Tagged With "Throwing_Workouts.pdf"
Zach Duke
Player of the month and winningest pitcher in the minor leagues!Whooooo Hooooooo!http://www.indyindians.com/pdf/duke_ilpom-may_060805.pdf
New UT Graduation Program
Many of you know my son just completed his first year at the University of Tennessee. He did well, but I had no idea how well until I received this letter from Tennessee Congressman John Duncan.Wes explained it was a new program to get Tennessee...
PGStaff - You have an
email. It was sent through my company's intranet.I wrote it using Microsoft word. Converted it to a PDF file. I then scanned it - and attached it to the email I sent to you.It also needs to be decoded - as I used an old CIA coded language for security...
Technical article on pitching mechanics
For the masochists among you - Pitching kineticsIt is easier to follow if you download the pdf file.
HS Team Project
Well, it looks like that class I took has driven me temporarily insane, or at least more insane than usual. I’m in the process of trying to use several different runs estimators that are currently used in conjunction with ML teams to see how well they work on HS teams. I can already hear the “sample size is too small” guys screaming and hollering, but this time they’re gonna have to take a deep breath. Since 1871, there have been 2,745 team seasons. I.e., a team had a W/L record for a...
New Hitting Book
I put together a collection of my thoughts/ideas on the mechanics of the Elite Swing and published them into a PDF. It is FREE and not for profit use. I just wanted to be able to help out coaches, parents and players. It is not...
Team Rawlings Citius will be holding tryouts for 14U – 18U athletes on Sunday August 17th. See the flyer below for additional details. Please go to www.teamcitiusdfw.net to register. The registration form is on the top menu. If you have additional questions or have any problem registering please contact Coach Smith at darren.smith@bami.com . You may also call or text him at 214-770-5653 or 214-735-1430. Please click on this link to see pdf version of the tryout flyer --> Tryout Flyer .
Is FIP any better than ERA or WHIP?
Not being someone who gives up easily on just about anything, I thought I’d pursue the FIP thing that JH got started in another thread a bit further. In order to do that, I needed to compute a “League ERA” in order to get the constant used to compute FIP. Since HS ball doesn’t have a league in the sense of American or National league the way MLB does, I had to go to the closest thing to it that was available. I chose to use DI schools in our section. Our section has 195 schools, 49 of which...
VA Legion State tourney July 28-Aug 2 @ Fireman's Field Purcellville
Just wanted to share what teams will be competing in the 2014 VA ALB State tourney in Purcellville @ Fireman's field in Loudoun County starting July 28 and running through August 2nd. Fireman's field physical address is the following:...
Offseason Workout
Would this (http://www.huskers.com/pdf8/847246.pdf?DB_OEM_ID=100) two days a week combined with doing legs one or two days a week and running 5-6 days a week be a good program to help you bulk up and take you to the next level?
Steve Springer Mental Side of Hitting at D-BAT Lakeside
Where: D-BAT Lakeside 2502 Lawing Ln. Rowlett, TX 75088 When: December, 20th @ 10:00 AM Cost: $75 in advance / $90 at the door Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/qualityatbats Twitter: @qualityatbats This is a can't miss...
Putty Hill Baseball Showcase
2014 FALL BASEBALL SHOWCASE Sunday October 12th @ Calvert Hall College High School 12 Noon - 7 PM Cost $150.00 FIELD LIMITED TO THE FIRST ...
Yoga for Performance/Injury Prevention (Sept 20 & 21)
Yoga for Performance/Injury Prevention
(Sept 20 & 21)
Thrive is excited to welcome Gwen Lawrence to Dallas to teach two master classes for baseball players on September 20th and 21st. Gwen is coming to Dallas from New York where she is the...
High Academic D3 Player Profiles
I thought the link below might be of interest to some folks here who have potential high academic D3 players living under their roofs. After Soylent Green mentioned in the "nicest college yards" thread that Grinnell College in Iowa had...
6A States
Brackets at http://www.vhsl.org/doc/upload...2014-6A-bracket3.pdf McLean vs. Western Branch Cosby vs. Chantilly For McLean, guessing the ball goes to Joey Sullivan, VT commit. Consistent 90-91, good breaking ball, hits his spots. Fun...
2015 proposed rule changes on the table for ALB
GAME CENTRAL - Okay to Brag: Week 6
Thanks again to everyone for the fun reports in Week 5:http://hsbaseballweb.com/eve/forums/a/tpc/f/6616002781/m/7221055461 If you don't mind, I'll share a few D3 college items. My son's team is playing the 5th ranked D3 in the country today and...
Litigation Game
Litigation Gamehttp://www.bollingerlax.com/BollingerLax/PDF/LitigationGame.pdf
Bill James on Steroids
Really well written article on Steroids and the Hall of Fame by Bill Jameshttp://www.actapublications.co...ndthe%27Roids_F2.pdf
5A Region I bracket predictions?
I know it is a little early, but what are your predictions as to who will be playing who in the 5A Region I brackets?Here is the 5A play-offs brackets:http://www.uil.utexas.edu/athl...l/pdf/5ABaseball.pdfDistricts 1, 2, 3 and 4 are in the top half of...
It's Happened In Florida, Games Reduced, 25 To 20
The FHSAA down here in Florida approved a plan on reducing games from 25 to 20, that's including in-season tournaments. So in some cases, that's just 14 regular season games with 6 tournament games. It will be in place for two seasons then voted on...
DeSales University Prospect Camp
Highly Instructional Baseball ExperienceWhen: August 2nd to 5th 2009Where: DeSales University Center Valley, PAAges: 9th to 12th gradeContact: Tyler Kavanaugh, Assistant Coach- DeSales UniversityFor more information: email tk03@desales.edu ...
Strike percentage on 1-1 pitches
I read the article about Max Scherzer and was intrigued by the “advanced stat” of strike percentage on 1-1 counts they were talking about, so I spent a little time seeing what it would look like for our guys. I threw 1st pitch strikes on the report just to see how that compared with the 1-1 strikes because in essence it’s a 0-0 count. As you can see, I also ran it for our opponents too. I’m not sure yet what I think about it, but as always, to me its interesting.
Premier Pitchers Bootcamp - February 9th
Driveline Premier Pitchers Bootcamps are single-day sessions where pitchers of all ages are taught advanced concepts of throwing and pitching using cutting edge techniques. This bootcamp was designed for the athlete who wants an introduction to elite training and is willing to work hard and think critically about pitching training and mechanics for the rest of their lives. Many of our clients who will be moving on to big-time Division-I schools (Oregon State, New Mexico, Seattle University,...
Tweaking the stats
This is only a sample of what could be done, and not meant to be the only thing done. Been thinking about what was said about “tweaking” the stats in the "Success and Failure" thread to make one player appear to be superior to another, or that allow two people looking at the same numbers to come up with two different interpretations. A simple example of what I often see is in the link. http://www.infosports.com/scor...per/images/rank6.pdf “Run Production” is a stat I’ve long thought was...
Help a guidance counselor-recruiting and advice
I'm in the middle of attempting to create a comprehensive resource/packet/PDF for our school aimed at recruiting and advice for college-bound athletes. I'm including all the major requirements/rules and guidelines/timelines outlined for NCAA...
MS State Drop Down Pitcher Camp
Yes, things have definitely changed since the 70s when you can get great info so quickly on a subject that is not very well known. Ijust got off the phone with MS State re: their Drop Down Camp on 14 Dec . Sounds like well worth...
2013 Maryland College Coaches Camp
2013 Maryland College Coaches Camp being held at The Arena Club in Bel Air, MD. Operated by All-Star Baseball Academy, this camp will have over 12 colleges in attendance. Those schools include Virginia Tech, U of MD, Pitt, Penn State,...
Chaz Lytle High School Intensive Camp
THIS CAMP IS FOR SERIOUSLY DRIVEN HIGH SCHOOL ATHLETES THAT ARE PREPARED TO STANDOUT AT TRYOUTS! Friday, January 3rd – Saturday, January 4th, 2014 9:00 am – 11:00 am Eastmonte Field #1, Altamonte Springs, Florida HIGH SCHOOL AND COLLEGE PLAYERS ONLY Cost: $100 REGISTER BELOW – LIMITED TO 20 * Intensive pre-tryout workout * Mass BP from Lefty and Righty pitcher * Mass ground balls * Get your arm in shape * Acclimate yourself to the cold weather * Learn the “Trade Secrets” for making the team...
Book of interest
I have a friend who has published the following book. It may be of interest to all moms. MnMom was nice enough to give her okay to post it here. If any interest contact me or the author directly. Thank you“Making the decision to have a child-its...
Little League Pitch Count Option
http://www.littleleague.org/media/Pitch_Count_Regulation_06.pdfAt first glance, this looks like a pretty fair option. It would defintiely force the coaches to develop more pitching.
Showcase Stats on More Average HS Players
Here's a PDF spreadsheet with results of two showcases put on last fall by the Missouri HS Baseball Coaches Assn. This is a fine bunch of players. Many will go D-2/D-3/JUCO, but definitely a notch, probably two, below PG kids.Events were held in...
Official Baseball Rules
Here is a link to the Official Rules of Baseball that are posted on MLB.com. They are in PDF format. I believe they have the new rule changes and cleaned up some of the language that created some controvery in the ...
Good for 7 days only
Here is the newest marketing support document for Brussels Kangaroos baseball. This .pdf file(2.4MB) is not super slick, but is generally representative of european scale and scope.Please note: The Flemish (dutch-speaking) Belgian clubs are generally...
Barry Bonds Testimony ( is he for real?)
http://www.thesmokinggun.com/graphics/pdf/022908bondsunseal.pdfI am at page 20 and I have laughed for a while now. It just gets better and better. Bonds
Brewers/EXPOS 18's-16's Perth Results
For the Goodwill Series games EXPOS 18's and 16's results (statistics) from Perth, Australia.The results are in PDF format.If your son is on the Expos 16'sclick below for...
Trombly Baseball 2008 Fall Showcase
-------------------------Trombly Baseball2008 Fall Showcase--------------------------September 27-28, 2008 @ USC2009/2010/2011 GradsPlayers Divided into 3 Teams (Red, White, Blue)Aluminum Bat$250 per playerEach Player will:Receive a Jersey/HatPlay in...
College Showcase/Tryout - November 6th
On Sunday, November 6th, coaches from North Texas area colleges will be conducting a showcase/tryout camp with evaluations. The event will be held from 9AM-4PM at Brookhaven College and evaluations by the college coaches are included for all players....
College Showcase/Tryout - November 6th
On Sunday, November 6th, coaches from North Texas area colleges will be conducting a showcase/tryout camp with evaluations. The event will be held from 9AM-4PM at Brookhaven College in Farmers Branch, TX and evaluations by the college coaches are...
Location Change - College Showcase/Tryout - November 6th
Important Notice: Due to on campus construction at Brookhaven College, The College Showcase/Tryout has been moved to Greenhill School located at 4141 Spring Valley Road Addison, TX 75001. The baseball field is located northwest of the school, please...
Tulane re-opening story
Good News!!From the Times-Picayune Thur., 9/29http://www.nola.com/hurricane/katrina/pdf/092905/0929PAGEA01.pdfhttp://www.nola.com/hurricane/katrina/pdf/092905/0929PAGEA16.pdf
Moving runners
I’ve done some more tinkering with the runners on base thing and added what the batters did, other than routine outs. http://www.infosports.com/scor...ges/pbi4spring12.pdfAs I was looking through the different players, a couple things jumped out...
Preliminary review of 3P Sports (rather lengthy)
I went ahead and signed up for the 3 month program and sent in some video of CASon that I had taken so I thought I’d post a review of what we’ve gotten out of it so far. So far I’m reasonably happy with the product but I think our...
JMU's new state of the art complex!
I got $9.7million from JMU's "The Breeze" newspaper ... but this pdf file is stating $8.6million http://www.nielsen-inc.com/ima...Softball_Complex.pdf Slideshow of JMU's new complex:http://s969.photobucket.com/al...?albumview=slideshow
Texas Trouble 18U Showcase Team - Tryouts
2013 Baseball Tryouts TEXAS TROUBLE BASEBALL is holding individual tryouts to complete an 18U Showcase Baseball Team. We are looking for skilled players between the ages of 16 and 18 who are dedicated to playing baseball at the highest...
Northwest Florida State College Showcase
Northwest Florida State College is a Junior College located in Niceville, Florida. We will be hosting a Showcase on May 11th for any rising and graduating Seniors. This is a great opportunity for a player to workout in front of our coaching staff as...
Best website to sell a pitching machine?
It's been a looong time since I posted here since my son graduated in 2008. Hopefully you guys can help me out. I am looking to sell our Atec Rookie pitching machine with 42 yellow dimpled practice balls. My youngest decided soccer...
Texas Trouble 18U Showcase Team Looking for Players
2013 Baseball Tryouts TEXAS TROUBLE BASEBALL is holding individual tryouts to complete an 18U Showcase Baseball Team. We are looking for skilled players between the ages of 16 and 18 who are dedicated to playing baseball at the highest...
VHSL Conference Alignment Plan 2013 - 2015
http://www.vhsl.org/doc/upload/Item%2033-final-adopted-conference-alignment-plan-for-2013-14-and-2014-15.pdf How does this new allignment affect the baseball playoffs/tournament? Is it still a District/Region/State (I think that is how it...