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By high school does it matter whether a kid played open bases or closed bases baseball in his prepubescent, preteen years?

I'd like to tap the expertise on this board where almost every poster's kid is past preteen ball, and a strong majority have kids playing at least high school ball. I want to help settle a pi$$ing match on another board. The debate is about playing 50/70 open bases versus LL in the preteen years.

The closed bases crowd says it doesn't take two entire years (13U and 14U) to learn how to play open bases and by high school it's about talent and work ethic, not where the kids plays in his prepubescent years.

The open bases crowd claims their kids are way ahead of the closed base kids and they don't catch up.

The question isn't which one is better or worse to play. The question isn't which one did your kid play. The question is .....
This survey was originally posted to a topic here.
Posted by RJM ·
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