of the JV players.
Sorry to hear about your son. Prayers go out to your son and your family.
Our freshman son has been called upon 3 times out of the bullpen over the past two weekends. He has thrown well. Just recently, on Friday night, he went out for the 9th and got three strike outs swinging. He has thrown 2.2 innings. Looking forward to a fun year.
I said this on the other thread Chef, but I want to repeat it here, My prayers go out to you and your family. Good luck to your son. Please keep us informed.