Tagged With "College Pitching"
Ryan Patrick Tatusko
pitch and catch
Pitching Speeds
How are pitching speeds determined? Is it the speed of the ball when it crosses the plate? Is it the speed of the ball at some interim location between the mound and the plate? Is it the maximum speed the pitch reaches? Not that it really matters, I'm...
Does the draft really get the best players?
No doubt the players selected in the first ten rounds are the best players available with few exceptions. However, at some point later in the draft one has to wonder if the players most likely to succeed are being selected or just the players most...
Just Curious: Pitch combination
I want to know what your thoughts are on what you feel a deadly pitch combination is. I know that if you have three different "great" pitches that is a good combo because your varying speed and location keeping the hitter off balance. I like the...
Be Physically Ready for Showcases/Camps
We had the misfortune of having my son royally sprain an ankle in a tournament on the eve of a camp at a school he was very interested in; he checked in and went straight to the trainer for more ice. Not good. The school was wonderful about it but his...
Is this Ump wrong?
So my team and I are playing a summer ball game, and I'm batting second... so as our leadoff batter strikes out on what he said were terrible calls I go up to bat, doing what I normally do as I stand in the box, tap each side of homeplate (which is...
Earned Run or Unearned Run?
I have a question regarding the scoring of an earned run. The following are actual events that took place in a HS game.The first batter of the inning is walked (BB). The first batter advances to second as the result a throwing error by the catcher on...
Error's on Pitchers ?
Ok I have read the rules pertaining to errors on pitchers and catchers and have a couple of questions. Pitcher delivers a pitch and ball is bunted back to him on the ground, the pitcher then makes a wild throw to first and runner advances to 2nd. Ok...
Which Akadema Glove?
Which would you recommend for a third baseman and pitcher? ABF-4 modified Fly-trap web 11.75" patternADL-18 two-tone, modified Fly-trap web 11.5" AXX-5 Double X-web 11.5" reptilian patternAXX-19 Two-tone, double I web 11.5" reptilian pattern I...
Which Akadema Glove
Which would you recommend for a third baseman and pitcher?ABF-4 modified Fly-trap web 11.75" patternADL-18 two-tone, modified Fly-trap web 11.5"AXX-5 Double X-web 11.5" reptilian patternAXX-19 Two-tone, double I web 11.5" reptilian patternI currently...
I know that we have had several discussions regarding this but.....In calculating my son's innings pitched today for the past few months and coming up with a pitch count (not including bull pens, practice, warm ups, etc), I got to thinking about all...
Sad...I lost my fastball
i'm 16 and i lost my hard fastball i USE to throw hard but i don't anymore.i just feel wierd when i pitch. Not my arm but my body
Should we monitor catcher workloads, pitch counts, too?
Does any baseball authority, league recommend monitoring catcher's workload and pitch count? I DO NOW. My son pitches and catches, and even with careful monitoring, he sometimes has a sore arm after catching vs. pitching. I try to maintain a policy of...
crack me up
Last night and several games this summer I have sat and listened to parents of pitchers moan and groan that they feel their pitcher sons could and should be playing a position and / or batting when not pitching...mind you this is a college team...
Batter Interference
Last night, my batter was called out by the plate umpire after he swung at a 2-1 pitch and his follow-thru came into contact with the catcher's mitt and knocked the ball out of his glove.As a former catcher, I remember getting clocked more than once...
Top Illinois Seniors at Kaiser Memorial Game
Another quality event kicks off tomorrow the annual Jack Kaiser Memorial Game which is run by the Illinois High School Baseball Coaches Association. The Kaiser Game is named after legendary Oak Park coach Jack Kasier. Their goal is to attract some of...
what to do about pitch counts for players who pitch and catch? Caution
Does any baseball authority, league recommend monitoring catcher's workload and pitch count? I DO NOW. My son pitches and catches, and even with careful monitoring, he sometimes has a sore arm after catching vs. pitching. I try to maintain a policy of...
Pitching Sequence
Hello,I am new to the board. It seems to have a lot of good advice. Maybe someone can shed some light on this for me. My son is 15 yrs old and pitches for our local Jr. American Legion team. He has a decent fastball which only a few hitters can catch...
Would this be considered a balk
If pitcher takes the sign while on the rubber with the ball in his glove and not his throwing hand with runners on base then comes to the set position before delivering the pitch. Would it be considered a balk.
Is it a strike?
Hi,Recently in a game, the opposing team's batter attempted to hold back on an outside pitch. In doing so, the force of the swing caused him to loose his grip on the bat and it end up being tossed approx 6' toward the pitcher in fair territory. The...
Is this a balk?
If pitcher takes the sign while on the rubber with the ball in his glove and not his throwing hand with runners on base then comes to the set position before delivering the pitch. Would it be considered a balk.
Pitch Sequence - What not to do!
This is in response to the pitch sequence thread in the general forum but since I'm using a Pony 13 all-star team as an example I posted it in here.My starter last night essentially threw the ball by the first three hitters. We went up 6-0 in the...
Throwing Clip of Pitch Wide to Glove Side
I have been often asked about what mechanics I teach for the handling of pitches that are well to the glove side. The technique I teach does not include a jab step to the direction of the ball. I teach that no matter where the pitch is the footwork...
Commodores a good fit for Webb's Wormsley
Congrats to Clark on his son's commintment to Vandy.Sentinel article:By DREW EDWARDS, edwardsd@knews.com June 21, 2005 After helping Webb School to its second Division II state championship game in the last three years, Jordan Wormsley had one more...
What's the call
Runner on first and two out. 0-2 on the batter. On the next picth the runner takes off for second, the batter swings and misses the pitch, the catcher also misses the ball and it rolls to the backstop. The batter breaks for first and the ump calls...
Youth Pitching Age
What is the best age to start developing a pitcher?I'm trying to seek a little wisdom from those out there that have "been there done that" with their kids throughout their baseball careers. Just wondering what coaches and pitchers parents that have...
stealing home on strike 3 of last out of game!
This actually happened in an American Legion game last night - 2 outs, bottom of the last inning, 2 strikes on batter. Runner on 3rd got green light, and got such a huge jump that he touched the plate before the pitch crossed it! Batter was out on...
Korea bans baseball cabbage pitch
Korea bans baseball cabbage pitchKorea bans baseball cabbage pitch A baseball pitcher's best friend? South Korea's baseball authorities have banned a star pitcher from wearing frozen cabbage leaves in his cap to keep cool during games. The Korean...
balk w/unoccupied bases
what is the ruling for a situation where bases are unoccupied and the umpire calls a balk because the pitcher's foot gets stuck on the mound and does not deliver the pitch? shouldn't it just be called "ball?"
JUCO Rules
2013 RHP Son battled a nagging shoulder injury all summer and velocity and performance suffered. With Dr's approval he tried to pitch through it as it was more of nagging pain/arm slot issue than a pull, tear or serious injury. Schools that were...
Innings per week
How many innings per week can a high school pitcher pitch? Is it 16 or 17? I cannot remember.
Sore arm
My son is in 8u. We just started practice about 3 weeks ago for LL - machine pitch. Last week he started complaining about a soreness in his throwing arm.I've kept things light, mainly working on confidence catching the ball. Today, I was trying to...
I am 6'2", 170lbs, 16 years old and a rising senior. Was all region last year and all region and all state this year. i throw 87-89 MPH, bat left handed and pretty fast. I play short primarily and then pitch. I really want to go to South Carolina...
So where exactly was ESPN?
Many of you I'm sure have awaited the results of my old timers game performance (I prefer "classic", thank you very much), so here you go: Pre-game: big breakfast and nothing to eat within 5 hours of game time, except advil and water. If it ain't in...
Recovery after Pitching?
What are some of the things i can do right after i pitch or the Next day to quicken my recovery time and make myself feel better. I Know running rigth after will help but what are some things i could do the next day?Thanks alotplp556
Off speed pitches?
I am a 14 year old and i am about to be going into high school as a freshman. My fastball clocks out at about 78 and i was wondering if anyone has any suggestions for an off-speed pitch or 2 that i can use without hurting my arm?
Travel Ball nightmare
We have 4 games left in the most expensive lesson I have ever learned.We paid $1500 plus uniform. Which was $235.That gave us 9 tournaments plus a nationals.It was supposed to include two paid coaches, practice field rental, indoor rental, and game...
ACC tournament, a parent's perspective
Just getting back from our first ACC tourney, just a few things I picked up that I would like to share.The tournament is too long and I am glad to hear that next year they will change the format. With so many teams hoping to make the regionals, I...
WOW! What an experience being here in Alabama!According to the press and local papers Southern Conn. is the Rodney Dangerfield of the tournament.(NO RESPECT!) I have to admit though SCSU is going to have a rough time of it down here. I saw 2 games...
Woods Fine signs on the dotted line!
Woods Fine, '04 grad from Northwood High School and 14th round pick of Tampa Bay, has signed with the D-Rays as a draft and follow, after a season at Louisburg J.C.. He threw out the "first pitch" at the Durham Bulls game this past friday and is to...
do curveballs hurt your arm
I am a freshman and pitch for varsity. I know from experience a breaking pitch of some kind is essential on the high school level. So far my curve ball hasn't given me any arm trouble. I was just wandering When properly thrown does it hurt you over...
FutureBackMom's Son Pitched Today
FutureBackMom,I watched your son pitch today. He looked very good, winning his 8th game. He can really pitch. He gets ahead of hitters.I don’t think he’s long for this league. My guess is he will be moving up soon.Anyway, it was fun to...
Pitching Demensions
What are the pitching dimensions for each age group. Obviously I know that 60 feet 6 inches is for about age 15 and up. What are the others? I am looking for wherehouse space for an indoor facility and want to have a mound that will allow for all ages...