Tagged With "what is a balk"
Is it considered a balk when --- 3rd base is occupied by a runner and the pitcher makes a move and throws to 3rd if the 3rd baseman is not holding the runner on?
Balk or Ball?
Fed Rules, 11-12 year old league. Competitive baseball. Pitcher rubs chin (okay, above the chin, but below the mouth), while on the rubber, before getting his sign. Ump calls balk for going to his mouth, runners advance.What's the penalty here - I...
fake to first
In high school,with a runner on 1st and from the set position, can a pitcher do a jump turn and then fake to first?If so, under what condition is a fake to 1st a balk?
proper mechanic for U2
Obr:R1 on first, just as pitcher releases pitch, U2 sees a balk. Since the pitch is still live, what is the proper mechanic for U2 to use?
balk revisited
Last night at my son's game, the ump said because batter wasn't in box there was no balk. I know we've discussed this b-4, but now I am confused. Can pitcher balk if batter isn't in the batters box?
Do over???
Here is the situation:Runners on second and third with two outs. Defense decides to intentionally walk the batter to load the bases. As the pitcher was preparing to the deliver a pitch, runner on third steals home. Pitcher gets rattled during the...
Balk Question
After a very funny looking pickoff attempt at first, after which R1 ended up at third, offensive coach calls time and wants to talk about the pickoff attempt.The right-handed F1, fully engaged with the rubber, lifted leg and stepped towards first and...
1st and 3rd
Under HS rules (with runners on 1st and 3rd) does a RH pitcher have to break his hands when stepping to third and then to first? My understanding is that this is a balk because the runner at first is being deceived but not seeing the motion of the...
Judgement call?
The infield is playing in with the bases loaded when the pitcher attempts to pick off the runner at 1st base. The 1B is on the grass aprox 6 feet from the bag when receiving the throw. Is this a balk? the umpire claimed that it was a judgement call.
1st and 3rd fake - balk?
This situation happened to my 14U team playing under Pony / MLB rules.1st and 3rd situation. Pitcher steps toward and fakes throw to 3rd, then jump pivots to look at 1B and finds the runner going to 2B. He waits, then throws when the runner was about...
Balk call
So this past summer I was at a game and the coach kept trying to argue a balk call. Here is the situation.The pitcher was a right handed. While walking out and around the rubber he put the ball in his glove. He then would come up to the rubber and put...
Balk Video
Here is a link to a youtube video of my son's game the other day. A balk was called, but I have no idea why. The umpire offered no explanation, and the coaches did not question the call at all. He wasn't even in the 'set' position when it was called....
Offensive Coach Yells "Balk!" from duggout then umpire calls it
We are the visiting team. High School. Home team is at bat in the bottom of extra inning in a tied game. There are 2 outs. Count is two strikes with go ahead runner on 3d. Offensive coach screams "Balk!" from the dugout. Umpire hesitates and then...
Another balk video
Greetings oh men in blue! Here’s another balk video. My son, a HS senior, was called for a balk a few nights ago that I still don’t understand. First time he’s ever been called for a balk when he delivered home. Any...
New Balk Call
I have never heard of this rule ever before until today. It cost Libertyville a run late and is a stupid rule. I guess the pitcher can not dangle his arm anymore in the stetch when taking the signs. This wouldn't really bother me except the rule was...
Balk or not to Balk - that is the ?
I have searched a few rule books and I connot find where a pitcher getting the signal from the catcher while not footing the rubber is a balk. I have asked & asked and I get a different anwser everytime. 1. It's a catchers balk 2. It's a balk 3. It's a warning the first time, then if it occurs again the pitcher can be removed. 4. Give a warning, if it happends again the Head Coach & Catcher is ejected. What gives & can anyone give me the rule #. Thanks.
Is this a dead ball?
Runners on first and second, pitcher had not yet toed the rubber, and base ump throws up hands and yells: "that's a ball!"Everyone thinks he said "That's a balk!" Runner on second jogs to third, pitcher looks at ump for an explanation. Umpire says "He...
Balk Question
Help me understand the meaning of Dana DeMuth's explanation of Mike Pelfry's "balks".Crew chief Dana DeMuth explained that it was a "start-and-stop" issue. As long as Pelfrey kept moving, he could step off the rubber without a problem. But he was...
Endless Balk Questions
Our pitchers got called for 4 balks tonight. Youth (5th, 6th graders), FED Rules: 1. The ump called a balk with no runners on and the pitcher, throwing from the stretch, gets his sign from the catcher, starts to put his hands together, but stops...
Balk or not?
Official baseball rules in play: Runner on first. Right-handed pitcher in set position. Pitcher lifts front leg and does spin pick off move to second base. R1 breaks to steal second on pitcher's move and is tagged out at second. seems legal to me...
8.05 comment (b)
Rule 8.05 Comment: Umpires should bear in mind that the purpose of the balk rule is to prevent the pitcher from deliberately deceiving the base runner. If there is doubt in the umpire’s mind, the "intent" of the pitcher should govern. However,...
Can a pitcher balk, if the the batter is looking down 3rd base line(one foot in and one out) to get sign from coach and isn't in the batters box? We had that called against us by the feild ump while the home plate ump was waiting for the batter to get...
Dan Duquette Sports Academy Tournament
I just returned from the Dan Duquette Memorial Day Tournament out in Hinsdale, MA. http://www.duquettesports.comI have to say it was a very positive experience. This weekend there was both a 12U and a 14U tournament being hosted at the complex. The...
Another Balk Question
Got into this discussion with a HS coach this weekend at a tournament. We had VERY Inexperienced umps at a youth (11-12 ) tournament (FED Rules) and the other coach wanted a balk called on our pitcher for throwing to third if his free foot crossed...
Balk/illegal pitch?
Situation: No runners on. Pitcher working from the wind, delivers a pitch and before receiving the ball back from the catcher, re-established contact with the pitching plate with this pivot foot. Catcher the. Throws the ball back to the pitcher and...
Balk or No Balk ?
An umpire friend asked this question; With a runner on first, the pitcher comes set and the runner fake breaks for second. The first and second baseman call out "he's going", the pitcher spins and throws to second base with the SS...
Balk call on hidden ball
Batter runner reaches first on a throw that pull the first baseman off the bag. The pitcher is on the mound, standing on the rubber but not engaged, and the first baseman fakes a throw to the pitcher and holds the ball. is this a...
Pick off - runner at first only
With the runner going, can the pitcher do a spaghetti move to 2nd to make a play on the runner attempting to steal? If I'm correct, I know it's a pick to an unoccupied base but there is a play being made on an advancing runner. And if I'm right, how...
Balk question
I have been told it is a balk in Federation rules for a pitcher, with runners on base, to throw to a fielder who isn't at a base if he isn't making a play on a runner. Can't find it in the rules. Situation under discussion is a...
Balk Question
Was working a high school JV game last week. Left handed pitcher with runners on base, obviously uncertain about how to deliver the ball legally. Pitcher would hold the ball in his glove while stepping onto the rubber, then bring...
How would you score this?
Got another weird one here. Situation: bottom 7 th , 1 out, 1-2 count. Pitch is delivered in dirt and goes to the backstop, but rebounds. Catcher picks up the ball and throws over F3’s head, runner safe at 1 st but doesn’t advance to 2 nd . Here’s the dilemma. Had the batter reached 1 st with no throw or the throw too late, it would be scored a K with a WP. But once the catcher made the bad throw, it started all kinds of discussions in the stands. I thought and still do that a WP has to be...
Balk, ball, or nothing?
Runner on base. Pitcher starts delivery. Batter takes one step out of box, holds hand up and says time very loudly. Pitcher stops delivery short, slows down arm, and sort of lets the ball drop out of his hand in front of his body. ...
Balk Rule
Just want clarification on a potential balk. With a runner on 3rd base, does the 3rd baseman have to hold him on in order for the pitcher to throw over. If the pitcher throws over and the 3rd baseman isn't covering, could that be a balk?
Balk Call
I saw a game last night in which we saw a balk called. The umpire said the pitcher did not hide the ball behind his leg as he looked in for the sign.Umpire said it was a "point of emphasis" this year.The pitcher was not trying to deceive the runner....
Balk question
The pitcher forgets he has a baserunner and goes into a wind-up. Once he starts the wind-up, the runner takes off for the next base. Does the pitcher have to go to the plate to avoid comitting a balk? (i.e. Is there any tricky move he can make to try...
Balk Called Throwing to Third
I inquired about this many months ago and never got a clear answer because I don't think I was clear in describing the situation. Let me try again. This occurence has been bugging me ever since, and I just can't figure out what happened. Umpires,...
Question for piaa_ump
Hi piaa,In another discussion (about noise and bench 'chatter') you quoted the following rule:NFHS rule 3-3-1 O No person connected with a team shall commit any act or make any remark designed to entice the pitcher to balk. Penalty-ejection.This isn't...
Generally, shouldn't it not be considered a balk when not making any large movements?
When a pitcher comes to a discernable stop, in the set position, and is not herky jerky, or is not taking the ball out of the glove or not double setting, and stays in a normal routine, what movement and how much movement can a pitcher get away with?...
My son is currently rehabing from Tommy John surgery. He will start his throwing program on January 2 if all goes well. We were talking about his mechanics today and thought we would post this question to the baseball web. The reason for this post is...
Balk - Left handed Pitcher
What is the rule for a Balk regarding leg going past rubber? Is it the leg or foot?I always thought it was the foot and it was ok if you knee went past but new coach didn't think so.
Balk Question
This weekend at an 12:U tourney with a runner on first and a left handed pitcher on the mound. The pitcher gets the sign from the catcher and starts his motion. Before he comes set (in mid motion) he throws over to first (without stepping off the...
Wind Up balk?
Witnessed a player with both feeet on mound facing home, go into his wind up. When this occurs runner on first takes off stealing. Pitcer at the top off his wind up steps back off of rubber and throws to first catching runner off base and first base...
Pasco County Pre- Baseball Report
PASCO COUNTY PREP BASEBALL TEAM CAPSULESThe Tampa TribunePublished: February 15, 2008Bishop McLaughlinCOACH: Nick Rodriguez (Third season) DISTRICT: 2A-9 KEY LOSSES: None PLAYERS TO WATCH: Marcel Duarte CF, Sr.; Chris Overbeck P, Sr.; Mike Gonzalez...
Good laugh
The plate umpire at my 13 yr olds select league game at BBUSA in Houston called a balk with nobody on base and gave the batter first base!He told our coach to go read his rule book when he tried to explain what a balk means.Thats quality umping!
Pitcher receiving signals
Asking for a little clarity on this.Can the pitcher, not on the rubber, receive signals directly from a coach, as opposed to getting them from the catcher, BEFORE they toe the rubber?We, the coaches, will send signals to the pitcher/infielders before...
Two questions
1. Teaching rundowns the other day I told my guys that after making the feed / throw to their teammate to peel off out of the way instead of continuing on in case the runner turns around and we have an interference call. One of the guys asked me what...
Head Coach Doesnt Know Anything
Has anyone ever been in a situation where they know more than the head coach. I was talking to the guy they hired here it our school and he had never heard of a balk or a pick-off move....and hes been coaching for five years.
Summer Team Forming--Help Wanted
New High School Summer Team has following positions available:Parent Wrangler: in charge of taming, hog-tying, dragging back to their cages and otherwise dealing with parents irate because their kid wasn't chosen/isn't playing/is better than that...