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Originally posted by Tom Dorminy:
I believe Tebow does have a future in the NFL but as a TE or Fullback , I would never question his effort but don't push your beliefs on me .

Is Tebow calling your house? Is he in your front yard with "Tracks"?

What is this about pushing his beliefs on anyone?! I do not get that. He Honors God. So what?! How is that an imposition on anyone?
Last edited by floridafan
Read through some of these posts and must say, I'm not sure I understand the difference between a Jew wearing a yamaka (kippet, yarmulke)in a public place, and a Christian genulflecting in a public forum. Both, as I understand them, indicate that the person is conscious of God's presence and both are meant as a sign of respect. If a person has no problem with the former, he or she should have no issue with the latter. It's not a matter of "imposing" one's own beliefs on anyone - rather, it's a PERSONAL sign of respect and awe.
Broncos Win! Broncos Win! Tebow led team wins.

That can't be, all you Tebow haters say he can't play! The six experts on Fox pre-game, all picked the Steelers saying "Denver had no chance."

I guess Tim and the Broncos didn't pay attention.

Well done boys!

What is Elway thinking now. Will they still run over him with the Bus at year end, or will he get a chance to play next year?
Last edited by Prime9
I am not big on pro football anymore, but I have been rooting for the Broncos since Tebow became QB. How can you not pull for the guy, he's defied the odds and stood up like a man despite all the negativity said about him.

I know that big Ben was suffering but that was a legit win, and I am glad that they let TT play his game.
ESPN is turning into a joke. I think the personalities are starting to feed on the fact they are the "experts" when it comes to all things sports. Last week the game before WVU played Clemson they were doing a promo and Brad Nessler read that Clemson will be taking on another team from Virginia: West Virginia in the Orange Bowl. The excuse was the guy writing the prompt went to Pitt and made a mistake.

Then during the Scott van Pelt show the next day they had on the banner at the bottom of the screen that Clemson was beat by Michigan in the Orange Bowl. To the best of my knowledge they have no issued any type of apology for either situation.

As for Tebow I wouldn't have thought Denver would have won this game but they did. Like someone said above - this is why you play the game on the field and not on paper. Who would have thought WVU would score 70 on the ACC champion? But that's part of the problem - when the talking heads are wrong instead of manning up and saying they were wrong they find reasons why they weren't right.
Originally posted by Tx-Husker:
ESPN talked about Elway calling Tebow into his office and challenging him this week. Supposedly they "took the handcuffs off Tebow" and "asked him to throw the ball down field". I would say young Mr. Tebow responded!

I find it very ironic he threw for 316........

John should be very proud!
Last edited by dw8man
Originally posted by dw8man:
Originally posted by Tx-Husker:
ESPN talked about Elway calling Tebow into his office and challenging him this week. Supposedly they "took the handcuffs off Tebow" and "asked him to throw the ball down field". I would say young Mr. Tebow responded!

I find it very ironic he threw for 316........

John would be very proud!

Nice! I didn't catch that.
Originally posted by 1stand3rd:
Read through some of these posts and must say, I'm not sure I understand the difference between a Jew wearing a yamaka (kippet, yarmulke)in a public place, and a Christian genulflecting in a public forum.
Some Christians never get it. It's the same reason two people on this board told me my problem is I need Jesus in my life after I identified myself as a Jew. When a Jew wears a yamulke he's not waving his religion in someone else's face. It's not as if he's telling people of other religions they pray to a false god and need Jesus in their life.
Wow! Not a peep out of the Tebow lovers for three weeks. The Broncos win a game and they all come out of the woodwork to tell everyone else how great he is. There have to be some people here who played football and noticed a significant turning point in the game.

In the first quarter it didn't matter the Steelers were missing a starting defensive lineman and the starting safety. Two starters can cover the mistakes of one player. The Steelers were stuffing the Broncos. By the end of the first quater all three Steelers linemen were out of the game. It meant the Broncos could place all their focus on stopping Harrison. From the second quarter on the Steelers didn't have a pass rush. There was no pressure on Tebow. Four of the passes he completed for over two hundred yards he got to stand back in the pocket for a more than usual amount of time then lob the ball over the top. The safety was out of position a lot. Any NFL QB would have completed those four passes. A good NFL quarterback would have carved up the Steelers up and down the field for three quarters.

Other than those four passes Tebow was still throwing balls at receiver's feet and over their heads. He lacks footwork, lacks pocket presence, can't read defenses, lacks a quick release, lacks throwing mechanics, and has an average NFL arm. He's not going to make a career out of lobbing a few balls deep down the middle.

I told people this before this game and I'll stick with it. Tebow will be replaced at some point in the 2012 season and waived before the 2013 season. His skills will not get him through the difficult schedule next season.

At least Tebow cut out the excessive public religious displays. I wonder if Goodell had Kurt Warner call Tebow. After that talk Tebow toned it down.
Last edited by RJM
Originally posted by RJM:
Originally posted by 1stand3rd:
Read through some of these posts and must say, I'm not sure I understand the difference between a Jew wearing a yamaka (kippet, yarmulke)in a public place, and a Christian genulflecting in a public forum.
Some Christians never get it. It's the same reason two people on this board told me my problem is I need Jesus in my life after I identified myself as a Jew. When a Jew wears a yamulke he's not waving his religion in someone else's face. It's not as if he's telling people of other religions they pray to a false god and need Jesus in their life.

I have experienced uninvited, unwelcome and ill-mannered proselytizing efforts by Seventh Day Adventists, Mormons, "Fundamentalists", Evangelicals, Jehovah's Witnesses and Buddhists; but never by a Jew.
Doesn't it just make you feel warm and fuzzy all over when a nice hard working and well mannered kid has a nice game. So many people say he can't do it and he keeps finding a way!
I'm a sucker for the underdog and I just love it when a kid like this does well.
One would think his biggest fans would have the most posts on a thread dedicated to him, oddly enough that doesn't seem to be the case...
You know I don't pull for Tebow because he is a christian and is not ashamed of it. I pull for him because so many people pull against him because he is a christian and is not ashamed for it. If he plays well there are numerous excuses given on why he did. If he plays bad the blame is put squarely on him by the same people who will never give him credit for playing well.

Then all Tebow does when they win is give his team mates the credit. And when they lose he takes all the blame for the loss. I have no idea who long he will be in the league. I have no idea how much future success in the game he will have. But I sure wish there were more people like him. More people who were humble in victory and gracious in defeat. More people who were willing to take the blame and give the credit to others.

There is no doubt that the fact Tebow is a christian it irks some people. The fact that he does not try and hide it like its something he should be ashamed of.
On Jan 2 Fenwaysouth said...Dick Lebow (Steelers Def Coordinator) will show us all of Denver's offensive warts this Saturday. Lebow is arguably the best defensive coordinator in the League. Lebow has the talent, and he very rarely gets beat. I don't see Tebow matching up well with this scenario. Tebow simply doesn't have the experience or skills at this point in his career. The only way Denver wins is if they play conservative with the ball, don't make mistakes, and get very, very lucky.

I'll be the first to admit I was wrong. I thought the Pittsburg defense was better than the Denver offense & Tebow. I watched the whole game and it was exciting as playoff football should be. Denver gets a rematch from a few weeks ago but at New England this time around. Pats won 41-23 in week 15. I would expect it to be closer this Saturday.
Originally posted by RJM:
Wow! Not a peep out of the Tebow lovers for three weeks.

Sometimes its better just to remain quiet to see what happens instead of useless ramblings.

I like you but you have been over the top in this topic lately, doesn't matter who was hurt, etc,etc, the Broncos won. No excuses.

Will Tebow be their QB next season, who knows, for right now we still are in this season.

Tebow is a devout Christian, I am a reformed jew, my opinion has nothing to do with him as a person, never once have I felt insulted or felt that someone was trying to influence me in changing my beliefs, I beleive that happens when people feel insecure about what to beleive in.

This is not just directed at RJM, but can we just drop the religious stuff. This is about a young man that remains positive, stepped up his game, so what if he has some mechanical issues, so does my pitcher, doesn't mean he can't play the game.

Last edited by TPM
He lacks footwork, lacks pocket presence, can't read defenses, lacks a quick release, lacks throwing mechanics, and has an average NFL arm.

RJM with the exception of the arm strength all of these things can be learned / taught. Tebow is an athlete and athletes can learn how to do things like this. He's intelligent so he can learn how to read defense. If anything he's a testament to how at the lower levels it's become about winning rather than developing. It's a shame nobody has taught him these things by now but it is what it is. Maybe with him having so much success the Broncos will actually put this effort into teaching him these things now. You may be right and he's out of the league very soon or he's playing another position but I think it's too early to write him off yet. I agree he's got flaws galore but they can be fixable.

The Steelers were a dying horse that needed to be put out of their misery. The Steelers loaded the box to shut down the running game and force Tebow to beat them. It was a good strategy overall but it didn't work - Tebow did create the passes they gave him in the deep ball. I'm truly suprised the Steelers stayed in that defense after they saw it wasn't working or change things up to a zone to try and confuse him.

As for the pash rush you can't expect four guys to get enough pressure without helping them out with stunts and blitzes. I know I'm wrong in this but I don't remember any zone blitzes. I feel the Steelers went to a vanilla defense and hoped Big Ben and the offense could score more - which they almost did.

You have to give Tebow and the Broncos credit - they did what they had to do in order to win. I'm not necessarily a Tebow fan but I am enjoying watching him get things done in a slightly ugly way.
Tebow may well lack footwork, pocket presence, a quick release, throwing mechanics, and has an average NFL arm. But because of the other things he brings to the table, it minimizes those weaknesses. He may not be able to read defenses like others, but he doesn't have to if the defenses load the box to stop the run. If they throw those defenses at him to stop his pass, they run with success. It's about the whole package and the results. I love a kid that can cover some short comings with other strengths to deliver an unexpected result. Sort of like a soft throwing pitcher that can't strike anyone out, but just gets ground balls, outs and wins.
Originally posted by RJM:
Wow! Not a peep out of the Tebow lovers for three weeks. The Broncos win a game and they all come out of the woodwork to tell everyone else how great he is. There have to be some people here who played football and noticed a significant turning point in the game.

In the first quarter it didn't matter the Steelers were missing a starting defensive lineman and the starting safety. Two starters can cover the mistakes of one player. The Steelers were stuffing the Broncos. By the end of the first quater all three Steelers linemen were out of the game. It meant the Broncos could place all their focus on stopping Harrison. From the second quarter on the Steelers didn't have a pass rush. There was no pressure on Tebow. Four of the passes he completed for over two hundred yards he got to stand back in the pocket for a more than usual amount of time then lob the ball over the top. The safety was out of position a lot. Any NFL QB would have completed those four passes. A good NFL quarterback would have carved up the Steelers up and down the field for three quarters.

Other than those four passes Tebow was still throwing balls at receiver's feet and over their heads. He lacks footwork, lacks pocket presence, can't read defenses, lacks a quick release, lacks throwing mechanics, and has an average NFL arm. He's not going to make a career out of lobbing a few balls deep down the middle.

I told people this before this game and I'll stick with it. Tebow will be replaced at some point in the 2012 season and waived before the 2013 season. His skills will not get him through the difficult schedule next season.

At least Tebow cut out the excessive public religious displays. I wonder if Goodell had Kurt Warner call Tebow. After that talk Tebow toned it down.

Whew! I was concerned that your obsession had ended and you had converted to a fan. Glad to see the sun rose from the East once again! Wink
Last edited by justbaseball
Originally posted by Coach_May:
There is no doubt that the fact Tebow is a christian it irks some people. The fact that he does not try and hide it like its something he should be ashamed of.

Coach, I am not "irked" that anyone is a Christian, Jew, Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist, or believer in any faith. I am a Christian. I am "irked" when anyone, football player, celebrity, teacher in the next room, uses their religion to draw attention, not to their God, but to themselves, which, while obviously open to debate, is what I believe Mr. Tebow does.

As far as his skills as a quarterback, I repeat my season does not make a career, good or bad. Time will tell.
Here is some mumbling talk for you guys, LOL.

I have a question, Is there something wrong with someone having the game of his life and completing less than 50 percent of his passes?
I am a die hard broncos fan, love them win or lose and have been that way since the early 80's, so i have been through alot as a fan. I am not a tebow supporter, becuase of one word sustainability. Can he be consistant enough "as a passer". HE HAD A GREAT GAME and the entire broncos team played a great game as that is what it took to beat pittsburgh. I am not a tebow supporter but even i can admit that he played very well last game. I hope he does it again versus the pats. GO BRONCOS. Personally i would really like for tebow to struggle and brady quinn come off the bench and win the game, LOL....
Josh Hamilton is vocal about giving thanks to Jesus and God in public. I don't see a difference between him and Tebow. I think the media has blown this up.

I don't understand why people feel he is forcing his faith. He makes his statement about himself and does not say "you need this too". Media driven. Look and listen to him - a pretty humble guy. Don't listen to the media.

Wish more pro athletes were like him - better role model for kids - faith aside.
Last edited by baseball_fever
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