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Teaching Elder posted:


Stay as far away from Pitch Harder as you possibly can.  I'm not a big fan of Top Velocity either, as Olympic Lifts can be dangerous and probably are not as effective as just plain old good synching of the kinetic chain.  Top Velocity, however, is light years more legitimate than Pitch Harder.

Thanks for the response. I will probably go with the Top Velocity as the guy I was talking to from Pitch Harder didn't say how his program was better, he just tried to say how Top Velocity wasn't good. 

Teaching Elder posted:

Yeah.  Did he try to tell you how he's one of the most sought after trainers in the MLB?  That is legit one of his claims.  No one even knows who he is.

He did say that. And as for the Olympic style lifts, I am doing some of those right now at the sports performance place I go to, but haven't been there for 2 weeks, we do squat, deadlift, bench press, hanging power cleans(still learning how to do those so not doing any weight really) 

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