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Should umpires be responsible for "dressing down" players looking for "substance" or should it be the responsibility of a coach to initiate the "pat down"

With the recent "dirty hand" episode we need to take a pulse from the HSBBW experts. I'm sure that the feeling here will weigh heavily with the MLB rules comittee.

Personally, I look at it as an appeal play and it is up to the coach to raise the issue. To many times we see that certain pitchers have been given a "grey area" in regard to the strike zone, balks, and many pitchers in the league have varying levels of relationships with umpire crews from "favorite son" to "hate that guy". I can see where this mentality could be carried over to this issue also. Leave it up to the teams to choose their battles.
This survey was originally posted to a topic here.
Posted by rz1 ·
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