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What age should a player begin switch hitting in games?

My son has always been a great fundamental hitter and he has great speed but does lack power. He has a natural swing both right and left. His mechanics are excellent from both sides. He is 9. We have had him taking private batting lessons weekly for 7 months. Working on both the right and left swing. His batting coach believes it is time for him to get some at bats left in games. However, his team coaches do not believe in letting him switch hit until the pitchers are throwing "real curve balls" which I believe is around 12. I am not sure what to do. The coaches do not allow my son to even practice left. And have never really seen the left handed swing. They say it will be discouraging for him to hit left and fail and that we should wait. I am not sure what the best approach should be.
This survey was originally posted to a topic here.
Posted by Summermj ·
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