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Morton 11, Oak Park 1
Morton (13-5): WP Izzy Martinez (7-0) CG, 6 H, 2 K; Alex Alvarez 2-for-3, 3 RBI; Elliott Pisarszyk 2-for-3, 2 RBI; Mike Campoalattara 2B, 3 RBI


.966: Morton center fielder Zach Clements' slugging percentage. In 17 games he has 31 hits, seven doubles, two triples and five homers while batting .525.

LT threw Corcoran in game 1 and Weston in game 2 and both ends of our double header are always varsity. That's how it is in the west suburban conference these days. Didn't used to be that way but when another team got beat in game one some years ago they put back in some starters and won game 2, coaches got mad and said if thats how you want to play then we'll do the same. I think it's been about 5 years for our conference now. I believe Grant Filipitch will trow for LT on Tuesday. Nick Kurash did NOT throw for HC today. Cseay Quarado?? game one and Kevin Quirke threw game 2.
The boys came out hitting in game 2. They ran themselves out of 2 innings in game 1. We had bases loaded twice and didn't get the job done for Kyle. We did have a young man named Josh Heller who replaced Kyle that did one heck of a job. Good to see and good for the Future of LT baseball. We'll be okay, no panic in these guys. We have been hitting the heck out of the ball up and down the lineup. It bodes well for the near future of this team. I'm proud of the way Danny pitched today but, this is a team game and they all have to do there jobs play in and play out. We will be just fine. Nothing upsets this team. Coach doesn't wig about too much and preaches the positives and does not let them dwell on the negative. They all work very hard all week. I hope we are there in the end....I feel like we have the talent to do it again. Stay on track and stay focused and it will all fall into place....
Kasey did a nice job but LT definetly helped him out. We had plenty of oppurtunity I'd tap whatever it is you'd tap. We had bags loaded 2 times and man on second nobody out once so, yes he did okay but, we had our chances. And you didn't say anything about game 2, how come? We dominated that game and should have won the first one. I'm not on here to say ,"shoulda coulda woulda", But you know what I mean here. And game three will be an interesting one won't it? Looking forward to watching how everyone comes out on Tuesday. Both teams had better be ready. Cause the little league feild you guys play on cost us big last year. Sorce didn't pitch bad but a 350 foot pop out on any other feild and the games done, over.
the head coach at hinsdale central prefered having kurash for the rubber match. i don't know if i or anybody agrees with his decision. why he didnt throw nick against weston i don't know. but it works out well having our ace verse their three. bullpen is solid. in close games charlie thomas has come in and done a solid job. also have anthony fountas a solid lefty out of the pen.
you guys had 4 hits dude , I wouldn't exactly say it was a hit parade. We had 10 hits and 6 walks i think. And he only stuck out 4 guys. We ran ourselves out of 3 of those innings. Enough said. Our number 3 is undefeated so far. And who knows it may just rain on tuesday, wouldn't that be a shame.....hmmm... wonder who can throw on 4 days rest....It should be fun anyway you slice it. Listen if LT doesn't win the conf I would love you guys to. I like your team. And I like the parents, classy group of people. I think there is a mutual respect on both sides. And I don't want that to change cause of the outcome of 1 game. Keep it simple and play hard and who knows who will win on that givin day. Good luck to both teams on Tuesday. Old saying...Make peace not war. It's on to bigger and better things, I hope.

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