Tagged With "Baseball Strength Podcast"
Ellis Performance
PRIME Training & Performance
Team Arm Development Problem
OK, coaches, I need help with developing the arms of our HS program. The last few years, we’ve used the basics from the Jaeger long toss program. Some of the boys progressed nicely while the progress of others was quite disappointing. We do have...
Bio-Mechanical Aspects of the Kinetic Chain In The Swing
I figured there had to be a place for this discussion.Many aspects of human movements in sport can be readily understood by Newtonian rigid-body mechanics. Many of these laws and biomechanical principles, however, are counterintuitive to a lot of...
Is this pitchinig information have any truth to it
some guy told me this:velocity is not about arm strength but about arm speed. And the only way to speed up the arm is to get the body moving faster so the forces are efficiently passed from one part to the next. No amount of arm strength drills will...
Son headed to college for first year? What's he doing this summer?
"Playing baseball" is the obvious answer. Unfortunately, there's no summer league team for my son (RHP) to play on over here in Seoul. He's been on a summer team in the States the past two summers but this year we have to wait to go back since our...
Texas Baseball Showcase
2008 Summer Baseball Showcases www.TexasBaseballShowcase.com 100+ College & Pro Scouts Invited to Attend DEMONSTRATE & ELEVATE YOUR POTENTIAL •Expose Your Physical Potential Critical to aiding in development, pinpoint your strengths and develop a training plan with your coaches. Show the scouts your desire to improve. •Enhance Your Mental Game Baseball is 90% mental and scouts look for players with total ability to contribute to their team. At these showcases, you can truly show...
Arm Speed
just a quick question. I've heard it said, if you can throw 93 from the outfield for example, then you have arm speed. Lets say an OF/P is throwing 93 from the outfield is it true they will eventually be able to throw 93 from the mound as they mature...
I need help
Im a junior and i broke my wrist in the second game of the season and now i dont know what to do... will this stop me from being able to play in college? What should i do? I hear from everyone on my team that the summer season of your junior year is...
advice please
Im a junior and i broke my wrist in the second game of the season and now i dont know what to do... will this stop me from being able to play in college? What should i do? I hear from everyone on my team that the summer season of your junior year is...
long toss
ok, long toss is great for arm strength, but how long in distance is important. So, how far (in distance) should a thirteen-fourteen year old be playing long toss, how long (time per day), and how many times a week?
Pitcher conditioning/routine
What weekly routine would you recommend for a pitcher who will be pitching as well as position playing in tournaments each weekend through the summer? Mid-week bullpen? Continue the strength training program, or lay off? Long toss? Etc.Thanks
Can any Texas Websters...
... recommend a baseball specific personal trainer in the North Dallas area? Son wants to work with someone who really knows his stuff when it comes to baseball strength and conditioning. So I have come to the supreme source of all info - the HSBB Web...
Pitchers - Shut it down for Holidays or work your ace off?
Shut it down and rest or work straight through to build arm strength? Little worried about possible fatigue.Any thoughts are appreciated!
Fool Proof Way To Determining The Proficiency Of Your Strength Trainer
Certificates on the wall? Website? Academics? Number Of professionals that he trains?Not one of these counts if........he/she doesn't have an intial consultation and requires specific and complete medical, pharmacological, history of injury and sports...
Benefits of a comprehensive Plyo and Weight Program
Wow, we just took our last measurements (tests) for our baseball team. We have been very good at recording strength/flexibility gains this off-season. I am very proud of my young men. Every kid that came starting the second week of September to this...
gained velocity now what?
Hi,. Im a Freshman DI college pitcher looking for advice from former college or pro pitchers or coaches. In high school i used to average around an 83 fastball but was known to get up to 88. A year later (now) after strength gains and core strength...
Non-Dominant Shoulder Dislocation..questions
Hey everyone,this past thursday I dislocated my non throwing shoulder diving for a ball down the line. As a collegiate athlete I went to my team orthopedist, who after reviewing xrays told me that nothing was fractured or broken (thankfully). She also...
LONG TOSS program
I have been reading about long toss alot on increased velocity as well arm endurance..my question and my son is 11.... we do long toss now before practices so abotu 2 times a week....Is this somethign i can continue 2-3 times a week in the offseason...
heavy arm from lifting
I am going to be a sophmore at my high school and last year I was the starting catcher on the JV baseball team. I am 6 foot 155 pounds. Really long legs. I got the perfect pushup at walmart and started doing those (about 100 a day) and started to see...
Pre-Screening Athletes
As a new member to this forum and briefly skimming through some of the older posts, I have yet to find a discussion about screening athletes before a workout program is implemented. There have been numerous posts and tons of advice given for many...
Duquesne AD explains sports (baseball) cuts
More scholarships for its women's programs, additional football scholarships, another full-time strength and conditioning coach, and eventually one more full-time assistant football coach are all among the intended benefits to Duquesne's athletic...
Boyd's Up for 2010
.Boyd's up for 2010!Best statistical resource out there...the DI preseason/Intended strength of schedule rankings (ISR's) are out. Always fun.http://www.boydsworld.com/baseball/sos/sos2010.html .
lower half closed or open on throws to 2nd?
whenever kids are at camps and someone asks them to get into their throwing position or to show their footwork; they immediately get into a picture pose. i guess i will start by saying when they do this, and of course i will be detailed, their entire...
What to look for in a strength and speed coach?
My son wants to to get some extra work for speed and strength. He's not getting alot of it at the school. So I got some names of trainers but I'm unsure what to look for. My experience with hitting coaches was we tried a few out and went with the one...
Drinking game for the Alabama Florida game this weekend
* Drink every time Tebow is called "a warrior." Bonus chug if any of your friends sing the first two hours lines of Scandal's opus "I am a warrior" and change the lyrics to "Tebow is..." Dance, Tebow, you magnificent *******. * Drink every time...
CENTERFIELD BASEBALL ACADEMYPROUDLY PRESENTS HITTING THE BIG LEAGUE WAY SPONSORED BY JC VIDEO FEATURING Rudy JaramilloMajor League Hitting Coach (Chicago Cubs) Don LongMajor League Hitting Coach (Pittsburg Pirates) Ronnie OrtegonMinor League...
Seminole State College Winter Pitching Boot Camp Dec 21st & 22nd
Seminole State College of Florida Pitching Coach Jon Updike will be hosting a 2 day Pitching Boot Camp December 21st & 22nd at the Sanford, Florida Campus. Camp is for High School Pitchers Ages 14 & UP Visit http://www.ownthebump.com for more info or call 352-999-2241 to register. PITCHERS BOOT CAMP Includes and Covers Pitchers Flexibility Program Throwing Program Bull Pen Program Conditioning Program Strength Program Visualization for Pitchers Pitching Sequences Arm Care and Maintenance ...
Seminole State College of Florida Pitching Boot Camp December 21st & 22nd
Seminole State College of Florida Pitching Coach Jon Updike will be hosting a 2 day Pitching Boot Camp December 21st & 22nd at the Sanford, Florida Campus. Camp is for High School Pitchers Ages 14 & UP Visit http://www.ownthebump.com for more info or call 352-999-2241 to register. PITCHERS BOOT CAMP Includes and Covers Pitchers Flexibility Program Throwing Program Bull Pen Program Conditioning Program Strength Program Visualization for Pitchers Pitching Sequences Arm Care and Maintenance...
Coaches and Players Clinic
Peake Athletic Training will be holding a coaches and players clinic Saturday, January 30th at Spalding High School in Severn,Maryland. The Guest speakers include Tim Kurkjian, ESPN Baseball Analyst, Dana Cavalea, the head strength and condition coach...
Coaches and Players Clinic
Peake Athletic Training will be holding a coaches and players clinic Saturday, January 30th at Spalding High School in Severn,Maryland. The Guest speakers include Tim Kurkjian, ESPN Baseball Analyst, Dana Cavalea, the head strength and condition coach...
Coaches and Players Clinic
Peake Athletic Training will be holding a coaches and players clinic Saturday, January 30th at Spalding High School in Severn,Maryland. The Guest speakers include Tim Kurkjian, ESPN Baseball Analyst, Dana Cavalea, the head strength and condition coach...
Rick Peterson Pitching Clinic
Everyone is talking about a Biomechanical Pitching Analysis to spot velocity flaws.On Saturday, February 6th, a total of 50 area pitchers will be able to learn from Brewers Coach Rick Peterson, former Yankee Al Leiter and former Yankee Strength Coach...
Long Toss alternatives or modifications?
Living in the Pacific Northwest it is sometimes difficult in the winter months getting the throwing time in that I want with my 12 year old. Lets face it, this place is rainy as all get out and the boy (and myself) really don't like going out and...
alternatives to long toss in poor weather.
I posted this in the pre-HS forum and then realized it might be better here. Please note that I am not looking for something to replace long toss all together, just something for poor weather days.Living in the Pacific Northwest it is sometimes...
Wichita Sluggers High School Showcase
8th AnnualHigh School ShowcaseDate: January 16th Time: 12:00pm – 5:00pm Cost: $50.00Aspects Covered Pitching Bullpens, Radar Gun (25-30 pitches) Hitting Live Arm Cages (30 -40 swings) Defense Ground Balls, Double Plays, Arm Strength. (Lots of...
9th-12th Private Baseball School
A new nonprofit Private Christian based school dedicated to baseball will be enrolling students for the 2010-2011 school years. The school will be located in the Dallas-Ft.Worth area. It will be a state of the art facility for both academic learning...
9th-12th Private Christian Baseball School
A new nonprofit Private Christian based school dedicated to baseball will be enrolling students for the 2010-2011 school years. The school will be located in the Dallas-Ft.Worth area. It will be a state of the art facility for both academic learning...
Standing long jump.
Been reading some on the net. This seems to be a good indicator of core strength and ability to get off base quickly(running explosiveness). Coaches measured the standing long jump in the HS workout. Anyone know how a 116 inch standing long jump...
EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY Tim and Jim Brownlee will be taking over ALL responsibilities of Diamond Sports Promotions due to the illness of Mike Vanhorn. PLESE GO TO THE DSP WEBSITE for their contact information... OVER 400 teams are registered for the...
Marland Coaches and Players Clinic
Peake Athletic Training is proud to present a Players and Coaches Clinic January 30, 2010 held at Archbishop Spalding High School. Guest speakers include Tim Kurkjian, ESPN baseball tonight analyst, Dana Cavalea, World Champion New York Yankees...
Coaches and Players clinic featuring Tim Kurkjian, ESPN baseball tonight analyst
Peake Athletic Training is proud to present a Players and Coaches Clinic January 30, 2010 held at Archbishop Spalding High School. Guest speakers include Tim Kurkjian, ESPN baseball tonight analyst, Dana Cavalea, World Champion New York Yankees...
Coaches and Players clinic featuring Tim Kurkjian, ESPN baseball analyst
Peake Athletic Training is proud to present a Players and Coaches Clinic January 30, 2010 held at Archbishop Spalding High School. Guest speakers include Tim Kurkjian, ESPN baseball analyst, Dana Cavalea, World Champion New York Yankees strength and...
"Having a Loose, Quick Arm"
I've seen a lot of scouts talk about this, and I've seen it in videos where top pitching prospects' arms will move so uickly that you can barely see them. I have seen my own mechanics on video and they are similar but I'm nowhere near attaining 90+...
On Roy Halladay
Reading Tom Verducci's article in new SI (annual Baseball Preview) and wanted to share this info on Halladay from the article:- At 23yr-old, Toronto demoted Halladay all the way to class A ball. He was depressed. He and his wife wondered if they'd...
Who is right?
I just finished my summer season with decent results. I am a 2016 RHP who needs to gain velocity. I wanted to take august off from throwing and pitching and use it as a time to build a base in the weight room and regain strength. In September I'll...