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I would appreciate any input on our particular situation, as follows:

Our son is a highly ranked 2009 player at a private D1 high school who played against and in the same league as a 2008 first round draft pick last season. He is being heavily recruited by the top D1 universities in our area.

Although he isn't ranked in the top 100 in the nation (yet, although he could move up), sources tell us he is known by all the pro teams and we have been getting a lot of pro team interest via letters, applications, scouts, phone calls, etc. This started when he was a freshman but has picked up more lately, for obvious reasons. It's pretty exciting to get letters in the mail from the pros asking but I don't know how much that really means.

We could choose to have him sign with a great local state college, where he could live at home and save money. Or we could sign him up with a prestigious $30,000/year well known college with a half or 3/4 scholarship and have to come up with the rest of the money (which could be a little tight).

Question is, if the pros are that interested in him, should we sign with a more exclusive college, knowing that he might go higher in the draft even though we'd get stuck with a big bill if he does go to that school, or sign with the affordable college? Our son likes them all and would be happy to play for any of them. The more affordable college might be easier, but the more prestigious college comes with its own particular rewards.

By all estimations, he is ready to begin AA ball right now and work his way up. Still, a college education is a great experience and will make him an even better player, we hope (but would it be better than AA ball?)

We are being pressured to sign an LOI now but I don't feel that that is in his best interests. It seems better to wait for the NLOI in November.

Any thoughts on this would be greatly appreciated. And yes, we feel very blessed and honored to be in this position. As you all know, it came about as the result of a lot of hard work, commitment, and research. And we would not have done it if our son wasn't obviously gifted early on and been cooperative and coachable.

Thanks for any thoughts on this matter. These are big decisions to make coming up soon.
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I don't have any useful advice to offer, but perhaps some clarifying questions are in order. Frankly, some of what you've written here seems to me to not square up with some other parts. Probably you'll get better and more informed opinions if you expand a bit on these.

For example, the statement that the player is ready to immediately play at the AA level seems incompatible with a ranking (by PG Cross Checker?) outside the top 100 high school players. From my point of view, even if no college or JC players were involved in the draft, the number 100 player would be drafted in the 3rd round or lower, and when we take into account that more college players are drafted than high school players, the 100th best HS player will be at best drafted in rounds 6 through 10. Sure, the folks doing the drafting may hold a higher opinion of the player than PG, but it won't be much higher. I don't see how such a draft position presages a placement in AA ball.

The same conclusion can be reached by ignoring draft possibilities and simply considering the talent pool available to play AA ball. A player isn't just competing with other players who signed in the same year; he'll be competing with players signed over the past 5 or more years.

Or you could just look at some AA rosters and note how few players are one year removed from high school.

You mention that he is "being heavily recruited by the top D1 universities in our area", but seemingly there are just two offers under consideration. (Just two offers in August is a dilemma most players would love to have!Smile) Perhaps there will be other opportunities which may have adequate prestige and a lower financial expenditure?

Finally, are you expecting that if he signs with the more prestigous college, he'll have a higher draft postion next June, or after his junior year of college, or both? My own uniformed opinion is that it won't affect his draft position at all, although the financial worth of a college scholarship may affect the signing bonus out of high school. For a player drafted out of college, I think that the player's performance (which is likely affected by the "fit" of the player and college) over the next 3 years far outweighs any prestige effect.
Last edited by 3FingeredGlove
Separate the two!! I would not allow the pro draft to influence where my son went to college because where your son goes to college will have little (if any) impact on his professional career. Unless he chooses to go to a JUCO to remain pro eligible. You (and he of course) DO need to decide whether he will go pro or college out of high school very shortly.
By all estimations, he is ready to begin AA ball right now and work his way up. Still, a college education is a great experience and will make him an even better player, we hope (but would it be better than AA ball?)

How do you determine if a kid in high school is ready for AA ball? Can he ride a bus for too many hours, eat his breakfast out of a vending machine while reading a text message from his x-girlfriends new boyfriend, getting a visit from a catcher that can't speak english and still command four pitches while keeping his ERA low?

I doubt if your son is ready for AA ball. Just out of curiosity I ran the ages of the pitchers on our local AA team. I just guessed at your son being a pitcher.
Their ages were: 25, 29, 25, 26, 25, 25, 34, 22, 25, 31, 29, 28

The youngest player at 22 is Marwin Vega from Barranguilla, Columbia and is in his 5th year of pro ball. Hope this helps.

Still, a college education is a great experience and will make him an even better player

A college education is MORE than a great experience AND may NOT make him a better ball player.
Last edited by Fungo
I have to chuckle about the AA comment. If your son feels pressured about committing to a school, wonder how he could handle the pressure of AA at 18. Teams DO NOT place their HS players in AA, most players, even first round picks, need to go through the system. My son's friend was a 4th overall pick out of college, at 22, almost 23 struggling in high A. In son's organization top prospect is 22 and in AAA, drafted out of HS he has been in the system for 3 years. I htink you need to understand how the system works, to come to conclusions.

You have been bitten by the pro draft bug, happens to everyone, however, do know that those scouts are doing their job by indentifing prospects early. There are a lot of things that can change in 10 months. FYI, my son was within the top 100 HS playwers in his class, yet projected, 7-10 rounds and he felt he really wanted to go to college first, knowing that things don't always work out. Things worked wel for him, going to school increaed his slot by making significant improvements as a player. But it doesn't happen like that all of the time.
His college choice, his scholarship amount and the desire to go to school first made him undraftable. If your son truely wants to begin a pro career before college, he should strongly indicate that. But do understand he will not begin his career in AA.
You've received some good advice, IMO, have your son choose a school where he feels is a good fit, and that may or may not be living home to save some money. The total college experience includes leaving home, learning to be on your own but never quarantees anything, as we all know that not anything is guaranteed in life.
It does however provide you with an education and some really great memories. Smile
It is a great dilemma to have, however, it shouldn't actuallu be a dilemma until you son is faced with being drafted, turning pro or going of to college. You'll enjoy a whole lot more this year if you take one step at a time, that would be at this time, accepting a college offer where he feels confortable.
Last edited by TPM
By all estimations, he is ready to begin AA ball right now and work his way up. Still, a college education is a great experience and will make him an even better player, we hope (but would it be better than AA ball?)

Some people have no idea how good you have to be to play AA ball........90 percent of all D1 players will not get the chance to play A ball.......much less AA

This has got to be a joke post........
If your Son is being followed by pro scouts now, then they will follow him where ever he chooses to attend college. A local college in Florida will probably have the identical scouts that are interested in him now follow him at the state college. If he heads off then the local scouts will pass his name off to whoever scouts that particular area of the country.

If the kid is good and he is currently being scouted, it will not change regardless of where he attends college. But if he is ready for MLB now then the JUCO route may suit him as well. Wink
Please throw out the AA comment I made. That shows how much I still do not know about this whole biz. He is playing summer league time with a team that has AA and AAA players or who have played AA and AAA, and is keeping up well with them, hitting HRs over 435' with a wooden bat, etc. on a regular basis. They think he's ready for pro ball, the coaching staff, etc.

But I threw that in not realizing what great controversy it would create. Some good posts, though.

There are four colleges offering LOIs right now, not two. But really isn't an LOI just a verbal commitment with nothing to back it up? It's the NLOI we want, right? The one that commits both player and college to each other.

I am concerned about paying the balance due on the more expensive colleges, but to get a degree from any of the three that aren't state colleges might look better on a future resume in a profession other than baseball.

Ultimately he would like to play pro ball and it looks like a strong possibility. The pros are asking us now if he wants to or not. It's hard to know what to say, of course it is our son saying it. Luckily he's not a blabbermouth and just says he is leaving all options open.

I'm not a troll. That's cute.

I love this board.
Your son is on a summer ball team with AA and AAA players? How do these players have time to play AA and AAA and on this team at the same time?

Your son is not a top 100 prospect but is ready for AA ball? LOL! A friend's son was a top 100, played three years in the SEC, was an All-American, drafted as a supp round one and is now playing rookie A ball. Not AA, Not High A, Not A. Rookie A.
My suggestion is to choose the school which fits his academic abilities, as well as, what school will provide the best avenue for his athletic development. It may be the school which has the best coaches that will help him develop his skills (I hear he is AA ability but everyone can learn) and provide the best competition available to challenge him to even get better and the visibility of playing against/with the best and succeeding.

Choosing the most expensive school if that fits will not matter if he can come out with it being a better athlete and possibly a better signing bonus, but you have to weigh the risk of having to pay the balance, although if he is that good, why not ask for more money.

On the other hand, if he does select a certain school, if drafted out of high school, most team will commit to pay for his college with specific conditions, so having a higher priced school could be an advantage in the over all compensation during the draft, but it also may play against you in a team may not want to pay the additional cost of a high priced school.

Some schools tend not to loose their signees; Stanford for example tends not to loose their signees due to the fact that it would take a lot to sign the player, even above the tuition cost.

If you think your son wants to go pro out of high school, you really need to make sure the teams understand your signability as it can hurt you if you go to a strong school and do not communicate your true intentions to the teams.

BTW one of the top pitchers, 1st round draft pick, out of the sunshine state that pitched 100 mph in HS is in MiLB A after two years…
Last edited by Homerun04
If there are 4 schools recruiting your son, don't decide based on prestige, how it might help with a draft bonus, or what might look good on a resume. Instead, assume that your son will go to college and decide on a school that has the best fit -- academically, financially, socially, baseball program, etc. Even if your son has excellent chances of being drafted high up out of high school, a lot could change between now and then. He could become injured or have a less-than-stellar season next spring, both of which could lower or virtually eliminate his draft potential. Should that happen, or should your son decide he wants to play college ball, you want to make sure that he is at the best possible school for him.
Fungo is right. Don't mix the decisions. The decision to turn pro won't be needed until next summer, at the very least and really shouldn't affect where your son chooses to attend college, which needs to be decided sooner.

I'm sure you and your son would like his parents to attend college games. Don't discount that expense in your decision making process. It ain't cheap following a college baseball team around.
Thank you for the words of wisdom. At every stage in this journey we have had to kind of feel our way around in the dark. There is very little information you can believe or count on. That's why I'm here on this board, but obviously my throwing in that AA stuff was sort of dumb. It shows how much I need real facts.

Our son isn't ranked in the top 100 but some people who should be ranked there are not, and some who shouldn't be there, are. We are understanding that there may be other factors involved. Our son had a stellar season last year, outperforming many on that list, but he was not ranked higher. Who knows why?
This season, barring injury, he ought to be amazing. He's gained an inch and ten pounds or more of pure muscle, played with amazing players and done well enough to attract college and pro attention at this level.

The thing about our son is that he is not his best at showcases. Where he really shines is playing in games. At these showcases you get ranked after sitting on a bench for hours and they say, "okay now, here's your ten minutes". Some guys get ranked that way, but our son had a different experience. He made all state, all this and all that, first team, etc. But because he doesn't always look great in that 10 minutes of showcase time, he isn't ranked higher. Or maybe not. I don't understand it.

But obviously somebody else is watching.

It's been an interesting journey. This year should be fantastic. He's gonna blow people away. Then maybe he'll get some attention from the people who "rank 'em." Or not.

I appreciate the info about colleges. Makes me think that there is one of the four that might be the best fit, although they'll be expensive. Maybe we can get a better offer or get some grant aid, etc. to pull it off.

Thanks again.
I accept your post at face value and assume you just didn't know about being ready for the "AA" level, as I imagine someone was blowing smoke in your ear when they said that. You do indeed have the "fever."

The real decision you have to make is whether your son should go pro now and bypass college. You have to determine if your son is ready AND whether it is the right choice for him to bypass an education that studies show is RARELY completed later. I know something about the sons of other posters here, and they are spot on in their advice on that subject.

After you make your decision, clearly communicate it to the pro scouts. To maximize your son't value, sign a NLI with the best "fit" - this will give you MUCH greater leverage in the draft.

Please consider that many Seniors SLUMP in their last year of high school because they have too much on their plate worrying about signing with a college, grades, leading their team, the draft, and prom.
Our son isn't ranked in the top 100 but some people who should be ranked there are not, and some who shouldn't be there, are. We are understanding that there may be other factors involved. Our son had a stellar season last year, outperforming many on that list, but he was not ranked higher. Who knows why?
This season, barring injury, he ought to be amazing. He's gained an inch and ten pounds or more of pure muscle, played with amazing players and done well enough to attract college and pro attention at this level.

The fact your son is ranked in the top whatever means he is well thought of. Rankings can change as the draft nears, but the only opinion that ultimately matters is the MLB scouting directors' opinions. They write the checks. If he wants to play pro baseball right now and forever, then do it. If he's not sure, then go to college.
Please throw out the AA comment I made. That shows how much I still do not know about this whole biz. He is playing summer league time with a team that has AA and AAA players or who have played AA and AAA,

Florida ranks its High Schools by the A system.....I believe up to 6A....I am expecting that the poster means 2A and 3A High school players and not AA and AAA professional players.......

Professional AA and AAA players are playing in the minor league season currently and would not be playing with HS students.........
Last edited by piaa_ump
Originally posted by Dad04:
The fact your son is ranked in the top whatever means he is well thought of. Rankings can change as the draft nears, but the only opinion that ultimately matters is the MLB scouting directors' opinions. They write the checks. If he wants to play pro baseball right now and forever, then do it. If he's not sure, then go to college.

You've posted a few posts regarding academic questions about someone you know. I am going to assume it is either you the parent or the player making inquiries. Most people don't come here asking those type of questions (regarding someone else). Roll Eyes

LOI and NLI can mean different things depending on where you are signing. A school may give you a letter stating that they have extended an offer for such and such so that there is no confusion the day you sign, which for D1 is Novemeber. If your son (or you) are that good, an advisor will find his way to your doorstep, they will help you with the process.

It doesn't matter who you have played and kept up with the draft is about an individual and his signability, his talent, his projection his position.

Not to repeat what has already been said, I am sure that you are aware of the MLB scholarship fund. Unless you are one of the top in the first round, in FL, no matter what the scholarship amount in or out of state, you will be given money according to what state tuition is (as in most states). For example, if you have a 100K scholarship and you fall in a 175K bonus range, they are not going to put aside 100K for your education unless tehy can't live without you. You might be able to ask them to find a few more dollars for your signing bonus, but not for your education. Strange as it sounds and I have said before, my son got more to finish one year from his team than some teams were willing to give out of HS. This was based on that fact that he needed x amount of dollars, to earn his degree where he began, which was out of state.
If college money is a concern and how you are going to pay for it, pro ball may be the players best interest. There is a lot more than college tuition that is invloved, travel, spending money, off campus housing after freshman year, etc. Unless teh player is a pitcher, with new restraints on scholarships and money available, I would be shocked if more was offered was given.

You definetly have the fever, might say well over 100 degrees. Best of luck, let us know how things work out in june, by that time you may have done a 360.

I tend to agree with what you are stating. 2A and 3A maybe misundersttod for AA or AAA.
Last edited by TPM
Originally posted by TPM:

Not to repeat what has already been said, I am sure that you are aware of the MLB scholarship fund. Unless you are one of the top in the first round, in FL, no matter what the scholarship amount in or out of state, you will be given money according to what state tuition is (as in most states). For example, if you have a 100K scholarship and you fall in a 175K bonus range, they are not going to put aside 100K for your education unless tehy can't live without you. You might be able to ask them to find a few more dollars for your signing bonus, but not for your education. Strange as it sounds and I have said before, my son got more to finish one year from his team than some teams were willing to give out of HS. This was based on that fact that he needed x amount of dollars, to earn his degree where he began, which was out of state.

Oh maybe I need to stop giving options, but I thought if the HS player is committed to a $45,000 school, he would negotiate college into his signing contract, it would be published that he may have gotten $450,000 signing bonus, but they would get the $180,000 in addition (vs say $72,000 for a state school) set aside in a fund for him when he stops playing (with several clauses). Most of the time the players would not take them up on it, but it would be there for a period of time.

It would also be similar for a Jr. in college, if they get drafted and they sign, they would negotiate to get their last year of school so they could get their degree from what ever school they attended or at least the normal cost of that school.
Last edited by Homerun04
Good reply, thank you. What do you mean by the fever? I am trying to amass the facts during what is a short decision making time frame. We are trying to figure out what is best for our son, taking all things into consideration.

When you say "fever" is that meant to be negative? If so, what else would you suggest? If we don't try to weigh in all factors at this point we may miss out on what could be his best opportunity. We're still not sure what that is, at this point.

Up until the last couple of months, we have just enjoyed his baseball success as a family and have tried not to lord it over other parents and players. Our son is a normal, humble guy with interests in many things besides baseball - girls and friends mostly.

I just see this period of the next year or so as an intense experience in which we have to try to understand the ins and outs of all of this.

For instance, I would like someone to explain to me what advantage a Letter of Intent is to an athlete? It seems to me that the advantage is all for the college since they aren't really committing anything. The National Letter of Intent looks a whole lot better. You have a commitment, you have a deal. Until you sign the NLOI what do you really have? If I am mistaken, I would like to be corrected.

Another question I have is, what is the advantage of the athlete living in a dorm room vs at home? Here at home we are still helping him out during his development. We can still make his juices and protein drinks and cheer him on. When he goes away who is watching out for him? Frat parties, girls who see money coming his way, other athletes who want to take his spot? He likes living at home. He will get plenty of time to run around with the other coyotes when and if he gets to the pros.

A crystal ball would be most helpful right about now.

I am enjoying your posts, all of you, even those of you who think I'm making some of this up (why would I do that - is what I'm describing that farfetched?).

I like to do research. It is good to get the facts and the knowledge. Where else can you get it but by asking questions? If that is fever, the world needs more of it.
Sorry there, folks. Got a little intense. I'm just looking for info. When this is all over and we've signed and he's ready to go somewhere next fall, be it a college or a pro traveling team, I'll let you all know what we worked out.

Thanks for all your info. I mostly lurk on these boards and they have been a wealth of great information. I really appreciate it.

Best wishes to all.

I think you are asking good questions, and I'm glad you have taken the questions asked back to you in a positive light. Folks are just trying to make sure that the original post is sincere, since once in a while a new poster makes up some pie-in-the-sky posts to get attention, but wastes the time of caring long-time members like those who have posted here. I don't think that's the case with you.

You have been given great advice above and I hope it helps and that you do share your observations from your son's journey in the coming year!

Last edited by MN-Mom
Thanks Julie. I'm the player's Mom and my husband prefers we keep our plans mum since they are in flux. We don't want to make any firm plans yet since there are so many options. Otherwise I'd love to shout my kid's name from the rooftops - we're very proud of his achievements.

It was a little confusing to have people question my sincerity since to me our situation seems normal. However, the other day, I did have a heads up. At lunch with a few friends one mom asked me how you go about getting an athletic scholarship for your child and I had to admit that I did not have a clue. There was nothing I could tell her since for our son it has always been a given.

Perhaps we are living in a bit of a fishbowl.
Originally posted by 2Fast:

It's been an interesting journey. This year should be fantastic. He's gonna blow people away. Then maybe he'll get some attention from the people who "rank 'em." Or not.

Unfortunetly this statment may have pushed some buttons. Also, obviously the remarks regarding being able to play AA. This is a very good time to do your homework, one book I suggest, Inside Pitch by George Gmelch, try Amazon or ebay.

This is a very exciting time. College coaches calling and giving offers, scouts watching, agents and advisors coming around. It's exciting and you begin to think, wow, maybe he can play beyond college, that's what I meant about catching teh fever. Your son is very fortunate and must be talented. However, do understand that this same dilemma happens every year for many. The best way to handle it is to take one step at a time. College decision first. Then your son can concentrate on his senior season and possibly proball options. Make sure your son makes a smart choice regarding school, because many things can happen between now and June, which may leave him with no option.

There are quite a few parents here of HS players who's players were listed in their senior year as top 30 prospects. Mega attention, but, when it's all said and done, and the dust settles, most off to college.

As far as living at home, that's ok, but I suggest not to send him off to play professional ball after HS for the reasons you give to live at home. Eek At school, although on their own, coaches look after them, that's part of their job and make strict rules. In proball, NO ONE is watching over your son, everyone is out to take your spot, it isn't just a college thing. Besides, it's time for him to learn how to make own protein shakes, learn to live with others, do his own laundry and learn to be responsible on his own. It does help them to prepare for adulthood. Smile
Posted August 11, 2008 01:01 PM Hide Post
Please throw out the AA comment I made. That shows how much I still do not know about this whole biz. He is playing summer league time with a team that has AA and AAA players or who have played AA and AAA, and is keeping up well with them, hitting HRs over 435' with a wooden bat, etc. on a regular basis. They think he's ready for pro ball, the coaching staff, etc.

All I can say is if this kid is hitting like this, he is not only a horse, he MUST be a Clydesdale... My son is 6'2" 235 and has hit a couple of 420's with metal bat, but regular 435's with wood? My god..
People at HS games really don't have a good way to measure how far a home run goes - and the field measurements (e.g. what is written on the wall) is not always terribly accurate). Odds are that the original poster is being misinformed by what others are saying as well as the lack of visual clues.

Having said that, 435 is a monster shot. As a means of showing just how far that is, I just went to which does do a good job of measuring home runs hit in the major leagues (really neat site).

Taking the average of the 31 homeruns hit on 8/10 (the last day for complete MLB data), the average major league homerun that day was 390 feet. Only 2 of the 31 HRs went more than 435 feet.

This has been an interesting thread to me. I'm finding reading this board can often be far more enjoyable than posting on it. Big Grin

I think some of the questions asked here are in a lot of HS parents heads. Most are afraid to spit them out. For college or pro parents, don't you remember a summer or HS coach telling you that your son would play pro ball someday? That he had "AAA stuff?" Or that he could hit AA pitching right now? And you wanted to believe it? Might have told your aunt/uncle/grandmother about your wonder-child?

So if I think back to the kinds of questions swirling in my head at the same point in my son's baseball journey...I'm not too sure that many of them didn't have similar slants to them as 2Fast.

In fact, as my son is 2 months into his pro career, I often stop typing on my keyboard about things I've heard or seen or think...realizing that my enthusiasm may be a little naive at this time and yes, a little beyond reality. Wink

I feel I've only learned to 'hold back' through realizing how many times I was a little too excited too fast through his HS and college careers.

2Fast - I think your questions are pretty normal for the point you are at in your son's journey. From my point of view, go back and re-read Fungo's post about 20 times and think about it for an hour or two in between each read. Separate the two decisions, think about the reality of minor league baseball (lots of good, but its a tough life early on) and read this particular line 100 times (its a gem!):

A college education is MORE than a great experience AND may NOT make him a better ball player.

Good luck! clapping
Last edited by justbaseball
Originally posted by Rob Kremer:
The same thing caught my eye, equipman. 400 foot shots by HS'ers with matal bats are rare enough. Not unheard of, for sure. I saw three or four this year.

"Regulary" hitting 435 foot bombs with wood? I question the credibility.
I can't remember the big stick's name, but I watched a UNCW kid hit a moonshot with a metal bat 435 feet. There was only one problem other than getting under it. It's 436 to center at Northeastern. F8.
It is now day 2 and I am kind of wishing I hadn't started this thread on day 1. But I am glad to have been the source of amusement for some of the readers here.

For those of you who have been around the block a time or two it must seem to you that I have been blowing this all out of proportion. According to the odds, our son has a better chance of working at Burger King than playing major league ball.

But just in case, what I'd really like to do is to talk to someone and get all my questions answered in one good chat session. Or perhaps there is a book that spells all of this out (although I've read some of those that are recommended and still have questions).

So please help me with one last thing:

If I call up one of the agents who have contacted us and talk to him, does that mean he is now our "advisor" and are we in any danger of being accused of having an agent and therefore no longer amateur? Will the advisor want a cut of his signing bonus because I talked to him?

Thanks and have a wonderful, spectacular day!
Make sure your son makes a smart choice regarding school, because many things can happen between now and June......

Very true TPM.

2Fast,....I understand that you are trying to get help. The best bit of advice I can give, is to slow down just a bit. You say that your son is being recruited by top DI's. How has that process gone so far? Has he had offers,..offficial ones? Has he had official visits? If so,....what did your son think?

what I'd really like to do is to talk to someone and get all my questions answered in one good chat session.

There are too many variables for all of your questions to be answered in one chat session.
Lets slow things down a little and go one by one.

Its a loooong ways to the draft and alot can happen between now and then. Lets take each step logically in the process.

Perhaps we should stay focused on what might be in your control at this the accepting or declining of college offers. How is all of that going???
Last edited by shortstopmom
2FAst: What you have to understand about this forum is that you don't have to sell your son to us...Initially you came on with his resume and all of the things that he supposedly is, you don't have to tell everyone that to get sound advice here..If you had just stated that he is a very good ballplayer and a 2009 that was being looked at by the pro's as well as D1 schools, you would have been given alot of good advice. I have used this forum for just that when I first joined earlier this year when my son wasn't being played on his HS team and was truly one of the best and most dedicated players on the team. He wanted to quit the Hs team and just play the summer ball. I was given very good advice from everyone and now he is working very hard to prove to his HS coach that he deserves to be playing next year. If he still doesn't play, He can rest assured that he has impressed many of his HS coaches rival coaches. He had the chance to play for a couple of them this summer on their teams and all of them said that he could use them as references for any interested college coaches. So, I think if you learn anything from all of the responses, is to be a little more humble in what you say initially. Like a coach once told my son,"When you hit a home run, run around the bases like you've done it before"

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